Wednesday, January 26, 2011

happy birthday to me!

Yesterday I turned 23!  I know, I'm getting SO old haha :)  This birthday was really low key but that's just ok!  Last year we had a birthday party and there were like 22 of us crammed in our apartment and we didn't take ONE picture...ah!  I was horrible with pictures this time too... That needs to be another goal of mine this pull my camera out all the time!  Anyway!  Jaicee (love her!) took me out to lunch and we went shopping then watched the Bachelor!  (I know... I get sucked in every season!)  Perfect way to spend the day haha!  Then Eric took me out to dinner, I opened gifts, then Jaic&Mark and Carly&Jarod were over for cake and ice cream.  Like I said, low key but just perfect!  I did go to Vegas over the weekend (perfect timing!) with the salon girls but that will be it's own post ;)  Here are the couple pictures we did take haha!
Yes I said I turned 23, we're using same candles from last year haha!
This is the first cake Eric has ever made me!  And he's been celebrating birthdays with me for 4 years now!  It was super yummy...thanks babe!
my hairy, cave-man husband... I wanted him to shave for my bday present but he said he likes to piss me off so he'll keep growing it.  Marriage... *sigh* hahaha
Jarod, Sawyer, Carly, me and Eric!  (yes we are all cheesers!)
Jaicee and me

all my goods (plus more not pictured).. I was so spoiled!  Do you all see Mexican Train?!  Yay I freaking love that game!  I shamelessly beg anyone who has it to play (just ask Alycia haha)
Yes that's a brush you see... I'm a hairstylist but the hubbs still has to get me a brush for my bday ha!
Thank you mom and dad C. mom and dad B. Jaicee and everyone else for awesome gifts!
And most of all thank you babe for spoiling me on my day! 
Eric kept my gifts pretty centered around spin and I'm so excited!  He's totally helping me reach my goal of becoming spin instructor!  Yay!  Thanks again babe!
haha cute little gift certificate huh?  This is what happens when I'm out of town for the weekend (Thank you Vegas!) I'm thinking I'll be leaving town more often to see if I can get more cute drawings out of him :)

p.s.  I didn't get that pink spin bike for my birthday, but that's OK! :)
p.p.s.  It snowed on my birthday.  Mother Nature definitely did NOT get the memo.. it was my birthday.  I wanted sunshine.  Not my 22nd, not my 24th, my 23th, and it snowed.  hahaha!  Who watches the Bachelor!? I'm really not a brat :)


Lauren said...

Happy 23rd birthday!!Glad you had an awesome day! :-)

Rissy said...

why is it that 23 seems so much older than 22?? I'm 23 also!

He baked for you?? That is so stinkin' sweet!

now following!

Anonymous said...

You seriously have a keeper! A man that will bake a cake, Whoot Whoot!! Happy Late Birthday! And you and your Hubby are adorable!

Im excited to tag along! :)

The Terry's said...

happy birthday girl! sounds like you had a blast! love the drawing from the hubs, cracked me up. im still figuring out what to get my hubby. men are hard to look for.

monster cakes said...

You and your hubby are too cute. And happy late b-day! Thanks for visiting my blog. I can't wait to read more here.

Esra said...

Happy Birthday! So sweet that your husband baked you a cake:)

Unknown said...

I LOVE reading your posts! Glad you had a good birthday. That little homemade gift certificate is so stinkin cute. And PS I love the Bachelor too! I just can't help myself. :)

Danielle said...

I love Mexican train! I also watch bachelor, completely shamelessly!

aftonbrooke said...

I watch the Bachelor . Shamelessly. And i'm VERY mad that Michelle is still on. I love your presents though!!

Jillian said...

Hey there Courtney Happy belated birthday!!!

What a sweet family you have!

Thank you for your lovely comment!

Have a great day! Stay warm.


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Happy to hear you had such a great birthday :)
&I totally am watching the Bachelor right now and loved that you put that at the end of this post. Michelle creeps me out and she is from Utah, ugh. She is even starring in an LDS film, remind me to show you sometime!

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick said...

Ok what is the Mexican Train? We love games and I have never heard of that. Also my husband loves to grow out a stach just to gross me out. I feel your pain.

Well happy belated birthday

Unknown said...

thank you for the sweet compliment :) you are your man are so cute!!

I totally love spinning, happy birthday!!!


Alexa Mae said...

Happy Birthday pretty girl!!
Looks like you got spoiled--which is only right!
I LOVE Just Dance! It's my fave.

Thank you for your sweet sweet comment! xoxo

Meri said...

Happy Birthday! I love a good birthday, cake parties and presents, what more could you want?

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