Gosh, I keep dragging this out, don't I? I'm sorry to leave you guys hangin' as I slowly share the details about baby #2... but between life being crazy busy right now (plus a trip to Utah last week) and no bump (it's
all bloating!) I keep dragging the details out as long as possible :) I will probably start my weekly bump posts next week even though it feels like I'll never have a bump (and when I do have a bump, it will feel like I'll never be rid of it, HA!), just to document everything from here on out!
My two sickies... oh how I wish I could have a redo with this announcement and wait until they were feeling better, ha ha!
So, as I mentioned before, I found out I was pregnant just days after moving to Arizona. I wanted to share the news in a special way with Eric, the way I did
with Mia's pregnancy, but he was working SO much so I knew I would have to wait! I decided Valentine's would be the perfect day to do it! I searched online to find the perfect "big sister" shirt but actually had the hardest time finding one. The few that I did find just weren't that cute... so I went with a darling "best sis ever" shirt that I knew I'd have Mia wear over and over again! It was set to arrive the week of Valentine's Day which made the waiting to tell Eric a little easier... because I couldn't share the news without Mia taking part in it after all ;)
The Sunday before Valentine's Day was spent at the urgent care with a very sick Eric and Mia. They both got meds for their sore throats and other symptoms. Eric isn't one to milk it when he's sick, so I know it's really bad when he's pretty much useless and sleeps the whole time. But of course the neighbors showed up that evening with a package that had been mistakenly placed in their mail box... and it was Mia's sister shirt! Since I had it in my hands and Eric was home I decided I just couldn't wait until the next weekend to share the news! While Eric was dishing some ice cream (he was positive that would help his throat, and Mia's, feel better... HA!) I quickly changed Mia's shirt. Of course Eric didn't notice the shirt because he was so out of it, and Mia was way too into her ice cream to listen to me when asking her to "show daddy your shirt!" I finally told Eric to read her shirt and he just stared at it.... that was it! NO reaction! Yeah, totally anti climatic.
Thanks for that, babe. Just kidding, I should have known better than to spring the news on him when he was sicker than sick, ha ha! Later that night, and each day after, Eric showed more and more excitement about the news! I blame his no good, very bad (or just plain NO) initial reaction on being super sick... and I suppose I jumped the gun and should have just stuck to my fun Valentine announcement plan, ha ha!
Mia basically told our families all on her own... who knew that my little two year old couldn't keep a secret?! I certainly didn't realize I had to worry about that :) Here are the short stories:
Eric and I decided that the best time to tell our families about baby #2 was when Mia and I went back to Utah the end of February. We were super bummed we couldn't share the news together, but at least Mia and I could do it in person. While at
the cabin with my family, I changed Mia into her "best sis ever" shirt and waited to see which of my family members would notice it first. No one noticed,
of course ;) But during dinner Mia suddenly started lifting up her shirt, patting her belly and kept saying, "baby!" I remember hearing my sister in law, Alycia, saying, "what the heck?!" before I prompted Mia to show them where mommy's baby is! She just kept patting her belly and saying, "baby" before I pulled her shirt down so that my family could read what it said, ha ha. They were pretty shocked as we had already spent a couple days together and I never said anything before, plus my mom really couldn't believe I was telling them without Eric there... one sad part about living all the way in Arizona!
A couple days later Mia and I traveled to my in laws to spend a couple days with them. That night we face-timed with Eric and the whole family. I had Mia come out in her "best sis ever" shirt and my mother in law immediately noticed the shirt. Much to my surprise she said, "I knew it! Mia already told me!" Umm,
WHAT?! Earlier that day during lunch, she was holding Mia while I was dishing food on our plates. Mia kept saying, "mommy, baby! mommy, baby!" LaNita asked her, "are you mommy's baby?" Our little loud mouth said, "no! Mommy, baby!" and that's when my intuitive mother in law made the connection... but it's only fitting that Mia spilled the beans to everyone because of how in tune she has been with this pregnancy since I first learned about it!
I just need to remember to watch what I say around Mia from now on ;) Especially if it's meant to be kept a secret, ha ha!