Sunday, February 26, 2012

weekend review: Brian Head Resort

My parents got a cabin at a ski resort over the weekend for our family. I'd been looking forward to this trip ever since my parents told us about it! It was sooo nice to get away from the world for a weekend, snowboard, and enjoy family time! I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family!

view from the slopes
10 points for whoever guesses who's in the picture with me :)
my mom almost broke her back taking this picture.. it HAD to be posted :)
I LOVE monopoly. But no one will ever play because it turns into such a long game :(  recipe for cheese ball (or log) here
view from the slopes
my snow angel, haha ;)

Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful weekend!


Julie said...

What a fun weekend!! I would LOVE to go to the slopes I've never been! You and your hubby always look so happy : ) Glad you had a great weekend!

Alexis Kaye said...

you so deserve an awesome weekend away! glad you enjoyed it! :)

Anonymous said...

Too fun! Glad y'all had a great weekend!

Brittany said...

What gorgeous pictures! Y'all are so cute!

Megan said...

Looks like so much fun! I haven't been skiing in so long. I'm jealous because it was definitely 70 degrees here today!

Leah said...

Your pictures are amazing! That is so great you got to take a weekend to relax and snowboard with the family! You look like you had so much fun! I have a snow angel picture from when I went to Tahoe. I always have to make one :)

Courtney said...

That looks like an awesome getaway! I would love to go to the slopes but it is quite a long trip from Dallas!

lori said...

gorgeous pictures! looks like you had a great weekend!

Jessica M. said...

Love your pictures! I'm kind of jealous you have snow near you, we haven't seen snow yet this year besides a couple of light dustings. But it looks like you had a great weekend! :)

Christie Moss and Brenden said...

Looks like fun. You should get monopoly deal. It's really fun but not near as long so people will want to play. It is my favorite game right now:)

courtney said...

what a fun weekend!! i also love the new look of your cute!! :)

Carlie said...

That looks like a great trip!!

That Girl said...

I missed skiing last year because I was pregnant, and this year because of the little one. I miss those views and the snow!

jes @ twosmuppies said...

GREAT pictures! glad the two of you had a nice time!

:: ashley :: said...

how cute are you two! I am so glad you found my blog, I just added you to my reader- cant wait to read more! :)

tinajo said...

Looks like a fab time! :-)

Holly said...

Wow, even this cold/winter hating girl thinks your weekend looks fun!

I have not one clue who is in the photo with you, but I like their ski glasses/mask!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I could be playing in the snow!! Looks awesome :) Great pics!

Jessica said...

Looks like you had a great getaway! I've never been snowboarding or skiing, but it looks like fun! Plus I LOVE the mountains + snow!

Michelle said...

That looks like SUCH an awesome weekend! I haven't been snowboarding/skiing in 10 years! I miss it so much. So glad you had a fun little getaway :)

Have an awesome Monday :)

Cami said...

Wow, Courtney!! Looks like a super fun (and beautiful!!) weekend. THat snow is SO GORGEOUS. I want to visit some snow :)

Glad you had an amazing weekend - you deserve it <3

Kara Renee said...

Looks like such a fun weekend, but how in the world are you wearing short sleeves in the snow?!

Erin said...

Sooo fun! :) I Love the orange tee you rocked in the snow ;)

Monopoly is THE best game ever- we reguarly play it at our house!!

Mary said...

I'm hopefully going skiing this weekend!!! I can't wait!
I think the person in the picture with you is Alycia from Crowley I right?
Love the photos!!

Evelien said...

Look at all that snooooow!!! Looks amazing :)

Molly said...

It looks like yall had a blast! I am hoping to learn to ski. I am glad you had such a good weekend.

Suget said...

woooooooow sounds like a lovely weekend.... haha the snow angel... ummmm is that... Alycia? haha
Awesome photos!!

Pamela said...

Love the gorgeous pictures!! Beautiful! Is that your SIL, Alycia? Glad you had fun!!

Ashley said...

Looks like a great time! I was going to guess Alycia too, but it looks like a few people already beat me to it. (: I soooo miss the snow, but the beaches have been sunny this week so I can't complain. ;)

Happy Monday!

Alyx said...

Definitely gonna have to make that cheese log! I meant to get bacon this weekend for that one recipe, but I forgot!
Glad you had a good weekend!

eas said...

Aren't ski weekends the best? I love the first pic of you two and the snow angel!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Looks like a blast! I haven't been skiing in years. I want to go so bad. There is a ski "hill" across the river in Iowa, but that is NOT worth anyone's time.

Holly said...

Such an awesome weekend, for sure!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

Never ever will I play Monopoly. I've played it ONCE..and never again! :)

Looks like such a fun-filled weekend! Do you ski or snowboard by the way?


Shelley said...

I haven't been to the snow for like 4 years, lol. I love to ski though!

Liesl said...

This looks like too much for words!!! I just LOVE weekends away skiing, or snowboarding in your case, and getting to be at the little cabins and wish I could have done that this year, but I feel like I did through your wonderful pictures! :)

Liesl said...

P.S. LOVE your new layout and your little welcome picture...ADORABLE!!! :)

Lacy in the Sky with Diapers said...

this post made me really miss Utah!! I will be there in April to teach a hair extension class!! Can't wait to see those mountains!!

Celeste said...

Aw! That looks like so much fun! So glad you enjoyed it!

meme-and-he said...

is that Alycia?! 10 points for me?! looks like a wonderful weekend!

Jenny N said...

looks like a wonderful time! I love monopoly too....

Amanda said...

Absolutely perfect snow weekend, if you ask me! I'm glad you all had so much fun :) And you got some qt with your mom and dad! That's the best!

Kell said...

How fun! I miss Utah.. and I wish I knew how to snowboard! I'm glad you had a good weekend :)

Miss Amy said...

Brrrr!!! Glad you had such a great time girl!

Marley said...

Thank you for your comment :) Those mountains look amazing!!!!

Chandra said...

I love monopoly too, and that cheese log....I want! Yes I am a cheeseaholic and will be making that soon. Glad you were able to get away! Sometimes a little break is just what we need:D

kyna... said...

So so so jealous Courtney! Next year I want to be part of your fam so I can come along! :-) Except I don't snowboard, I that allowed?? :-)
So glad you had such a spectacular weekend! Hopefully you are all re-charged and ready to take on this week!
♥ Kyna

Ashley said...

looks like such a great trip!!! makes me want to bust out a snowsuit and hit the slopes. glad you had such a fun time lady!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful view.. Wow! Love the pictures! :)

Lyndsay said...

Sounds like a good weekend. Your pictures make me want to go skiing!

brooke field said...

looks like such a fun trip!

Emily said...

So - I don't know who is in the picture with you so I will forfeit the 10 points but I hate losing.

And I also LOVE monopoly and NO ONE will play with me. It's a bummer.

L said...

cute pictures!! Looks like an awesome trip =)
Thanks for finding and following my blog, yours is so cute!! =)
Much Love,


Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Courtney! What a FUN time! I love all the pictures! I have never been to a really snowy place...much less snow skiing. :( It's on my wish list for sure. So happy that you got to have a carefree weekend. If I was there I would TOTALLY play a forever long game of Monopoly with you. :) I'm all about sticking it out 'til the end.

That first pic is my fave: my two favorite ski bunnies. :)


Wishing you a very happy week ahead. xoxo

aniamaria said...

awesome photos!
the great is play in snow! ^^
I hope so Ur mom is feel now alright! :)

yes it is! ^^

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Am loving Eric's hat! GO BOSTON! Also, I am in awe of you, that you snowboard : ) We went snow tubing this weekend (i.e. sledding in pre-made lanes with rubber mats at the bottom to slow us down), and I was terrified of THAT before I did it! So yeah, maybe I can work my way up to the bunny slopes next time ; ) This looks like such fun, though, sounds like you enjoyed it!


Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Hi~ I just stumbled across your blog and I have to say it's adorable! You and hubby are so cute together! I love finding other newlywed blogs :) Love the pictures from the trip! Looks like you had such a good weekend! glad to be the newest follower :)

Unknown said...

Looks like you had fun! I usually try to take a trip to the snow every year but I've missed it so far this year! Super cute blog - you and your husband are adorable! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Courtney! I'm a new follower! Thank you for following my blog. I've awarded you what the sunshine award. Check for details.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

So I usually catch up on blogs all at once about twice a week and let me just say, I always LOVE reading your blog! Anyways, I would totally play Monopoly with you! Josh and I love to play it and our games always last for hours because he'll always make deals with me when I'm about to lose! Looks like you had a great time!

Unknown said...

do i get cool point cause i know for a fact that is alycia from the crowley party! poor winded burned face. ouch. one of my favorite blogs.

i love snowboarding and i wish i was able to go more often, i haven't actually been in 4 years. wow.

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