Tuesday, February 14, 2012

sorta like nutter butters... but WAY better

What you need:
Spread peanut butter on cracker, and make a sandwich out of it :)
Dunk peanut butter cracker sandwiches in chocolate (fake chocolate if you're cheap like me, ha!):

 Let chocolate harden. Enjoy!

You guys... my friend Carly introduced me to this amazingly simple yet DELICIOUS treat. Please give it a try, it will make you SO happy :)

P.S. Please tell me we aren't the only ones??


Holly said...

Wow these look sooo good and super easy too! Thanks for sharing :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

monster cakes said...

I just drooled in my keyboard. These sound AMAZING!!! Happy love day love nugget! xoxo

Shannon Page said...

YUM! My mouth is watering - these look yummy (and simple!) Thanks for posting - Happy Valentine's Day!

Melanie said...

OOoooo those look amazing, & they will make me SO happy! I think I have all the goodies to make them?!

Happy Heart Day,gorgeous girl! I know you sweet hubz will spoil ya rotton w/ mushy love today!


Melanie said...

P/S y'all are so not the only ones!

memory said...

MMMMM. I need some.

Happy Valentine's Day to a sweet friend! <3


Amber said...

YUM:) Happy Love Day!

m&msmommy said...

Yummmyyyyy!!! :)

Hilarious! You are not the only ones! ;)

Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy! :)

Callie Lynch said...

Oh I love, love, love those! I haven't had them in forever though, may be on my list of sweets to make soon :)

Bennett Love

Carlie said...

haha two things about the box of chocolates: I eat those things in like one sitting! And I totally bite into half and if I don't like it, I leave it for Seth!

Jen said...

oh my gosh yum!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day Courtney!!

Janna Renee said...

Those look phenomenal!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Eric!

Cami said...

WOW. YUM!!! Those look delicious and so easy to make!
I guess I should have done a Tasty Tuesday link-up today? Hmm :)


Anonymous said...

I'm drooling! Looks so good!

Lauren said...

Yum those look sooo good :-)

P!nky said...

Ummmmmm YUM!!!!! must make that now!


Pamela said...

We make those during Christmas each year! Sad to say, I've never ate any though? ha! Love how you carved your initials in it! TOO cute! Happy Valentine's Day!

Faith said...

that looks soooo good! yum!

Happy Valentine's Day!


These look delicious!!! Happy Valentine's Day :)

Felicity said...

Those look SOOOOOO good! You are doing better than me, I already finished eating the chocolate heart box! Happy Valentine's Day!

Celeste said...

WOAH! That looks delicious! And.. no yall aren't the only ones :)!

Thanks for stopping by!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Andy always has to check the chocolates before I eat them because I am allergic to tree nuts.

ashley nicole catherine said...

yum! great vday treat! xo

Val said...

Oh my word....I could eat a dozen of these, easily! Happy Love Day!!!!!

Tatiana said...

If I was a pb fan at all, I would so enjoy those, too. They do look delicious!
Have a great vday girly!

Erica said...

Drool! Those sound ridiculous good!

Keri said...

MMMM!!!!! I pinned it! :)

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Oh my gosh, THOSE NUTTER BUTTER THINGS LOOKS AMAZING! What a CUTE idea! Love that, I think I just might have to try this! :)

Stephanie said...

So cute! What a great little treat!

Ly said...

These can't be right hahaha. They look so yummy!


Alyx said...

Mmmmm These look delicious.
And no, you're not the only ones.
Mike bought me a huge bag of pralines, and they are already almost gone (gimme a break... we got them on saturday...)

Chelsea said...

These look amazing! I never thought of making my own . . . but I probably need to! You are such a good wife.

Gabriella said...

Oh my goodness, these look delicious! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Alexa said...

Oh Dear God...these look beyond amazing!

Laura said...

Those sound good, love the salty sweet! I cut my chocolates in half too...I want to enjoy them now and later (or not later if it is a gross one- ha). Happy Valentine's Day!

jennifer blair said...

Oh my goodness! these look amazing!

Unknown said...

Wow these look great! Can't wait to try them. You have a super cute blog :)

Christy said...

What a great idea! I'm always looking for new finger foods that are easy, inexpensive, tasty, and creative! Thanks! :)

Stephanie said...

OMG these look amazing! I love nutter butters so it's hard to believe there's anything better but ... I'm willing to try! Ha!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Stephanie (Big Mario Life)

Shelley said...


Anonymous said...

Oooh yummy!

Daniela said...

looks delicious!! next up on my list...
happy valentines!

Allyson said...

These look so yummy and so easy! :) What a great idea.

Anonymous said...

We used to make these with my Grandmother every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

Julie said...

Interesting...hope you had a great valentine's day

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Happy Valentine's Day!! Those look like they turned out great!

Unknown said...

This recipe has made it's way around my office. It is a perfect treat, and so amazingly simple!!

The only candies that stay half eaten in our box are the coconut ones. The rest disappear like magic!!

Bri Buzali said...

oh my gosh those look delicious! I'm going to definitely have to make them! Happy Valentines Day pretty girl!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Looks super yummy.

... said...

Um. YES! Those look spectacular!

Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day with your man sweet friend! Missed ya!

Holly said...

Oh my gosh! Those look amazing!! If I made those though, I would eat about 50 million of them at once..and that might be kind of bad...

courtney said...

those are ADORABLE and look so yummy!! my husband would love these... happy valentines day!!

Jess said...

Well yum! I'm a sucker for ritz crackers and chocolate!

Megan said...

Ahh! These look SO good! I want to try making these.

Holly said...

Those look AWESOME!! I saw a recipe on Pinterest for those except you put marshmallow fluff on the other cracker, too...YUM!

Alex said...

These are my faaaaaavorite!!

Kendra L. said...

I don't even like Nutter Butters, but those look really yummy. And ummm...we have half a box of Sees Candy that looks strikingly similar to that...It's mostly because of me!

Contemplating Beauty said...

I seriously bet those are out of this world,.............thank you!

The Presutti's said...

OH girl, these are popular in our family. They are sooo good :)

Anonymous said...

I've totally made those Ritz cookie things before, and they're SOOO good!!! Oh, and my husband and I TOTALLY do that with chocolate boxes haha!

GRACE said...

oh my gosh! these look so so so so good. if i made these, i'd eat like a million at a time~


Laurel Ann said...

Can I just say YUM?! These look fantastically delicious but they look like they cost a million bucks. You can make them simple or extra pretty with just a drizzle of chocolate or some sprinkles on top. Thanks for sharing!!!


Samantha said...

oh my heck! you have so much delicious food on your blog! i want to make these now!

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