Tuesday, February 7, 2012

super bowl FOOD

I forgot about the frosting for these brownies... oops!
Not the best picture. Oh well.
I was so bummed when I realized the Super Bowl was during the week that we were babysitting 5 boys. I don't care about the game, I just go to the parties for the FOOD! But then I realized..... we're babysitting FIVE boys. I can make all the yummy food I want and it will all get eaten.  We had mexican night... tacos, a few different chips and dip, and lots of dessert and candy. It was SO good but we ate way too much!
I thought the commercials were pretty lame this year. And some were just down right embarrassing for the boys. I hate tacky commercials!
Eric and I (Ok, I was being the supportive wife and Eric was rooting!) were rooting for the Patriots and the boys were rooting for the Giants. Yeah.... the boys loved rubbing the win in Eric's face :)
And that pretty much sums up our Super Bowl experience! I'm excited for next year... Pinterest has given me so many ideas for the FOOD :)

P.S. Did I mention that we are babysitting FIVE boys for a whole WEEK?! Best birth control.... ever??  ;)


Anonymous said...

hahaha, i think i need to take up some babysitting 5 boys... it would cure my baby hunger ;)
and that food looooooks gooooood.
thank heavens for the superbowl!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Since when were you two wanting birth control? haha :)

Brooke said...

I can not even imagine looking after 5 boys for a day little own a week!!! I barely survived 14hours with two girls lol

That food looks so good. Now I'm craving nachos and cheese sauce :) yum!

Brooke said...

I can not even imagine looking after 5 boys for a day little own a week!!! I barely survived 14hours with two girls lol

That food looks so good. Now I'm craving nachos and cheese sauce :) yum!

Alyx said...

Oh my gosh! All that food looks amazing. Seriously yummy!
We didn't even watch the superbowl - we were fast asleep. :)

Chase + Destiny said...

what would we do without super bowl food? its the best!!

Allyson said...

All your food looks YUMMY!! Yikes! 5 boys?! That is quite an undertaking. I bet you guys will have a ton of fun. :)

Julie said...

There's something about chips and dips...don't know what but there is!

Holly said...

The dip (?) partway down with the tomato on the top looks amazing, and i could NOT imagine looking after 5 boys for a week! I think I'd be insane by the end of it!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Yum! Everything looks so good!

P.S. Thanks for being the 600th follower of my blog :D

Ashley said...

oh.em.gee - look at ALL that food!!! yumo! :)

Karla said...

Oh please send them my way, Ive been having a major case of baby fever this week! Lol
Oh my the food!!!! Looks like heaven on earth!!

from head 2 toe said...

That food looks really yummy! And how fun! I wanna babysit 5 boys! So exhausting and you are right- good birth control! HA HA HA except I keep seeing pregnant people or people with babies and being really jealous. I think I should share this with my husband.... HA HA HAHA

Haylee Caplin said...

Yum! Nowatsky's I'm guessing? Have fun!

Melanie said...

Oh lordy... 5 boys that is some great birth control! You are a very brave girl! Your yummy food looks A-mazing balls! I am seriously SO craving mexican now.

Btw, frostinf on brownies... genius!

Hope your having fun w/ your new camera. I am going to name mine. She's a girl for sure. Hey is I don't have a baby girl yet, at least I can give my camera baby a cute lil name! Wow... this is all so random. Sorry! Where was I going w/ this...? Oh yah. You should name yours too!

~The End~

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for leaving such kind words on my blog! You are so sweet!

You're blog is great! I'm now following! & that food looks so good!

Keri said...

There was a football game on?! I just thought it was a big day for FOOD!!! :)

A Life Un-Styled said...

Ahhh the food looks delicious! And babysitting five boys?! You strong strong woman!

Courtney said...

The good looks so good!! Isnt that what the superbowl is for?

Pamela said...

A whole week!? I didn't realize it was for that long! You got this, ha! :) ohhh that food. I'm drooling. I swear I could eat Mexican (& Italian!) every day! Oh, & your pictures are looking great with that new camera ;)

Karen said...

Oh man, that food looks so good!

Danielle said...

Fantastic. Now I want nacho cheese!!!

... said...

Ha ha the food IS the best part! You are so bold and so amazing for telling the truth about this one! :) I am so hungry now....I want to eat this stuff so bad! If only I lived next to Taco Bell....

kyna... said...

You're babysitting 5 boys?? Holy cow! What amazing friends you are!! The food looks yummy Courtney!
♥ Kyna

Janna Renee said...

We had Mexican too! Although, we didn't have any good sweets :( My girlfriend is Mexican and she whipped up some AMAZING stuff...yum.

Christy said...

All that food looks amazing!! I want some NOW! :)

Amy said...

oh my heart attack on a plate. i'm a little jealous!!

Heather said...

YYYUUUMMM!!!! Superbowl food is the best and yours looks fantastic :).

Suget said...

haha yes that would definitely be a great birth control. haha
Those foods look so yummy. That is so funny about the game. I went to my sisters, who's whole household were for Patriots.. so my sons and I were the only ones that were for the Giants (at the last minute) and boooy we sure heckled them after the game hahaha FUN TIMES!!

Holly said...

Mmm what kind of brownies are those?! And Mexican night is great!! I sure do love me some Pinterest ideas :)

JanandJill.com said...

OMG, wow, that is so brave of you. 5 boys is a LOT. Are they your cousins or brothers? heheh..This food is looking SOO delicious. I think I might have to have nachos for lunch. Hope you had a great party despite the babysitting.

Thanks so much for stopping by
Following you now

Denise said...

I bet it was one rowdy house with all those boys! It's funner that way, I think.

Alexa said...

Dude isn't it the best! Looks yummy and fun!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh those brownies!!! seriously so yummy looking! Now I've got the biggest sweet tooth now. yay for superbowl parties!


Jessica Ruud said...

Mmmmmm delicious! I love the Super Bowl, mainly because of the FOOD and PUPPY BOWL :)

The Presutti's said...

All of that food looks sooo sooo yummy! I'm jealous. Babysitting 5 boys sounds like purty good birth control to me too :)

Arielle-HumblePieVintage said...

Oh, wow that food looks so tasty!

Jill @ ACharmedLife said...

looks so delish! i, like your hubby, was rooting for the pats ;-) such a tough loss! at least the yummy food made me feel better!

Liesl said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy!!! Oh and your P.S. cracked me up!

Liesl :)

LWLH said...

Those brownies look delish!
And watching 5 boys, bless your heart!! :)

Sara Louise said...

There are two things I miss about the Superbowl... the commercials and the FOOD!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

At least you took pictures! I didn't even get a single picture. The food looks yummy.

5 boys? Were they all from the same family?

Brittany said...

This food looks amazing!

Shay said...

CHHEEEESSSEE! Yum! How fun you got to be surrounded by all that testosterone for so long- ha! 5 boys is a lot...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that food looks delicious!! :)

Amanda said...

FIVE?! FIVE?! Hope you're surviving! All those yummy food stuffs are making me a hungry hungry hippo!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

YUM. YUM> That is my kind of food!!!!!!!!!!

FIVE boys?! Whoa! Hope y'all survive!!!! :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

All of that food looks AMAZING!

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