Thursday, February 9, 2012

the dreaded dinner menu

These past couple months I have been a slacker of a wifey. Our dinners have kind of been sucking. Why? Because each week I ask Eric what he wants for dinner, and of course he never has any ideas. Then he'll tell me to look in a cook book. For real?? It's SO hard for me to make a decision... I just want someone to make up my dinner menu for the week, then I can do the grocery shopping and cooking! Then I had an epiphany. I seriously JUST realized that Pinterest can make up my menu! (Yes, I am a little slow......) I am looking forward to dinner each night next week :)

Sunday: A roast. The perfect Sunday dinner.

Monday: Chicken and Pasta with Creamy Pesto Sauce

Tuesday: is Valentines day. I really hope I don't have to cook anything. I told Eric he is in charge of the night (how romantic that I'm telling him to do it, right? Ha!) but he might ask me to make dinner. So we'll see what happens.

Wednesday: potato soup. I'm really excited to try this recipe... just don't tell Eric it's supposed to be "healthy"  ;)


Thursday: Strawberry cream cheese stuffed french toast. Breakfast for dinner is the best meal sometimes!


Friday: Left overs. I know we'll have plenty!

Saturday: We have a hot date planned with friends. We'll definitely be eating out and I can't wait!

I can't wait to get back home to my man (babysitting 5 boys, remember?) and turn into super wifey again, haha. Creating our weekly dinner menu's is going to be fun again! I love Pinterest :)
P.S. Just thought I'd update on Eric's job (the reason for our dreaded move). He is LOVING it. He's so happy and I'm so happy for him.
 P.P.S. I seriously want to cook with pasta, breads, or potatoes every.single.meal. Please tell me I'm not the only one?! 


★ JASMINE ★ said...

awh! my hubby is seriously the SAME. i end up just cooking what I like because he honestly will eat anything. he's just happy to eat. haha


Whitney Cypert said...

Goodness gracious that pasta looks DELICIOUS!! I have been meaning to start a weekly menu too, I really need to get on the ball.

Alexis Kaye said...

AH! do you follow me on pinterest?! IT's just under alexis solomon. I have some good recipes! The zuccini and rice skillet is SOO good and easy! with gilled chicken? yum!

Deveny said...

Hecks to the yea! Pinterest has saved my meal slump. I've found some really good crockpot recipes. Dump a bunch of stuff in a pot and get awesome food a couple of hours later? Yessss

Denise said...

I took all my recipes on pinterest, printed them out and made my own cookbook! I use it every week. I love Pinterest!!

Alyx said...

Ever since we moved here and I've been forced to cook all the time (we used to eat out so often, it was so bad), Pinterest has been a lifesaver. I don't think I've tried a single recipe from there that I haven't like. I actually found a chicken enchilada recipe that's so easy and delicious that I've made it 4 or 5 times.
Gotta love pinterest!
I've had my eye on that exact same potato soup, too!!! Let me know how it is after you try it! :)

Joeylee said...

Sounds just like my hubby. Pinterest has been a big help with weekly dinner ideas. That potato soup looks really good

Cami said...

That french toast looks like...uhm...TO DIE FOR. Wow. Can I come that night? ;) Looks great!

Great idea with Pinterest to plan meals...but that's what I'll do, too. Hmm.

<3-Cami from First Day of My Life

Anonymous said...

YUM! I want that french toast right now!

Unknown said...

what time is dinner? I could definitely make it there by monday.

and i know i can for sure make it by thursday.
that strawberry cream cheese stuffed french toast looks delectable.

Amanda said...

a roast is the perfect dinner! it all sounds good!

MonicaLeeBlog said...

That potato soup and french toast look SO good! I loveeee your recipe posts!! :]

Keri said...

Pinterest has changed dinners around here, too!! Love it.

Lauren said...

That french toast looks so amazing, I love Pinterest and getting dinner recipes from there :-)

Taesha Baldridge Cecil said...

Looks delicious!!! And super yummy!!! And if you are interested in swapping buttons, let me know!!

Chairein said...

I never thought Pinterest could be that helpful especially when iit come s to food. Yes, I hope you and your hubby would eat out on V-day... Haha. I'm sure you'll do! Enjoy your weekend.

Pamela said...

Glad he's loving the job!! All the food looks SO good! Every single thing. I am beginning to love cook, thanks to Pinterest, ha! I could eat pasta every day too! We'll be up for dinner soon ;)

Bree said...

Oh you're definitely not the only one!! Haha.

M & T Peterson said...

Just wanted to stop by and say that you always have a standing invitation for any parties at my house. ;) No need to invite yourself since you're always invited. Lots of love. Hope all is going well.

Holly said...

Yum! The three things you posted photos of all look amazing! especially the chicken pesto pasta and the French toast!

Lauren said...

I LOVE weeks like this when I have our meals planned for the entire week! Thanks to Pinterest it's been so easy lately! I love your menu! Looks so yummy! We're going out for V-day so I'm excited not to cook! I hope you get to go out too!


Michelle said...

Food looks good! And I'm glad he likes his job.

Ashley said...

Can I tell you how much I love pesto?! Like I love it a TON. When can I come over for dinner? ;)

I'm going to have to spend some more time on Pinterest looking for new recipes because I'm getting bored with our same old things over and over.

Hope you're adjusting well to your new location. (:

Amber said...

I just requested an invite from Pinterest. I can't wait to join! All the food looks yummy!Your funny is a lucky man!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

We love pesto pasta. Yours look great.

Girlie Blog Seattle - Beauty Tips, Makeup How To, Seattle Lifestyle

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Oh my GOSH! You sound just like me! I wish that WIll would just tell me what to cook and then I would do it. I HATE picking it out. I even hand Will the cookbook, and he won't even look! UGH! That means stinky dinners for hubby. ;)

This menu sounds really good to me...enjoy your definitely shouldn't have to cook on that night! ;) I have no doubt your sweet man will plan something wonderful!


Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

p.s. so glad to hear that Eric's job is going well!!

Sonya Marie said...

drooling....pardon me haha

Courtney said...

That pesto pasta looks so good! I love trying new recipes!

Mrs W said...

I could eat pasta every single day and be completely content. That recipe looks divine!

two birds said...

you're not the only one! and that french toast looks so good...and yes, brinner in our household is a must have every few weeks!

rachel said...

seriously, i have TWO food board on pinterest because one wasn't working one day and there was something i just had to pin and now they are both embarrasingly full of amazing looking things. i want to make them all!!! i made the enchiladas once...they were pretty good, but i need better. i think i am going to follow your lead and make a menu from pinterest because i have been the WORST wife lately too.

Home on Poplar said...

I don't think I ever cook the same thing twice, thanks to Pinterest! Looks like you have a yummy week ahead of you!

Nichole @ said...

Hahaha, Oh how I can relate! Some weeks are better than others with my menu planning. This week's looks awesome :)

Ashley said...

Pinterest makes meal planning much easier! That's a typical male respose too " check the cookbook" no help! ha

Unknown said...

Hope Cedar is treating you... decent. ;)
Let me know when you guys have a free night. Maybe we could go out or something. It has been forever since I've seen you.

Asha said...

You're not the only one to just realize what a help Pinterest can be for creating recipes! I just joined the bandwagon too and life is so much easier in the kitchen now! Let us know how the recipes come out (espcially the potato soup)! :)

Carlie said...

I want to try that pasta meal and the strawberry french toast! YUM! We have a lot of taco meals in our house. I think we have some sort of dinner in a tortilla at least 2-3 times a week! haha.

Lauryn said...

I've been relying on Pinterest a lot lately too! There are some great crock pot recipes out there if you have a crock pot. Those are so easy! You barely have to lift a finger :)

Maury @ Life on Mars said...

Um, YUM! Can I come over for dinner?

FYI... whenever I'm not sure, I get a roasted chicken from Costco and shred the meat. I can generally get about 4 meals out of it... chicken and rice, chicken and pasta, chicken quesadillas, etc. It's my "I dont know what to make tonight" go-to.

Holly said...

Ooooh my gosh, I want this ALL!! Especially the french toast :)

Mary Dawn said...

Ok we've recently made the potato soup and just saturday we made the strawberry cream cheese french toast. DIVINE. pinterest is DEF the best for recipes.

Melanie said...

droooooling over the french toast!

Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} said...

wow, may be fishing for an invite for that french toast thursday. yum!

Anonymous said...

Cream cheese stuffed french toast = YUM!

Yay about your hubs job!

Mrs. Robinson said...

All looks great!! Especially the french toast!

Erin said...

Girl- I could LIVE on pasta/bread/potatos. The worst part?! Hubby is doing SUPER low carb dieting and definitely doesn't want them for dinner at all. AHHHH! I've started making pasta dishes on Sunday afternoons and then taking it as lunch every day for a few days-- lol. That way we're both happy :)

Anonymous said...

I love this one of my favorite things I have found on pinterest that will help me because I work so late is the frozen plan ahead meals to plan ahead!!

Liesl said...

That pasta looks divine and I kind of want some potato soup right about now...yum! Look at you being a good wifey!

Liesl :)

Katie said...

You're definitely not alone...we love pasta and breads!! And seriously, if I don't make a menu, our eating for the week totally goes down the crapper :) glad to hear E is loving his job!!!

Katie said...

YUM! that chicken and pesto looks awesome. I've had that baked potato soup too - and it is really good! AND can I come over for that strawberry french toast!

memory said...

I may be weird but I love leftovers. Breakfast for supper is best! You're such a great wife :)


Julie said...

Good ideas...gotta make my menu now :(

kyna... said...

These all look so good! I wish I had read this post before I did my weekly grocery shopping!! I definitely would have tried a couple of these recipes, especially the potato soup! Let me know how they turn out hon!
♥ Kyna

P.S-, I am so so so happy Eric is loving his job! That brought a smile to my face! I had been praying for you guys! :-)

A Life Un-Styled said...

This is such a great idea! I would love to have pasta and bread and potatoes every day but we're cutting back on them during the summer. I can't wait to see how you go this week. It's fabulous to hear that Eric is loving his job, that really does make everything worth it, doesn't it? Hope you had a great weekend <3

Unknown said...

Wait to go! Good for you! Even better is the freezer meal ideas on pinterest. I spent the entire day yesterday cooking freezer meals with a friend. I'm now set for a good month. All I have to do is pull out the already prepared food and stick it in the crockpot. So looking forward to it! :) Good luck with all your happy cooking!

lori said...

that french toast looks amazing... and i seriously want to cook carbs every night too (i think its the weather?)

im about to get to meal planning myself now! ill have to check your pinterest for recipes as well- thats where i do all my meal planning these days.

Kelly said...

Awesome!!!! I have to pin that breakfast-dinner myself. It looks amazing!! And I also LOVE pasta, I could eat it every day if I had the chance.

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Okay I don't know what you're smokin cause your meals look AMAZING! :)

Kristin said...

The pesto pasta looks amazing!

Miranda said...

Hey there! Thanks for posting on my blog. How did you find me? I love your blog and all your fun posts. The dinners look YUMMY, I need to find you on Pinterest (look for me, too--Miranda Rykert Eccles). You are adorable!

Ashley @ The Giggling Chef said...

Thanks for mentioning my pasta. It was delicious! I hope you liked it! :D

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Hi there!! Let me know if you like the soup! :-) Hope Eric doesn't hate me! :-)

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Sunkissed and Southern said...

french toast looks so yum!!

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