Sunday, February 19, 2012

weekend review: Vegas baby!

This weekend was just what I needed! Our friends from northern Utah came down and we spent our Saturday in Vegas!

Despite our sore feet and that hour or so of Eric and I almost killing each other because we were starving.... We had a GREAT time! I have missed Kyndra SO much! It was fun being able to spend the whole day sightseeing with our husbands. I think that's the first time Eric and I have ever been to Vegas and not done any shopping :).... but we did ride the NY, NY roller coaster. It is crazy, fun! And we saw Pete Rose, that made the boys day! And we ate at Margarita Ville, did you see the size of those nachos?? Eric and I shared and hardly made a dent!
I love the weekends, I love Vegas, I love my friends, and I LOVE my hubs!

P.S. Are we friends on twitter??
P.P.S. Seriously.... thank you for the amazing, encouraging, and sweet comments on my last post. I am so grateful to have so many amazing bloggy friends! Makes my world seem a lot less lonely right now :)


Mrs Guenther said...

I'm dying to go to Vegas. So jealous.

Marian said...

Makes me want to go to Vegas now!!

Lindsay said...

ah! I've never been to vegas...looks like you had a blast! love your blog btw

lori said...

ohhhh so fun! i went to vegas for my senior trip (high school)... i loved it. i totally want to take my hubs back one day!!

Michelle said...

Looks like fun!

Bree said...

Omg those nachos!! I may have just eaten dinner, but I could dig into those right about now!

Anonymous said...

looks like a blast :)

Crissy@ABerrySweetLife said...

So glad you had a great weekend! Loved all the pictures!

Tiffany said...

Oh how fun!!!

Alyx said...

You and your husband are pretty much the cutest thing ever. Just sayin'.
Looks like Vegas was a blast - thank goodness for good friends and sunshine, right??

Gentri said...

How fun! So glad they came down. I bet it took away some of your homesickness. :)

Natalie said...

Looks like y'all had fun!

Joeylee said...

I love Vegas!! Those nachos were HUGE!! Great pictures

Savannah said...

SO fun! What a fab way to celebrate the weekend!

Unknown said...

So gorgeous and looks like such a good time!! =]

Melanie said...

Ahhhh... you go mama! This is just what you needed! Holy crap the "tion", that nacho was a beautiful thing!!

LOOOVE your adorb bow shirt, You are a living doll. If I didn't love you so much... I would kinda hate ya! Lol) XOXO

m&msmommy said...

LOVE to see you smiling, happy and enjoying time with your friends/happy!!!! :)

I want to go to Vegas so badly, at least once!

Glad to see hubby and I aren't the only ones who could kill one another when we're hungry! ;) I can get SO moody when I need to eat! :)

Those nachos..holy moly! Yum!!! :)

Have a great upcoming week friend! :)

Bree said...

Oh so jealous! I wanna weekend away in Vegas! I bet that was just what you needed! Glad you had fun! :)

Katy said...

What a fun weekend trip to Vegas! I have never been, and your pictures make me want to hop on the next plane and visit! Glad you got to hang out with friends from your old home :o)

Samantha said...

Your pictures make me miss Vegas SO MUCH! I swear we have the same exact pictures at all the exact same places!! :)

stephanie said...

how fun!! and is it sad that in all of those pictures I zeroed in on the nachos and now that is all I can think about?!! :)

Amber said...

I want those nachos! Y'all are so cute I am glad you had a good time in Vegas!

Sue said...

I'm a little jealous of this for two reasons. One, you're in Vegas and I love it! And two, you're not all bundled up in coats and long sleeves! I'm forgetting what that feels like! :)

Lacy in the Sky with Diapers said...

1- I miss Las Vegas... A lot
2- I know Cedar can be tough, I do love my little home town tho...
3-favorite things
{re}cycled consign and design store, Amanda is one of my favorite people and her shop is to die for.
Bread sticks
Cafe Rio
Brian Head
Duck Creek
Taste of Hawaii
Pastry Pub
Sweet Basil
Bulloch's Drug ice cream sunday bar
Riding Bikes everywhere
Starting in may the green show at SUU
and last but not least Wal Mart.. haha that last one was a joke!!

Stephanie said...

Looks like SO much fun! I've only been once so I definitely foresee another Vegas trip in my near future!! :)

PS-LOVING your top with the bow on the shoulder :)

Stephanie said...

Looks like SO much fun! I've only been once so I definitely foresee another Vegas trip in my near future!! :)

PS-LOVING your top with the bow on the shoulder :)

LyddieGal said...

Wow, that looks like it was such a fun trip! I've never been to vegas, but I so need to visit.
If you throw a coin over your shoulder into vegas trevi fountain, will you return to vegas?

Chic on the Cheap

Laynah said...

sooo much fun, i love vegas and all of it's whimsy! also a fan of the NY NY roller coaster :)

Vanessa Mercado said...

OMG! love it..very inspiring and lovely pics! enjoyed your blog...

hope you could visit my blog too...


Evelien said...

Oh my, those nacho's look AMAZING!! I want some NOW!! But my hubs wouldn't be too thrilled if I ran to the store and bought myself a whole package hah!!
Looks like you had a great time!

Amy Nielson said...

i'm jealous of your short sleeves & the warm weather! looks like a blast ;)

tinajo said...

I´d LOVE to see Vegas one day - I´d also love to eat those nachos..! :-)

Jessica Nicole said...

It looks like you had so much fun! I love Vegas.. I took my boyfriend last year (it was his first time!) and we had so much fun sight seeing. New York New York is one of my favorite hotels.. and YUMMMM those nachos looks delish! I could seriously eat them for every meal! haha glad you had a blast with you friends and hubby!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

So, so jealous! I'm glad you had a great time, you needed it lady. Andy is going to Vegas in May for a work thing, and I'm going to try to tag along and get some sun while he's in meetings. I've never been, so if I end up going you'll have to tell me what to do!

Pamela said...

Glad you had a fun time!! You def deserved it :) Those chips, YUM! You two could pass as sisters!!

Julie said...

I think my hubby and I are going to plan for Vegas next year. He went as a kid and I've never been :)

...and those nachos look amazing!

Alex said...

How fun!! I'm going in October and can't wait.

Nicole said...

you are gorg!

Anonymous said...

what a seriously fun trip! i've never been to vegas!

Megan said...

This looks like so much fun! And those!!

Lauren said...

We've never been to Vegas looks so fun though!! :-)

Courtney said...

I have not been to Vegas in my adult life. I have always been hesitant I'm not sure why. Everyone seems to love it!

Liesl said...

WOW! What FUN!!! Love all the pictures and I kind of need some of the nachos...NOW!!! ;) Love your yellow handled bag too!

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

Isn't it funny how much a blog can help? There are so many times I sit down to write a post, because I am sad or angry and by the time I am done writing it seems like I just sat through a therapy session. Especially whe n you get comments and advice. I love the blog world!

Maury @ Life on Mars said...

Looks like you had a blast! I've never been to Vegas but definitely on my to do list!

Denise said...

Love Vegas! I saw Pete Rose last time I was there too :)

Katie said...

Vegas! How fun that you can make it a day trip :)

Ashley said...

i'm dying to go to vegas!!! looks like SO much fun! glad you had a good time!

Jessica said...

ah i love vegas. looks like you had a blast!! & newest follower on here & twitter :)

Amanda said...

Looks like you had a fantastic time, Courtney! I love that you did so much and got some quality time with your friends! Makes me jealous of your trip!

Allison said...

Aw what a fun weekend! And those Nachos...oh my they look amazing!

Alexis Kaye said...

Just what the dr ordered! I need a vaca with the hubberz now haha

Chelsea @ two twenty one said...

Looks like so much fun! Vegas is definitely on my places to visit list!

Sharstin said...

Nice!!! Vegas is the best getaway! So much fun sheenanigans:)

yours truly, melissa said...

Looks like you had so much fun! Vegas is a great town to visit for a weekend, I haven't been in a couple years. Wouldn't mind revisiting soon.

Thanks for sharing.

yours truly, melissa said...

Looks like you had so much fun! Vegas is a great town to visit for a weekend, I haven't been in a couple years. Wouldn't mind revisiting soon.

Thanks for sharing.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

New to your blog and I love this Vegas trip. We are in Monterey now and hoping to make it down there before we leave. And per your last post, as a military family, girl I feel your pain! Everytime we move, it is tough, but in the end we appreciate the memories and specialness of each place we live (and how it helps us grown together as a family).

Ana said...

i so wanna go to vegas!!!

Leenie said...

I miss Vegas! I have never been on any rides the last time we went, so next time we go... definitely will have to hit that up. And the food!

Megan said...

Vegas + friends is a great combo :) My fiance actually lived in Vegas as a teenager, so I've been a few times. Weird to think of living there!

Suget said...

AWE I love Vegas, I cannot wait to go back with the boys (:
Those are lovely photos.. and I cannot believe you went on that roller coaster!!! I just get the heebie jeebies just looking at it haha But sounds like a great weekend, we all need one of those. Especially with great friends (:

Holly said...

How fun!!! I went to Vegas 2 years ago the same weekend actually, AND we saw Pete Rose too...hahaha WEIRD!!! Looks like you had a wonderful time :)

Carlie said...

Your top is so cute!

Glad you were able to have a fun day in Vegas! I love that New York ride, even though every time I get off I feel like I just had major whiplash haha.

Ly said...

Oh this looks so fun! I've never been to vegas but always wanted to go. I better go soon before I become old haha.

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

Dear sweet Courtney...I was so heartbroken for you after reading your last post. I am so sad that you are having a hard time. Change IS hard...and I can only pray that things start looking up for you very soon. Maybe once you get all settled in things will be much better. I have no doubt that you will make tons of new friends and it will someday soon feel like home. Please know I'm thinking about you lots...and sending extra prayers up and positive thoughts your way.

NOW, VEGAS!? That is so awesome that you all got to go there and have lots of fun! I've never been, but it is on my list! I think it looks so magical...all bright lights and excitement! Although, I'll have to stay off the roller coasters....I'm the most motion sick person on earth. Booooo! :(

Hope you week has started off well! BIG HUGS to you! xoxo

Gagan said...

SO jealous, I only recently went to Vegas and already want to go back! It's so much fun! And forever 21 has similar and very pretty blazers too! :)

Megan Nachelle said...

How fun, there is just nothing like Vegas, huh? To answer your question from my blog, I live in the Boise, Idaho area but will be moving to St. George hopefully by next fall! I LOVE it there!!

... said...

What a fun trip to Vegas! I feel like I know at least 3 different people that were in Vegas this weekend! Crazy! You and Eric are darling...even when you're trying to kill each other over hunger!

Kirsten Wiemer said...

ah i love this, i am from vegas and this just makes me miss it so much.

i just read your previous post and i feel the exact same way. the winter depresses me, i didn't even know there was seasonal depression before i got to college in utah. sometimes, particularly today, i feel like i need to get out, i need to see the sun and be warm and not suffer. but soon it will be worth it.

i hope you are feeling better. im sure you will soon love your new home. at least you will always have your husband there with you.

Shay said...

I read this post last week and my dad (I am on a business trip with him) had just asked me what I wanted to lunch and I showed him the pic of the nachos and told him THAT is what I want. I got .99 taco bell nachos instead...ha! CUTE photos!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

It looks like you had an amazing time in Vegas! I love that city! And Pete Rose... that's awesome!

Diane Writes said...

Wow Vegas! This place is in my list of places to visit. Hopefully, one day, I'll manage to see the place. But of course, aside from the place, what makes you happy is the company of your husband, family and friends. You are blessed to have them. :D

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