Wednesday, February 22, 2012

i smile

Even though my heart has been a little heavy, and I have definitely been sad these past couple of weeks... I still have so many reasons to smile! Today is the perfect day to share those reasons because I am joining my sweet friend, Jessica as she posts her reasons to smile each week. This girl inspires me SO much. Not to mention how often she makes me smile, and usually laugh out loud when I read her blog! Love her :) Anyway....

I Smile...
...Because my husband finally has a job that he LOVES. The man is so happy all the time now! I am grateful for that!
...Because I get to start working part time at my salon each week. It will make my days so much happier to see my wonderful clients/friends a couple days a week!
...Because I have the best family and friends a girl could ask for! That includes YOU, my bloggy friends :)
...Because we will be spending the weekend up the mountain. Snowboarding, family time, no cell phones... can't wait!
...Because I have been on a serious cooking/baking kick (best wifey ever?) and thanks to my wonderful in-laws, I have an amazing Bosch mixer that makes this kick much more enjoyable :) 
...Because I have a healthy body that allows me to work out, and play, and have all kinds of fun.
...Because I get texts/FB messages/phone calls everyday from my friends up north. I'm so glad I am missed as much as I'm missing them!
...Because my husband and I can be the biggest dorks around each other and still be so in love! We were meant for each other... even during those moments of wanting to kill each other ;)
...Because my life is good. I am blessed. And the Lord loves me and comforts me when I need it.


Tiffany said...

What great reasons to smile!!!

Kaitlyn said...

You are so pretty! I am glad you are finding reasons to smile in the little things. Hang in there, adjustment is hard, but smiling helps!

Crissy@ABerrySweetLife said...

Love this post! Keep smiling :o)

poptartyogini said...

i hope you're feeling up to snuff soon and i think listing all you're grateful for is a great way to keep a positive attitude. i'm glad your husband found a job he likes. my husband has a job (and we're thankful) but it isn't the dream job. the job search can be a bumpy road. thanks for the comment on my blog. it made my day!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

That is a definitely a lot of things to smile about. I hope the list of things that makes you smile continue to grow. Have a wonderful week sweetie.

Elisha said...

you are beautiful!! Inside & Out.

m&msmommy said...

Great post! SO many reasons to smile! :) We need to do things like this (even if its just in our heads) to realize how truly blessed we are, how life could be SO much worst (and for many it is), and many thanks to God for making us come out on top, even in our time of struggle!

Have a great day friend! :)

Erin said...

What an uplifting post :) Even though you've felt sad you sure found a LOTTT of great things to smile about. Nothing beats sharing some upliftig, positive thoughts!

Sue said...

Wonderful reasons to smile. Keep doing it! :)

eas said...

Those are fabulous reasons to smile. It's great that your husband has a job he loves!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Yay! I'm so happy to see your beautiful smile again. You have some awesome stuff going on in your life lady, and I'm glad you can see that.

Amber said...

I love this:)

Alyx said...

I love it! Keep on smilin', chica.

Oh, and maybe send some of those cookies and baked goods my way?
Totally kidding.
Sort of.

And another reason to smile:
You will soon be the owner of a brand new necklace that was being given away on my blog! Yay!

Suget said...

YAY!!!! I am soooo happy you are happy. I love being on a baking kick.. a lot of friends and family get extra yummy stuff (:
Have a glorious week... and have a wonderful weekend!!

Denise said...

All great things to be thankful for!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Love this!! I really love and admire people that can still recognize and smile about the blessings they have - even in the difficult phases of life! Those are all wonderful things to smile about! :)

Anonymous said...

love it :)

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

Love this..... and yes, it seems you have many blessings to make you smile!

Pamela said...

Love this!! Hope you have a blast this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Love your post!! Keep smiling! :) Thanks for the encouragement!

Joeylee said...

great post, those are all awesome reasons to smile!

Amanda said...

So many good reasons to smile!

I smile because I get to see M again tonight.
I smile because I had a good workout this AM.
I smile because we're having Chinese for lunch.
I smile because it's already Wednesday!
I smile because we're bloggy friends!

Courtney said...

This is such a great post! And that picture is too cute.

Shelley said...

We moved a little over a year ago and I went through a couple months of being really sad and lonely too. Hang in there!

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

This is a wonderful post! I love all your reasons to smile. I always tell my husband when he's having a bad day to write down all the reasons he's grateful and then the reasons your sad/mad aren't nearly as bad.

meme-and-he said...

glad you are looking at the glass half full...this post put a smile on MY face.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

wonderful reasons to be happy! I always find that when I am down, reminding myself of the good picks me right back up!

Emily said...

It's important to focus on the things we do have rather than what we want. Where did you move to?

Tatiana said...

I'm so glad you're able to find happiness and a reason to smile even when you're going through a rough time. Keep being strong girly! Thinking of you :-)

Michelle said...

This is so great! It's SO easy to get discouraged, and remembering the things you love is a great way to break out of that funk. I've been working on the same things :)


Unknown said...

awe i love this! Everyone needs to do this weekly to remember we have it better than we think!

Anonymous said...

Great post! It is so easy in this day and age to forget all we have to be thankful for. I needed this today!

Cami said...

You are just so lovely. I adore this post & you. HUGS

Julie @ The Smitten Mintons said...

This is just a sweet and happy post! And now it's made me think of all of the little things that are making me happy, too! Thanks for that :)

Bree said...

Awwwwww court, I'm glad you're finding reasons to smile! And your pic.... Gorg!! :)

Julie said...

Keep smiling :)

lori said...

love this post. such great reasons to smile!

Haus of Style said...

great post, your smile is beautiful and I love your hair!

Katie said...

what good things! that's great that your husband loves his job. my husband is trying to figure out what he wants to do and i can't wait for that feeling for him! and that last picture of you is beautiful!

Megan said...

Awwww, love this post! So glad that you are feeling loved and blessed right now! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new design! SO sweet and simple! It's perfect!!

kyna... said...

I am soooo glad to see that beautiful smile Courtney! Your smile seriously makes my day! You are amazing blessed (I know you know that), and your life only has one way to go...up, up, up! :-)
♥ Kyna

P.S- LOVE the new look of the blog! SOOOOO much! It's fantastic

Ioana-Carmen said...

This is nice! Check my married life and follow me fi you want!

Alli said...

Based on my blog title, you could guess that I LOVE reading your list! Congrats to your husband on a job that he loves doing. And those little things, like text messages from friends, sure do make a big difference don't they?

glad you're having a good time!

That Girl said...

Have fun this weekend!

Samantha said...

Sometimes it's so hard to see the reasons we have to smile. It makes it easier when you jot them down (or blog about them) like this! I'm happy for you that you get to work part time at your salon! Doing what you love is what life is all about! :)


PS. I am having my very first giveaway today!!! Would love for you to enter!!!!! :)

Asha said...

My and my hubster are THE biggest dorks around each other too :) And I just switched to part-time at my job too, congrats girl!

PAPS said...

That is really nice that you feel grateful for what you enjoy. Hope you can visit me and see whether you like to follow each other.

Chelsea said...

Basically, you are the most adorable person on the planet. And I love your little happy posts.

And girl. Your new layout is fantastic. You're going to have to teach me how to do neat things.

Alexa said...

All such good things to remember. Hope things are getting easier for you!

Allyson said...

So much to be thankful!! :) Even in the hard times.

Your new layout is adorable!! LOVE it! :)

Niina - My Paper Chaos said...

These are all great reasons for smiling, you can usually always find a reason or two, even in your worst moments!

Have a lovely day :)

Emmett Katherine said...

Nice to hear all the reasons you have to smile :)

Rolled Up Pretty said...

You're so cute Court and SAD you've been sad, but you do have SO many awesome things!

Melanie said...

I would smile too if I looked like you! AND if I had that adorable white jacket! Lol... seriously you are just the sweetest soul, beautiful inside & out. So happy your gettn your happy back friend! Mwah. Xo

Unknown said...

You are blessed! It so great to have a job that you enjoy doing. I have had a lot of crappy jobs and quit. Such a cute picture! :)

Fashionobsession-mieni said...

What a cute picture! Your nude shirt looks great!:) Love it!

Hope you visit me on my Blog

Holly said...

These are all WONDERFUL reasons to smile :)

Michelle said...

So so pretty!! You look so happy!!!

Shay said...

I am so happy you have so many things to smile about. I am particularly a fan of the first one! You know we moved to MO for Cooper and I have had the same struggles as you with moving but seeing him happy makes it all worth it:-)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's great that you're looking at all the positives!

Holly said...

I love this post! Very sweet! Congratulations to your husband on his new job, and also, I love your blog design, very simple, but really pretty. :)

Miss Amy said...

You certainly are blessed!!! And when you appreciate what you have, it all suddenly becomes a little sweeter. Cool, right? Congrats on all the fabulous life happenings!

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