Wednesday, February 15, 2012

our Valentines 2012

- I decorated our home with homemade hearts that had pick up lines written on them. Cheesy/mushy lines only go so far with my hubs. So I had to throw in some gross/funny "guy" ones to mix it up for him :)
- Eric surprised me with my sparkly TOMS. Best.Husband.EVER.
- Eric took me up the canyon (as far as we could go, a lot of it is closed off) to play in the snow, sight see, and take pictures. What a trooper!
At one point I heard Eric snickering and went to find out what he was up to. The man freakin' peed an "I love you" into the snow. He was so proud, ha! I realize how gross this is, but it had to be told for my journal's sake.

- I totally dressed "Valentine-ish" :). Pink and a heart, love!
- Eric made me dinner! Pasta with Carbonara sauce... SO amazing! Interested in the recipe? I'd be happy to share it!
Eric planned a perfect evening for us, I enjoyed it SO much! I love Valentines Day :)


Elisha said...


Jessica Nicole said...

aww you two are adorable! So glad you had a good valentines day.. and peeing 'i love you' in the snow is pretty romantic.. to a guy haha takes talent! I would love the recipe for that pasta- it looks delicious!!

Katie*Belle said...

That canyon is gorgeous! What a neat thing to do on Valentine's Day : )

Marli said...

love the TOMS!!! and your shirt is TOO CUTE (weren't you freezing?!?!). :)


Pamela said...

Love the hearts! So funny & so cute! Love the Toms. He is SUCH a guy, peeing 'I love you' in the snow hahah! Love it!!! Love the kissy picture :) The food looks delicious!!

Mrs. Robinson said...

I'm so happy y'all had a great Valentine's Day!

Love the Toms! I haven't bit the bullet yet & bought any, but I def plan to soon. :) Anyway, I can't believe your husband peed into the snow & wrote I love you. Sounds like something my hubby would do, haha!

Natalie said...

I am cold for you in that pic where you are in short sleeves!

Looks like you had a wonderful Valentine's Day, thanks for making me want sparkly TOMS even more lol!

Cindy P said...

What a fun day! I'm glad you guys enjoyed your Valentine's Day. Your shirt is adorable! Where did you get it??

Also, I'm so glad you told us that Eric peed "I love you" in the snow. That totally just made my morning! bahaha!

Carlie said...

Looks like a great Vday!
The Toms are super cute!
I am interested in the Carbonara recipe!

Jill @ ACharmedLife said...

looks like the perfect day!!! HAHAH totally laughed aty our hubbys outdoor activities ;) hilarious!

Keri said...

SO CUTE! I love your shirt. What a perfect day...peed "I love you" and all! :)

Lauren said...

Those TOMS are soooo cute! Looks like a great vday :-)

Suget said...

hahaha I'm still laughing about Eric haha sheesh. Guys huh?
haha but that dinner looks so delicious. Happy Belated Vday!!

Kelly said...

how stinkin cute are you guys! and in the snow in short sleeves! that's what I call a trooper for a good picture!

from head 2 toe said...

We are TOMS twins now! :) What a fun and pretty snowy Valentines day!

Bree said...

You definitely should share the recipe! Looks delish! I'm jealous your husband can cook, I'm pretty sure Colby can make ramen noodles. ;) haha. And I LOVE your shoes!! So cute!

Amanda said...

HAHAHAHAHAH! That is TOTALLY something M would do. I can picture him giggling and being so proud all at once. Glad you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Joeylee said...

You are to funny, love the heart pick up lines. And I love that pink shirt. I want to get some Toms for my girls. Glad you had an awesome valentines, you & your hubby are so cute together

Brianna said...

Those shoes are over the top cuuute! And that baked spaghetti looks sooo good.. :)

m&msmommy said...

What a sweet, sweet day (yes, even the peeing in the snow...HILARIOUS! Totally something my husband would do! :))

And that dinner looks delicious! :)

Holly said...

I totally am jealous of your TOMS!!!!! Awesome!! Looks like you had a wonderful vday :) :)

Alex said...

bahahahaha this is great.

Leah said...

The pickup line hearts are so cute, such a great idea! That is too funny to add the boyish humor. I guess it goes along with the pee in the snow :) Your dinner looks amazing! Yum!

Alyx said...

Hahahahaha, that's so hilarious (the pee thing). Seriously... seems like something mike would do.
Those TOMS are so adorable!
Looks like a fabulous V-Day!

Asha said...

The valentines hearts are the most hilarious ones I've ever seen, ha! Love the Toms and the cute snow pictures :)

p.s. - I would love the pasta carbonara recipe!

Anonymous said...

that pasta looks awesome!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

The TOMS are sooooo cute! I keep debating whether or not I could keep the white clean or not. I really like the pewter sparkle ones too!

Lisa Campbell said...

I think laughing together is more romantic than most people realize. Peeing I love you in the snow = hilarious.

Erin said...

I'm obsessed w/ TOMs and definitely due for a new pair :) I might need to add the sparkles into my wardrobe!!

Sarah Eldridge said...

your new camera is awesome! You can totally tell the difference in your pictures! I am jealous!!!

Laura said...

Ha ha, I love your potty humor valentines...awesome! Also love the yellow I Love You...classic!! Cute TOMS...gotta love the sparkles!! And your dinner looked yummy too...mmm carbonara!!!

Melanie said...

Bahahaaaa.... those hearts are the best! Why are "farts" so funny? OMGosh, such a sweet hubz you got there... LOOOVE your pretty Toms! AND Hello gorgeous, the pic w/ you in the snow, w/ the adorable pink shirt... BEAUTIMOUS! You two sweeties just compliment one another perfectly!

P/S You are SO rockn ME..."MEL"... your new camera, btw!


Anonymous said...

You're wearing short sleeves in the snow! I have hypothermia just looking at the picture! Haha. I wish we had some snow down here though. That would have made a spectacular finish for the day.
Oh, the TOMS. Very cute. :)

Kendra L. said...

haha I'm guessing you took your coat off just for that picture....don't worry I've totally done that... hahaha Anyway--looks like a fun Valentines day! And YES, I'm interested in the recipe! I need an idea for dinner tonight!

Courtney said...

I so want those sparkly toms wear at my wedding reception for the dancing!! They are so cute. And the pasta looks amaing. Do share the recipe!

Devon said...

LOVE your shirt and new toms!! It looks like a fabulous day!

lori said...

i love your sparkly tons! so fun!

ya'll are so funny!

rachel said...

1. I LOVE the toms!!!!! I am so jealous! One of these days I’m gonna get me a pair…so cute!
2. girl! What are you doing? Put a coat on or get outta the snow you crazy thing! You’re freezing me out just lookin’ at ya!
3. I am DYING that your husband peed an “I love you” in the snow! That is awesome! my husband is the same way….a few summers ago, my aunt told me that if I had him pee outside on my flowers, the squirrels wouldn’t eat them….it was like his BEST summer ever. he peed all over the yard. sigh….boys.

Kristin said...

Cute! would love the recipe!

Contemplating Beauty said...

Looks just perfect, super sweet time together, and your Toms! My daughter has the Gold glitters :0
fun pics in the snow too!

Karla said...

Yum.. would love to get my hands on the recipe! haha the pee message.. sounds like something my hubby would do.. never a dull moment right?!

Jaclyn said...

Not cheesy at all!! I think the whole thing is adorable :)

Love your blog! Following.

Julie said...

I laughed out loud at the quotes you put on those hearts! I will definitely be using those phrases, it's so me!! You guys are adorable, glad you had a great Valentine's Day : ) Oh, and please do post that recipe it looks delicious!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Eric certainly knows how to make a girl happy. Bet you'll wear those TOMS forever.

Great pics.

Holly said...

I love the TOMS, and the notes on the hearts! LOL!

Katy said...

What a sweet way to celebrate Valentine's Day! I'd love that recipe if you are willing to share!

Jess said...

Mmmm your dinner sounds yummy! And as gross as the peeing sounds... it also sounds like a typical man in your hands!!!! Glad ya'll had a happy valentines day!

Andrea said...

Love the toms!! And your shirt looks so romantic, perfect choice! Guys will always be little boys deep down, I'm convinced!!! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! Xoxo

Denise said...

Yikes it looks cold!! Glad you had a fun day!

Haley said...

yay for fabulous shoes from your love and trips up into the mountain, just because :) Glad you enjoyed such a great Valentine's! And YES PLEASE do share the carbonara pasta recipe! :)

Mrs W said...

Pink is your colour Courtney! Ooh, please post the pasta recipe (still can't get enough haha)!

oomph. said...

GAH...TOMS! i've been wanting a pair!!! sounds like a fun valentines for you guys! stay warm!

Share the Love-Giveaway

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

AHH! I LOVE Your BLOG! TOO CUTE!! and Valentines Day looked like sooooo much fun!! You guys are an ADORABLE couple! I am excited to be your newest follower :)


Tiffany said...

Those hearts are so cute and hilarious!!!! What a fun vday!

Celeste said...

What a perfect day!! a) I love that he peed I love you in the snow, haha! b) boogers are the way to a man's heart ;) c) sparkly Toms! jealous!

Christy said...

Seeing you in that t-shirt with snow all around you made me cold!!! haha! I hope you bundled back up after the picture was taken! :) Sounds like a really fun day!

jas said...

looks like such a fun time!

Lindsey said...

You two are so cute together!!! And that recipe looks delish, recipe please!:)

Lauren Talon said...

Following your blog now :)

Natalie said...

OooO! I love that pink top you were wearing! Happy Valentines Day Courtney!

Nobody said...

omg i def want the recipe!!! that looks amaze balls! how is his new job??

kyna... said...

OMG, LOVE the Toms!! I want a pair so bad!! :-)
And I absolutely love the pictures of you guys in the snow! You guys are so darn cute!
♥ Kyna

Brissa said...

what a cute valentine's day!! yay for love!

Elsha said...

this is the cutest post ever!

Laura Burtis said...

YAY for new TOMS!! They are adorable! What a good hubby! And I love that he peed I love you in the snow! That's totally something my hubby would do! HAHA!

Gloria said...

Those Valentine's Day hearts are a riot :-) What a fun day you guys had!

Lauren said...

Everything about this post is adorable! Even the peeing part! {That is so my husband!} I love your homemade hearts and your sparkly Toms! So cute! I'm glad you guys had a great night!


Unknown said...

The homemade heart lines are cracking me up! They are a perfect way to offset the super mushy ones :)

Wherever you live is where I want to live. It looks beyond beautiful!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

We had no idea that Eric was so talented!! He is an artist!! :-) Too funny!
Those pictures are so beautiful!! So glad you guys had such a great Valentine's. The TOMS are so cute too!!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

Callie Lynch said...

Love those sparkly Toms!! Hilarious how he said I love you- too funny!!

Bennett Love

Alexis Kaye said...

I'm getting toms for valentines too!!! :) yay glad it was a good one!

The Presutti's said...

Sounds and looks like you had a perfectly wonderful day :)

Ash said...

oh my word you guys are adorable beyond belief!! what a cute and romantic vday.. great job on the shoes hubby!

Jessica said...

looove your Toms!! I have been thinking of getting a pair of glitter ones!!

two birds said...

what a perfect day! i love the picture of the canyon, and your little cards crack me up! and there's something disgustingly sweet about writing i love you in the snow!

Annie said...

You look so pretty in these pics! And I LOVE those metallic TOMS :)

The Other Side of Gray

Sharstin said...

What a prefect day!! Lovevthese cute Picts!

eas said...

What a great valentine's day. You both are look like you are glowing! So sweet. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

I want a pair of sparkly TOMS but I feel like my legs look like stumps in them so I will now live vicariously through you! ahhahah

It seems like you guys had a great holiday! And that pasta looks delicious!!! I want some right now please!

Cami said...

Your little love notes are SO PRECIOUS :) Goodness. Melt my heart why don't you :)
Glad you had an amazing day - beautiful photos!!oxoxo

(PS and jez, 79 comments!!) :)

Miranda said...

so cute! please please share the recipe!!

A Life Un-Styled said...

Those Toms are definitely rock star shoes!

Sunkissed and Southern said...

i just told my husband about the pee thing. thats so funny but still kind of cute! :)

Evelien said...

Your day looks so fun!! And please do share the recipe!! I'd love to try it out :)

GRACE said...

girl, how are you wearing a tshirt when it's snowing!! it looks beautiful there! & your blog is super cute!

thanks for leaving love on my blog. I live in Orange County-- winter this season has really been weird! It's like summer came, then a little bit of rain, then lots of sun! I know i should be grateful to have such nice weather, but i do miss REAL winter weather! come visit my blog again soon~


Laurel Ann said...

Your valentines are SO flippin' cute! I love them!!! Plus, I have the same Toms. My sister picked them out for me as a birthday gift last August and I STILL can't get over how much I love them!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I love those glitter toms! Glad you had a great Valentine's Day!

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