Sunday, February 12, 2012

weekend review

I'm free!! :) After the last week of babysitting 5 boys, I have never been more grateful to have a Saturday free of plans. Just being able to relax and hangout with Eric was the best! I do have to say real quick... those boys were SO good! It's just shocking to go from having 0 kids and being able to do what I want? To 5 kids and the world revolving around them :) Anyway, we spent the day visiting my in laws, eating good food, and catching up on movies.


Sunday morning? We slept in until 9:30.... Heaven, I tell ya!

P.S. I finally got a Twitter account! Follow me @Court_Brink Hope I can figure this out asap!


Holly said...

Hahahah glad you survived your epic babysitting mission! 5 boys!? Wow!

Anonymous said...


Bree said...

woohoo! I'm glad it went well!

Looks like you had a fabulous weekend! I love the picture of you and Eric :)

Pamela said...

Yummy :) glad you got some time for you two!!

lori said...

i cant imagine having 5 boys! my hubs and i have babysat my 3 nieces (ages 4, 3, and 2) and my nephew (1) and THAT was a handful.... but i think boys would definitely be more of a challenge ;)

Faith said...

any desert with Oreos is amazing to me.

glad you had a great weekend :)

Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

That dessert looks amazing. WOW.

Belle de Couture said...

Yum, that dessert looks so delish! And thx for the sweet comment darlin! ;) You and your hubby are the cutest!


Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Cake and ice-cream - can't get sweeter than that.
Girlie Blog Seattle - Beauty Tips, Makeup How To, Seattle Lifestyle

Heather said...

YUUMMM, that brownie looks delicious!! Glad you survived with the boys :).

Joeylee said...

That brownie looks to die for!
Cute pic of you & your hubby

Keri said...

What movies did you watch?! We love Redbox. And that brownie or cake or whatever it is looks fabulous!

Home on Poplar said...

Looks like a wonderful weekend! Let me know if you figure Twitter out... I haven't figured it out yet!

Savannah said...

Five boys for a full week?!? Holy moly! You definitely deserved a low-key weekend .. and that fab dessert! :)

Bri Buzali said...

that dessert looks soooo good! did you make it?! And I'm soooooo excited you got twitter, I'm following you! yay!

Anonymous said...

That pudding looks amazing!! & thank you for the comment on my blog! You and your hubby make such a cute couple :)

Alyx said...

That cake looks so delicious!!
And man, sleeping in till 9:30 on a Sunday sounds glorious. We have 9:00 church, and I hate it!

Katy said...

Is that an oreo lava cake?!? I had one a few weeks ago and have been craving another one ever since!

Amber said...

I just got twitter last week! I am following you!

Melanie said...

Yay for cute couple time!!! Glad you made it through the babysitting of FIVE boys! I'm sure they had so much fun w/ you two. Y'all are going to be the best mama & daddy! Love to you my sweet beautiful friend! XO

Anonymous said...

We love Redbox! I mean...hello...a movie for a $1!

Thanks for the book tip! And the undeserved compliment. :)

Elisha said...

mhhmm that dessert <3

Sharstin said...

Oh man 5 boys! You deserved some r&r

Elizabeth | The Blush Magnolia said...

Glad you survived your babysitting 5 boys! Hope you got plenty of rest this weekend!

from head 2 toe said...

Ahhh....those blissful moments of silence! And, ice cream always helps! :) Glad you enjoyed some solitude!

MonicaLeeBlog said...

Ummmm that dessert? I want 12. Glad you had a nice relaxing Saturdayy! Redbox was the best invention ever! :]

Laynah said...

holy coww.
so glad you survived.
i love babysitting for long periods of time like that because you really get a glimpse of what kind of parent you will be someday. speaking of which, i just got this wild thinking you and eric should get to working on that so i can die over how cute your bambinos are.

Nicole said...

ahh! seriously. hubs and i babysat three kiddos last weekend. made us kinda glad we don't have our own yet. but yet kinda left us wanting them sometime in the not to distant future. funny how that works.


Haley said...

oh girl you are superwoman! those 5 boys were lucky to have you be their babysitter :) Before having our son Brooks, my hubs and i watched 4 boys once while their parents were in hawaii for 10 was crazy, fun, tiring, and just like you said, our worlds revolved around them for that time, just the way it should be :) But going home the first night after our friends (the parents) got back, and not having any responsibility pretty much rocked our worlds :) so glad you got such a wonderful weekend and a relaxing movie night with your hubs :) Having kids is the most rewarding and sweetest job...but for now, enjoy your time with just the two of you!! :) and yes, sleeping in is HEAVEN :)

Anonymous said...

wow 5 boys?! I wouldn't b able to cope! haha. That dessert looks so yummy x

Holly said...

WHAT IS THATTTTT!!! Oh my goodness, I want that right nowwww! Looks yummy!!! I'm gonna follow you on Twitter!! @hollyjean331

Suget said...

I love sleeping in past 7am haha
Yesss twitter!! I shall follow you (:

Shannon Page said...

Ummm that dessert looks amazing!! Nothing better than relaxing with Red Box on the weekends:)

Truly His said...

That dessert looks delish and yes when you have no kids and then babysit them, you see why God usually gives you one child at a time. ;) newest follower!

Random Musings said...

5 boys wow! You are brave! I love sleep ins!

Lauren said...

That looks like our weekend too :-) I just followed you on Twitter, @moderndaywife

Jill @ ACharmedLife said...

sleeping in is so underrated ;) glad you have your hubby back!

Ashley said...

I couldn't even imagine babysitting 5 boys at the same time! Way to go girl. Sounds like a relaxing weekend after all that hard work. (:

I was just looking for you on Twitter a couple of days ago.... now you have one yay!

jas said...

that sundae looks incredible!

Christy said...

Would you believe we actually went to Chili's last night and I turned down that amazing Oreo Molten Chocolate Cake??? I know. It was hard. But I feel good about it. Glad SOMEONE got to enjoy it this weekend, though! :)

Liesl said...

Watching movies and cuddling up is the best way to spend a Saturday and then to sleep in on Sunday! Yay!

Liesl :)

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Aren't nights at homes eating ice cream and watching movies THE BEST!???

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

Woweee you are a brave girl my friend!! I can't believe that! I hope you two have a fantastic Vday!!

And glad you joined Twitter..if you need any tips let me know ;)


Sara SHOEmaker said...

yay freedom! now just wait till they're all your kids you don't get a day off! lol the idea of motherhood scares me still....Anyway! that brownie treat thing is delicious looking!! yay for relaxing weekends with hubbies!

The House of Shoes

kyna... said...

Ahh Redbox and dessert! That's the best!
♥ Kyna

memory said...

REDBOX! Love it. Cheap fun :) That picture of y'all is too cute.


Emma said...

Glad you all survived and got to sleep in til 9:30 ;)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

There's nothing better than sleeping in. Ok maybe there is.. that dessert!

Amanda English said...

Looked like a wonderful day!!!

Stop by again soon!


Lacy in the Sky with Diapers said...

Yum seriously .... I just came across your bloggy after seeing some comments... I am a hairstylist too!!
New Follower!!

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