Thursday, February 23, 2012

gunlock lake + blog makeover

I love when the blog world collides with the real world! I met Gentri when we both lived up north, and then we both moved south within days of each other. A couple weeks ago (when I was babysitting 5 boys) all the kids were at school except for one, so I met up with Gentri and we went to my favorite place! I have the best memories of ditching school (sorry mom and dad) and hanging out at Gunlock Lake! It was a gorgeous day, with an amazing friend, and a darling 4yr old!

P.S. Notice anything new about the blog??  :) Connie B gave my blog a makeover and I am in love! When I saw that she did some work for my sister in law's blog I knew I had to contact her! Call me a copycat.. but Connie's blog is one of the first blogs I ever started following and I adore her taste! One day I'm going to meet up with her so that she can take pictures of me and Eric! And I think she's gorgeous and has the cutest family... basically I want to be her best friend! Now you can call me a creeper, haha!
Anyway.... thoughts on the new look? Heaven knows I love me some feedback!! :)


Anonymous said...

Love the new look! Very cute! I'm pretty clueless when it comes to how my blog looks, I may need some help! But yours is definitely pretty! :)

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Lovin the new look! Also I am jealous because it looks like you are having some awesome weather there. It's cold and rainy here in Omaha. Better than snow though...

Julie said...

I love your blog makeover! It looks great!! I love the simplicity of it : )

Alexis Kaye said...

the new blog looks awesome! seriously i love it! :)

Samantha said...

Your blog looks fabbbbbulous!!

Bree said...

Lovin' the new look! Makes me want a little makeover myself!

Alyx said...

Oooh, I'm loving your new layout! so simple but fun!

That lake looks perfect!

Jenna // The Life of the Wife said...

The new blog is so perrrty! Love it! And love Gentri!


Anonymous said...

you blog is looking gorgeous! love the new look :)

Joeylee said...

the lake looks awesome and I love your new blog look!!

Gentri said...

Aw yay! I had so much fun that day! I'm so glad we went. :) What are you doing Monday??? I want to explore some more but need a friend. haha! Love the new blog look!

Julie said...


Home on Poplar said...

I looooove the new layout! So cute!

Lauren said...

Love the new layout super cute :-)

Michelle said...

I think it looks great!

Brittany said...

LOVE your blog makeover!! So pretty!

Contemplating Beauty said...

the blog looks great and that is so cool to learn about you and gentri, that is a beautiful place too ...
thank you for your support this week..

Kaitlyn said...

I love it, Courtney! It looks great!

Tiffany said...

Beautiful pics. Your blog looks great.

Bri Buzali said...

I absolutely LOVE your new blog makeover, it looks so cute and it matches your personality so well!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look. I am not so good at the blog design wish I had someone to overhaul my blog lol.

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

Your blog looks fabulous, such a fun switch!! :)

Melanie said...

LOOOOVE the new look Courtney! It's just perfect! How beautiful are those pictures! Did I (Mel) help take them... I somehow don't remember?

LOVE you sweet friend.

Sue said...

The lake is beautiful and I love the new blog look :)

Katy said...

I love how simple and clean the blog looks! Those pictures are gorgeous too!

Kendra L. said...

I love how it looks! I am all about the clean, spacious, cute look. :) I wish I could fix my dumb blog like this...probably would help if it HAD A NAME!!! Anyways, yours looks great!

Marli said...

what fun! and I L-O-V-E the new blog look...totally looks like you...fashionably girlie. ;D


Casey Martinez said...

Love the clean and cheery look of the blog!

Elizabeth Justice said...

I love the look, she did a great job!

Emily said...

Blog makeovers are so fun. Yours looks great.

Anonymous said...

Love those lake pics! Loving the blog makeover!

stephanie said...

gorgeous pics! and I love the new look!!

Keri said...

The blog looks great! What a beautiful lake and gorgeous girls. :)

Cami said...

GORGEOUS photos...I want to visit there :)
You two look gorgeous, too!!
And I know I already told you - but I am looooving your bloggity blog redesign!!


jes @ twosmuppies said...

thanks so much for stopping by our blog! and YES, i hope you do go get puzzles now!
we started following you and we hope you do the same so that us puzzlers can stick together ;)

Crowley Family said...

The new look is awesome!

Melanie Mueller said...

I love your new blog design. It looks great!! Pretty pictures on the lake!

Deidre said...

It looks fab, I love the header! That font is great and has awesome character.

lori said...

i love the new layout. simple and feminine... super cute!

That Girl said...

Those views are stunning!

Sara Louise said...

I love the new blog look! The header is fantastic :)

m&msmommy said...

I LOVE the new look...super cute! I need a new blog look SO bad! The kids pictures in my header are SO old! ;)

Beautiful pics! What a gorgeous scenary!

Have a great weekend! :)

Lindsay @ Lovely Life Styling said...

Those pics are so pretty! Love your blog! Thans for leaving a comment on mine so I could find you!

rachel said...

omigosh! blog is SUPER cute!!!! and i am so jealous of both of you girls getting to hang out together! eeeeeeeee!!!!!! just what the doctor ordered! <3

Unknown said...

what gorgeous pictures! And your blog make-over is adorable! Love the header. xo

Miranda said...

love the new look--simple. pink.

Carlie said...

Your blog looks great!
That lake looks so inviting right now! I want to just jump right in.

Val said...

The new blog look looks amazing. Beautiful pics.

Holly said...

What a beautiful place to be...I'm really jealous!!! And I loooove your new blog makeover :-D

ConnieB said...

You are too sweet- and I DON'T think you are a creeper! Just sweet! (: I think we would be great friends in RL. I'm glad your readers like the new look! Thanks for having me do it.

Emily said...

your new layout looks great! i love love love it! and that lake looks fantastic! great pics

Shay said...

Holy cow, 2 of my very favorite bloggers! I am so jealous! And LOVING the new look, Court- simple and PERFECT!

stephanie said...

those photos are amazing! and how fun that you got to meet Gentri!!!!! love it.

Unknown said...

Breathtaking photos! That's awesome that you can meet up with fellow blog members. I don't know any other bloggers who live near me!

And yes, those shoes are quite ridiculous! I like to balance on the heels of my feet when my shoes are hurting me, so I could never buy no-heel shoes! I doubt I'd even be able to stand in them! lol


Emily Meyers said...

Hello! love your blog! I just added myself to your followers for support, and wanted to invite you to come follow my blog and be a part of a fun giveaway I’m having!
Hope to see you there! Thanks!

Dearest Lou said...

I love Gentri she is such a sweet heart and that's a cute photo of the both of you! Thanks for your sweet comments dear I'm so glad you commented so I could find your blog and follow you back! I responded to how it flushed down the toilet if you want to read the response ;P

Well, I don't know what your blog looked like before but it looks AWESOME now!

Cecilia said...

I just found your blog and I wish I could have seen it before to compare hehe BUT I have to say it looks really good and professional so she does great work. How nice she was able to help you with your's too. Great pics and it looks like you have a really nice life, you and your hubby are cute. Following you now,


The Hopewell House said...

LOVE your new blog layout-- it looks awesome!

Samantha said...

aw i love gentri! i've never met her, but i love her blog :) and love the new look of the blog!

Holly said...

Looks like a beautiful lake! I love the photo of the jetty. :)

kyna... said...

Love your new blog, and love that you got to hang out with Gentri! I love her blog! And I am STILL blown away that Alycia is your SIL. I started following both of your blogs within days of each other, and I know I didn't find both your blogs through each other...I'll have to tell you though one beats your cheery smile! Your blog ALWAYS gives me that! :-)
♥ Kyna

Shauna said...

I love your blog design it's simple and elegant. Very good.

That's so funny that you met up with one of your fellow bloggers! There are so many I would love to meet-lucky you. Take care,


Ana said...

Love the new layout :)

Celeste said...

I want to skip work and go there! I love the new look!!

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

You and Gentri are killing me with cuteness! WHAT beautiful photos of two of my favorite ladies! :D

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