Monday, May 7, 2012

looking back...

 From our dating days
While I was working at the salon last week, on my wedding anniversary, I was talking with a client who has been coming to me since Eric and I were dating! She made me realize how much Eric and I have been through in our short four years of marriage, and how far we've come! It's been fun to reminisce on some of our adventures, and painful to remember others, but we've made it through each one together
Sorry, I pulled this picture off Facebook so it's not the best quality!
Our first year of marriage was very naive :) I remember having the crazy goals of: having my school and car debt paid off, buying a home, buying a truck, and buying a wave runner. I'm pretty sure we only got my school debt paid off, ha ha! But hey, you dream big and then reality puts you back in your place! Our first year was spent adjusting to married life (which is a HUGE adjustment. People just aren't honest and upfront about that enough...) and figuring out how to pay the bills. We did fit a Disneyland trip in there! Those little vacations are a big deal for us :) Oh, and I chopped 15 inches of hair off. That was almost a deal breaker for Eric ;) Did I mention that I was 20 years old and Eric was 22? We were babies!
By the time our 2 year anniversary rolled around, we thought we had it all figured out! We came extremely close to buying our first home, but at the last second we felt all wrong about the house and backed out. Thankfully! Our agent had talked us into offering 10 GRAND over the asking price, plus the home needed some work since it was a foreclosure. She saw us coming from miles away... stupid! But we learned our lesson and when we do finally buy a home? We won't be taken advantage of! We went to San Diego for my first time and a cruise for Eric's first time! We also learned how fast your world can be turned upside down in our 2nd year of marriage. Eric was laid off from work, twice! The first time he was only laid off for a month and a half. The second time? Close to 7 months. Those were the most trying and depressing months for Eric. It definitely took a toll on our marriage!
3 years in and my life had already panned out so differently than I'd planned! With the lack of work for Eric we had come to the decision that it was time to move to northern Utah. I was terrified to move, I'd lived in the same town my whole life! But at the same time, I was excited for the adventure and so relieved that Eric was working again! I ended up loving the area we moved to, I loved the amazing new friendships that were formed, and I loved being closer to extended family! Eric and I definitely had to work on our marriage in ways we'd never had to before. We were on our own, in a new place, and were only able to rely on each other! That sounds pretty weird, but when we got married I was still completely in my comfort zone because we were in a familiar area, with my friends and parents around, and Eric just happened to fit in perfectly. When I moved away from all things familiar, I really had to learn to rely on Eric! It felt kind of like that crappy adjustment period you go through in the first year of marriage :) But clearly we made it through, together! Oh, and we finally bought that truck and paid off my car!
And here we are to 4 years! We have already moved a second time, which we all know has been extremely difficult for me. Eric landed his "dream" job, which we are very grateful for. Eric also finished school, which is an amazing feat! We get to vacation in Hawaii, which I am so ready for :) And who knows what else is in store for us this next year of marriage. I can tell you that big things will be happening (but we probably won't be buying that home or that wave runner. Maybe year 5?)! Big things have already happened! Most of them were unplanned, and each one was a huge shock. Eric and I have experienced incredible highs and extreme lows, together. But we have made it through each adventure, and each trial, together! And outcome of it all is that we have a deeper love for each other and a stronger marriage! I can't ask for more than that :)
ha ha!


Alyx said...

Awww, Courtney, this is adorable! And thank goodness for that bad feeling about the house - at least you learned from it, and now know you won't get taken advantage of!
Love seeing how much you two have been through together!

Pamela said...


Karla said...

LOVED this post! First of all congrats on your 4 year anniversary.. its amazing to see what you guys have gone through and accomplished in four years! We are still in our first year of marriage basically in the naïve stage.. I LOL because I too wanted to pay off my husbands truck and obtain our first home.. I know we will get there.. there is no need to rush .. have to keep reminding myself that my plans are not always Gods plans.

Evelien said...

Aww such a great story you guys have to tell! All your pictures just show how much you love each other :)
Too cute!!
Congrats to the both of you!

Suget said...

So awesome! I am glad you two stuck together!!!

Tere Shake said...

4 years! That seems like forever, but then again it doesnt seem like that long ago! happy anniversary!

Amber said...

Y'all are the cutest couple! Congrats!!

Amy said...

this is too cute, you guys are adorable together.

xoxo, Amy

Amy said...

this is too cute, you guys are adorable together.

xoxo, Amy

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

An agent tried to take advantage of me as well when buying my house, sneaky little people. We have also had to adjust our goals with time as life has thrown us curveballs.

Love this post, so cute!

lori said...

i loved this post. so glad you didn't get the first house. marriage {or life for that matter} definitely doesn't always go how you planned. but you obviously have come a long way in four years.


m&msmommy said...

Happy (belated) anniversary sweet friend!!! :) Marriage is SO difficult (at times) but SO worth it! :)

Have a great week! :)

Jessica Ruud said...

I love this. Beautiful.

Katie said...

so sweet! Any chance that huge shocker is a baby? ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! How exciting for you both. You guys not only make a beautiful couple but it sounds like you're both amazing people. I'm so excited for you both to see what incredible opportunities lie ahead for you both! :) BTW thank you for visiting my little blog :)

Cara said...

Congrats to you guys!! Enjoy your vacation :)

Unknown said...

What a sweet post! You learn so much in marriage. I'm excited to see how we will be in 4yrs :) You guys are super cute.

Courtney said...

Wow 4 years! That is awesome! So happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

:) so great!

Samantha said...

This was a sweet post :)

My husband and I just celebrate year 5. We still don't have our own home...

life definitely never turns out how you have it planned...sometimes it's better :)

Natalie said...

Happy anniversary! Y'all have not aged one bit!

:: ashley :: said...

you guys are so sweet together, what a happy life you have~!

Anonymous said...

Courtney this is beautiful! This seriously helped me with all my wedding stress. It's so nice to hear how positive couples can stay through trials, and it helps me to know that everything will work out as long as we're together! You're very inspiring, darling.

Haley said...

Courtney! What the heck! i figured out how i knew you! Ok... so this might sound creepy but i'm pretty sure you came into ULTA last week when i was working! hahah small world! K LOVE YOUR BLOG! you two are so cute. Let's be for real friends yeah? If that was you in ULTA last week... Have soo much fun in HAWAII!!!

Mel said...

You two are so So sweet! It's awesome how honest you are about your marriage and I just love reading your posts! I wish only the best for you two for the future years!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

Aw, we wish you guys many more years of happiness!!

Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

you live and learn huh? but i agree ... it's ok to dream big. scratch that. it's necessary to dream big!

Eesh said...

Awwww you two are still so super cute after all these years!

I'm glad that you let us know that marriage aint all scented candles & roses. Some people act as if its a walk in the park. Thanks for clearing that up!!!! But you live, you learn & you move on & pray for the best.


Jamie said...

I sincerely hope you read this post often. You're so sweet and it's these realizations right here that should let you know you'll last forever together.

Alexis Kaye said...

you two are sweet :) Marriage is the best! Its great you were able to go through those hard things and come closer together so early in marriage :)

Melanie said...

Awwwww! Just love you girl. I willlll EXplode if I say more.... AHhhhh! At least you understand this comment & that's all that matters)Lol)


Melanie said...

Awwwww! Just love you girl. I willlll EXplode if I say more.... AHhhhh! At least you understand this comment & that's all that matters)Lol)


Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

SUCH a cute story Courtney! It's amazing how things can change but mostly for the better! such a big deal to move, not sure I'd be able to do it! looks like things worked out for you guys though.. you are for sure the cutest. and tooootally jealous about the trip to Hawaii!

Julie said...

Awesome post! I agree, Keith and i have also been through a lot in our time together but it all makes you stronger and shows just how much love you have for one another.

BTW, every time I see you post a pic of your hubby, I see Bachelor Ben in his face! Not his hair, because I can't stand Bachelor Ben but there's something with his smile that makes me think of that show!

Whitney Leigh said...

you two are so sweet. I just love it. :)

Lauren said...

You two are adorable! :) I wish you both many, many, many more years of happiness! :)


Nicole said...

You both are so cute.

Unknown said...

That first photo of you is so pretty. Oh, and you guys have been able to go on some pretty awesome trips together! that's so lucky! Maybe one day we'll be able to go on one! ;)

Diane Writes said...

Hearing your roller coaster ride as a couple made me admire both of you. You have withstand almost everything. You two are indeed blessings to each other.

Liz Brown said...

I love that last picture with the Redbox DVDS in there! :) I think that is becoming a norm for couples alllll around the country ... 'Lets run to the Redbox and find something for tonight' :D

Kristin said...

congrats on a good 4 years!

Asha said...

Wow, so many changes in just four years! It's amazing how much you both have grown together. I honestly can't imagine living more than 5 miles away from my mom but I'm sure that move strengthened your marriage tremendously. Thank God, about that house not working out, when you are patient than the perfect home will come to you :)

p.s. - hubs and I are redbox addicts too!

rachel said...

you guys are SO cute <3

Kylie said...

It's crazy what you go through together, isn't it? We're just approaching 2 years and I feel like we've gone through the works haha. But it's so true, that everything you go through together makes you stronger and more in love.

That Girl said...

Keep going on those little vacations! It's good to have some get-away time.

Katie said...

i was also 20 when we got married - so young!! and i too was pretty naive about marriage but thankfully we've been blessed with a great marriage and will be celebrating 7 years next week! happy anniversary to you and your husband!!

from head 2 toe said...

Super cute post! I love it! And you guys were babies like you said when you got hitched! OMG! Wow. Congrats on 4 years- especially ones you said have been hard. :) What a great example of a great marriage!

Chris and Sarah said...

I was going to get on here and write exactly what Katie wrote. That's my prediction too!!! Just hoping....!!!!

Andrea D said...

This is too cute :)
We got married at 21 and it's crazy how much has changed for us in just under two years. It's so much fun looking back at everything that's happened and how much you grow together!

Tiff For Tat said...

Great post!! I love how honest you are and that marriage is not all smiles and happy times. You have to work at it. We have only been married less than two months and I am already struggling with the bill/joint checking account thing. I think we will stick to yours, mine, and ours!!

Tiffany said...

Y'all are absolutely adorable! I love this.

Liesl said...

What a lovely look back on your relationship and how far you have come, as you said, love this!!! You are both adorable and I love that you have found this type of love, support and friendship in another both deserve it, and it makes me hopeful and smile! :)

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved this post! 4 years married, that's such a long time! For me it's great to see that there are couples who marry young and don't end up divorcing two or three years later, because it proves -some people- so wrong! :D

You two are so adorable!

Niina - My Paper Chaos said...

What an interesting post to see, it's always nice to hear other people's stories, both the ups and downs!

Have a lovely week! :)

Shelley said...

I can totally relate to so much of this!! We got married at the same ages as you guys, stuck around familiar area with family and friends, and continued to move further and further away. It was rough!! But it's so true what they say about trials making your love stronger! Happy 4 years!

Holly said...

You guys are such a great inspiration to me! I hope I can find someone as sweet as Eric some day :)

Amanda said...

This post makes me happy! It's amazing to see how far you've come in just 4 short years! I'm so happy for you!

Marli said...

Loved this post. Y'all are TOO cute! Congrats on paying your school and car off...that is MAJOR. ;) I hope y'all are blessed with many more years of happiness!


Janna Renee said...

I didn't realize that you were younger than me! I really think four years is amazing...Especially with all that y'all have been through! I look up to you, young grasshoppah!

Megan said...

This post is adorable and I love your honesty with it!! Happy anniversary to y'all!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

It sounds like you dodged a real bullet with that foreclosure home!

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