Thursday, May 3, 2012

4 years


4 of the hardest years of my life.
4 of the happiest years of my life. 
4 of the most satisfying years of my life.
4 years of being Mrs. Brinkerhoff...
I can't imagine a better way to spend the last 4 years of my life.
Happy Anniversary, Eric. I love you!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you too! I hope you have 80 more amazing years!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! :)

Liz said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Unknown said...



Andrea D said...

You looked beautiful on your wedding day! Happy Anniversary...and I hope you have many more amazing years together :)

Erin said...

Awww- so sweet! You guys looked picture perfect! Happy Anniversary girlfriend!!! :)

Pamela said...

AWW! Happy Anniversary, you two love birds! :)

Holly said...

Awww happy anniversary!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, happy anniversary!! :)

Samantha said...

Happy Anniversary! My husband & I just celebrated 5 years in February :)

Amber said...


J and A said...

YAY Happy 4 years! :) It will only get better and better!!

eas said...

Happy Anniversary!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Congrats girl. I still cannot get over how gorgeous your wedding photos are!

tara said...

Happy anniversary! :)

Natalie said...

Happy anniversary!

Alyx said...

Congratulations, Courtney!!! So happy for you two lovebirds!

hannah love said...

happy anniversary!! i love how you said it was the most hardest but also happiest and satisfying years :)

Cindy P said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! =D

Miss Jewells said...

So sweet! Happy Anniversary you two!

Shonnie said...

Love your post

"4 of the hardest years of my life.
4 of the happiest years of my life."

This comment could be more true. The hard times in marriage make for happier happy times :) Happy Anniversary gorgeous!! Hope you have a wonderful day with your stud.

Ashlee @ said...

Happy Anniversary Courtney & Eric! :)

Laura Burtis said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the adorable couple!!

Nichole @ said...

Happy Anniversary!

Amanda said...

Happy, happy anniversary!

Lauren said...

Happy Anniversary you two :-)

Chris and Sarah said...

oh wow! I had no idea our anniversaries were so close together! We got married 2 weeks before you did! cool! Happy Anniversary!

Crissy@ABerrySweetLife said...

Congrats on 4 years! Happy Anniversary!

Carlie said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you two do something special to celebrate!

Amy Harris said...

happy anniversary :) you two are just cute!

Tess @ AModernSuburbanitesLife said...

happy anni !

Caitlin said...

Happy anniversary!!

Unknown said...

We just celebrated 2 years in April and I'm with you on the 'hardest years of my life, happiest years of my life'

Happy anniversary!

= said...

happy anniversary sweet girl!

Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Amy said...

Awww, cuteness! Happy Anniversary cute Courtney!!

Jamie said...

4 years. wow. Congratulations! Here's a toast to many more!

lori said...

yayyy! happy anniversary you two!!

Liesl said...

Awww!!! :) LOVE this post! Happy 4 Year Anniversary to you both!!! So great to see you so happy and I hope you both get to enjoy this day! Here's to 4 more ahead and forever! <3

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary and many more to come!! That last picture is a great snapshot!

Julie said...

Happy Anniversary and many more to come!! That last picture is a great snapshot!

Chrissy + Nate said...

Happy Anniversary!

kyna... said...

Happy Anniversary you happy couple!! Big hugs!!
♥ Kyna

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Gorgeous! Haaaaaaaappy Anniversary!!!

Lindsay said...

Happy anniversary! Gorgeous pictures!

Sam said...


Unknown said...

You guys are so cute! Congratulations, happy anniversary! =]

Heather said...

So sweet! Happy 4 years and many many more!

ConnieB said...

Congrats Courtney! So true- best, happiest, hardest. Marriage is wonderful (: I was popping by to say thanks for your comment on my last post- it meant a lot!

Melanie said...

Sigggggh. True love is such a beautiful thing my sweet friend.

I know I've told you this before...

HOT DANG woman... beautiful bride!
LOVE that last pic.

Melanie said...

OOOOOh yah... Happy Anniversary love!

Lauryn said...

Happy anniversary! Four years is a wonderful milestone. I hope you had fun celebrating :)

The Presutti's said...

happy anniversary to an amazingly beautiful and wonderful couple :)

Emily Meyers said...

Hey there! Happy Anniversary! I'm a follower of your cute blog, and just wanted to invite you to come enter a fabulous MODCLOTH giveaway I'm having right now!!

Hope to see you there! Thanks so much!

Kell said...

Happy anniversary! That is a huge accomplishment.. and something to be so proud of.

That Girl said...

Happy Anniversary!

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...


Noora said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures! Congratulations! <3

Greetings from Finland,

Megan said...

Happy happy anniversary!!!! Love you two!!

kori said...

Happy anniversary girl!!!
those pictures are gorgeous!
have a good weekend!

Karina Marie Powell said...

happy anniversary! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!

Yours Truly said...

Just came across your blog. Love it...after reading a few post I have decided to definitely become a new follower. : ) Happy Anniversary!


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I know this is going to sound totally weird but did you get your dress at Abella Bridal?

oomph. said...

happy anniversary guys!!!


Luna said...

Congratulations! I went back and read your wedding pics post... your wedding does not + will not look old fashioned. Thanks for stopping by :)

Marli said...

Yay for four years!! Here's to four more... ;D You were such a beautiful bride. I absolutely love your dress.


Shay said...

You two are so so cuuute! And I love the timing of your pregnancy- I am so grateful Cooper and I had some years together before the baby!

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!