Thursday, October 24, 2013

redsox nation

Mia's headband c/o Sunnie Jae
It's official! I've lost my husband to the world series. This isn't something I'd normally blog about but sometimes I've got to be a supportive wifey and bite the bullet to blog about something my hubs takes serious interest in, ha ha. (I'm totally kidding, Eric. You know I love you and your love for the Red Sox!)
Side note: We were lucky enough to watch the Cardinals AND the Red Sox play during our California adventure. (Thank goodness for my obsession with taking pictures for the blog, Eric, or we wouldn't have proof of this ;)
Last night we watched game one at Ashley and Austin's house. They are huge Cardinals fans so we knew we'd have a good time giving each other a hard time (I mean, the husbands gave each other a hard time and the wives just supported their husbands and told them to quiet down when their hollering scared the babies)! We enjoyed good food, watching the babies play (I mean, watching the game), and we definitely enjoyed a good win! If the Red Sox keep this up I'm going to have an extremely happy husband on my hands :)
Who are you rooting for??

P.S. I have to add that my husband has been a Red Sox fan for forever, basically. Ever since he was a young little tyke :) He's been their loving (and disappointed, at times) fan through thick and thin. He's a loyal one and I'm lucky to call him mine, ha ha!! (But seriously!)

The Little Things in Life


Lacey said...

Your daughter is so stinkin cute! Love that toothy grin :) I've officially lost my husband to the World Series as well so don't feel bad ;)

Pamela said...

Cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

CARDINALS!!! Regardless of last night's mess of a game. We're still in it to win it.

Linzi Scarsella said...

Cheers to being a supportive wife in the times of Sporting events! My hubs loves the Seahawks so when they play we watch. Or I run to Target, yay!

Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout said...

Luckily, Brady isnt TOO into sports. He has been worse this year and it's been driving me crazy! What a good wifey you are ;)

Shannon Page said...

YAY for Red Sox fans!! Another one over here:)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I'm an Orioles fan, only because they are my hometeam. I'm not into baseball a whole lot. Football is more my thing;) Mia looks presh as always. Killin' me with the cute headbands!

hello erin said...

We're dodger fans out here... So go sox!!!!!!!!!! My husband was uber happy last game. Keep it up kids ;)

Sarah said...

I'm a Boston girl so we are all about our Red Sox! If only I could get my husband to stop clapping and yelling so loud!

Sarah said...

Go Boston!!!

Cute pics. I love when families bond over sporting events. :)

Julie said...

We'll give you game 1, heck maybe even game 2 but THE CARDINALS RULE!! :)

12 IN 13!!!

Go Cardinals!!

Casey Martinez said...

We are a baseball family too! So bummed that the Dodgers (our home team) threw that game away and lost their shot at the world series. boo! lol. Glad you guys get to keep enjoying it!

Anonymous said...


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