Friday, October 4, 2013

since it's shut down...

I wish the person taking our picture would've told us to move over so we weren't standing right in front of the arch :(
My favorite shot of the Double Arches

When we were driving home from my grandma's we decided to stop in Moab and visit Arches National Park. I have always wanted to see the Delicate Arch (which is featured on Utah license plates) so we decided that was the day we'd hike to it! It's kind of a rough hike which I wasn't expecting, so we were dressed all wrong for the event ha ha. Oops! But it was so worth it! We had an amazing view of a portion of the park and it was incredible to see this beautiful arch that stood on the middle of flat rock! (I took a panoramic picture that I'm pretty proud of and posted it on Instagram if you want to check it out. It was even featured on another account, so cool since I'm no photographer!)
We didn't have much time for anything else because we still had a long drive ahead of us, but we stopped and saw the Double Arches because they are my favorite (along with the Delicate) on our way out! I'm so glad we visited and I feel awful for all the people that traveled from around the world to visit our national parks that are now closed :( I feel so blessed to live in a state that holds so much beauty!

P.S. 10 minutes after leaving home I realized I forgot my camera. I was kind of mad, but not mad enough to turn around and get it. Once we were at the park, I was kicking myself for not asking Eric to originally go back and get the camera. The phone camera just doesn't do it justice, although I'm not sure any camera really does!


Pamela said...

Awww so neat & gorgeous!

hello erin said...

Nature is straight up amazing... The arches are seriously stunning! I can't even imagine how cool they are in person!!

Anonymous said...

I wish we had more parks like that near us... just sunning!

Katie said...

so pretty!! thank goodness for phone cameras!

Kristen said...

Beautiful!!! The last picture says so much! I think despite the lack of camera the pictures are great! Loving the 3 of you. I saw what you said about it on instagram, Eric is funny! I've heard about them but never knew what they actually looked like. For some reason Utah is a place on my list of places I want to see. I can only picture snow when I think about it lol

Eryka said...

That hike was rough. Well I was like 8 weeks pregnant when we did it. I thought I was going to die. haha!

It's so worth it though! :)


It's so pretty there! I want to visit Moab soooo bad! We want to go four wheeling out there!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are so pretty! And she is such a cutie, I love her bow and the bows from your previous posts! Love your blog, new follower!

Brittany said...

These pictures are so gorgeous! I'd love to see it in person! I feel so bad for the travelers who can't visit the national parks, too. I can't believe it.

Dee Stephens said...

I know you hate your small town girl but gosh, you're so blessed to be near such beauty. I'm jealous.

Rach said...

What a beautiful place! I've never been to a place like this. One of these days I'll make it out to Utah! Glad you guys got to go! :)

Julie said...

I'm sad about the whole shutdown of parks too - they are just too gorgeous not to have all the visitors they normally do!

Lauren said...

great pics! I've never been anywhere like that!

The Lady Okie said...

People who take pictures for you never know what they're doing, do they? At least you got a picture of the three of you! Lovely spot.

The Girl who Loved to Write said...


Laura Darling said...

So so beautiful! The landscape in Pennsylvania is SO different from that!! How gorgeous!

Kym said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures :)

Allison said...

Real camera or not, these pictures are great! Love that last shot!!

Janna Renee said...

I had a similar issue yesterday, only I had the camera, but wished I'd had the tripod! Luckily, the tripod was in the car, so when we switched to a different park, I had both. If you guys don't have a tripod, you should get one. And a remote. It is a great way to take pics with all three of you in it!

Unknown said...

Wow those views are stunning. You can't beat a view like that :)

Unknown said...

Wow those views are stunning. You can't beat a view like that :)

Danielle said...

But it's SOOOO pretty!!!! As are you and your darling fam :)

Sam said...

Oh my gosh those arches are incredible!!! Adding this to my wanderlust list!!

Miki said...

Wow, what a breath-taking scenery! I've never been to a place like this. I can't wait to see more of America; there are so many things to see here :).

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

how cool! I love the scenery you've been posting lately!

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