Friday, July 20, 2012

week 18 {MOVEMENT!!}

So I totally have a "cutesy" plan for my weekly bump pictures, but it's not quite ready for this week. Which is totally okay because this story deserves a whole post of it's own... I've been feeling movement this week!! And the best part? Eric feels it, too!!

 There it is. 18 weeks 4 days (basically 5, that's why I look so hammered, it had been a long day) Keeps growing!

I'd been dying to feel our baby move for the last week or so. I knew it was pretty common to start feeling your 1st between weeks 18-20, but I was hoping to get lucky during week 17. Didn't happen. Sunday was my 18 week mark so I was really paying attention this week to see if I could feel anything. When Eric and I woke up Monday morning he told me he felt the baby move the night before. What the heck? How could he feel it when I couldn't?? I didn't believe him. We had a doctor's appointment that afternoon and they were asking me if I felt baby move and I was so bummed to tell them no. Of course, Eric starts bragging to the doctor that he felt baby move... so they both put their hands on my belly to see if baby would make a move. Didn't happen. We heard the heartbeat and recorded it on our phones! I'm not telling you how many times I've listened to that amazing sound since our appointment ;) We set up the gender reveal ultrasound appointment and then we headed out!
Tuesday morning I went to spin class (go me!) and while I was stretching after class I felt two distinct thumps inside my belly. It was totally our baby! As soon as I got home I told Eric about it and he just said, "well.... yeah." with a no-duh look on his face. Ha ha, he can be so snoody when he thinks he's right :) But the BEST part of the the day was bed time! We were laying in bed, me on my right side, Eric on his back with the back of his hand/fingers resting against my belly, watching a movie to wind down and go to sleep. All the sudden I felt my stomach kind of pulsing and realized it was baby! The same moment I realized the movement, Eric put more pressure on my belly. The man wasn't lying!! He was totally feeling the baby move as well! I asked him if he could feel it and his reply was, "yep! I told you I felt the baby move..." ha ha. And then we laid there for a few minutes in awe, feeling our baby go crazy in my belly. I had one big, stupid grin on my face the whole time :) I realized I had felt this movement multiple times before, but I never recognized it because I was expecting a gas bubble type feeling, or butterfly type feeling. But the only way I can describe it is a pulsing, like a heart beat pulse, but much faster. But I am so happy with the moment that I actually recognized it, because it's a moment that Eric and I shared together! I think that's so special because I've heard the hubs/dad usually doesn't feel movement for a couple weeks after the mom does. I am one happy mama!!


Katie said...

you are adorable!! and what a cute little bump!!

Erin said...

Sooooo SO EXCITING!! I cannot imagine how happy that must have made you guys :) I hope your gender reveal appointment is only a couple weeks away!! Are you going to share with the world, or keep it a surprise?! You are lookin' good momma!!

Julie said...

Wow, I can't imagine what that feeling is like. So happy that you guys got to share that moment together! Congratulations! :)

Jennifer Owens said...

That is so awesome! (o: Feeling your baby move for the first time is the most incredible feeling ever. I remember me and my husband cried the first time we both felt our little boy moving around.

Enjoy every moment of it!

Jen said...

cutest story ever, this gave me chills! so so special that you guys got to share these moments :)

also you are the cutest mom-to-be, EVER. Can't wait for the gender reveal so I can go out and buy baby clothes to send you!!!

Cindy P said...

That's so awesome!! I love this story and I love that Eric felt the baby move before you! How adorable. =) I'm so happy for you guys!!

m&msmommy said...

Absolutely adorable! LOVED this story! :) What a special moment for you both! :)

Have a great weekend! :)

Joeylee said...

You have such a cute baby bump feeling the baby kick for the first time is the best feeling

Shannon said...

Aww that's great! Feeling the baby move is by far the best part of pregnancy and the one thing I really miss. Enjoy it!

Rebecca said...

Awe, such a lovely story and so nice that you both got to share the experience together.....such an exciting time you have ahead of you, there are going to be so many "firsts."

Amanda said...

Yey! How exciting :) I dreamif the day that this might happen to me!! Happy Weekend :) XO

Chelsea said...

That is so, so sweet, Courtney! Look at your adorable little bump! You're giving me baby fever... or pregnant fever, whatever you want to call it! I miss those little flutters and kicks. It's amazing. So glad you get to enjoy such a miracle!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

that is soooo exciting!! Seriously one of the best feelings ever!!

Robin said...

That is so so exciting! I can't imagine what that must feel has to be the greatest feeling ever times a million! SO excited for you!!!

Unknown said...

Thats incredible! You are looking great!

The Pink Growl said...

so exciting girl! You are so cute!

Jessica said...

I bet everything feels so much more real now!! Enjoy every little thump and bump :)

Dee Stephens said...

How awesome! I started feeling the baby around the 4th of July! It's almost like little popcorn!

ajs {of MN} said...

look at your teeny tiny 18 week bump! your adorable, thanks for stopping by my blog- how did you find me?

congrats on your upcoming baby, i can't wait to follow along. Do you know what you are having, boy or girl?? will you find out?

we waited and i will do that over and over and over... ;)


Deveny said...

Yea!! I love that feeling - although, when you're in your third trimester it looks like a scene from 'Alien'. A little un-nerving to see a round head stretch your skin from one side to another as they move positions, all while feeling the whole thing. LOL

Carlie said...

That is so cool! What a neat thing to experience together!

Unknown said...

yay!!! that is so exciting! it is so much fun to feel the babes for the first time! even better when dad feels it!

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

You are too cute! Yay mama!

= said...

yay!! thats exciting!! you look soo cute!! and still tiny!!

rachel said...

ahhhhhhhhh!!!! isn't it amazing??? that is the #1 most wonderful, fantastc, incredible thing about being pregnant! i miss it so, so cool!

Tess @ AModernSuburbanitesLife said...

this is the most adorable post yet. I seriously can not wait for your gender reveal posts!!

Anonymous said...

:) Such a cute bump! I love baby bump pictures.

Glad you both got to feel the baby move. That has to be an awesome feeling. It is still so amazing to me to think a little person is developing INSIDE you! Soo crazy.

Alyx said...

Awww, I love it!

And go you for going to spin class!!

♥tori. said...

Congrats! That's the BEST feeling in the entire world.

Keri said...

Your excitement and joy is contagious!!! And you are gorgeous! You brought a smile to my face today. :) Jason and I always LOVED bedtime each time I was pregnant because as soon as I would lay down, baby would start moving like crazy. He also loved it when I would lay behind him because he could feel baby kicking his back.

Keep savoring and enjoying these moments...your marriage is strengthening right before your eyes. :)

Liz said...

Ahhh you are soo cute!!!!

Unknown said...

That's so adorable!! And your baby bump is so cute!

Amanda said...

YAY for feeling the baby! I think it's so funny that he felt the baby before you did :) You're looking fantastic by the way! I'm so proud of you working out and staying healthy during this pregnancy! Can't wait for more baby bump pictures!

The Hopewell House said...

I really hope I look like you someday when I'm 18 weeks-- you look great & you have such a fabulous glow :)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Woot woot!! I love those little flutters when you first start feeling the baby!! So exciting!

Ashley said...

Yeah! There is nothing that can compare to feeling your baby move inside of you. It such an amazing thing. :)

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Yea congrats on feeling the baby move :) Can't wait to find out the gender! You look fabulous!

PS--Go you for going to spin class!

Samantha said...

so i haven't blog stalked you in awhile but congrats on the baby!!! you're a cute little pregnant girl!

Megan said...

Your bump is so tiny!! Please eat more so I don't look like a huge fatty with my large 12 week bump. Hahahahaha. But seriously, SO SO excited for y'all!!!! That is amazing! I can't wait for that feeling!!!!!

Diane Writes said...

You look lovely and happy with your pregnancy. Enjoy the journey!

That Girl said...

Wanna hear something fun? If what you're feeling is "heartbeat like" you're probably feeling baby hiccups! They kind of "feel" like a heartbeat. As opposed to a kick which isn't going to be as regular. And the rolls, which rolls!

That Girl said...

Wanna hear something fun? If what you're feeling is "heartbeat like" you're probably feeling baby hiccups! They kind of "feel" like a heartbeat. As opposed to a kick which isn't going to be as regular. And the rolls, which rolls!

Kristin said...

you look as cute as ever!

Alexis said...

So exciting!!!!! Can't wait for that :) and you're the cutest lil momma!

Ariel Tyler Henley said...

love your baby bump! So cute!

Val said...

How exciting!!! Congrats, I'm so happy for you.

Emma Frances said...

Aww!! I love this story! Feeling your baby move inside of you is the BEST! I still love feeling my little lady move. I'm going to miss it so much when she is born but it'll be so fun to have her in my arms! And I can't wait for you to find our if you're having a boy or a girl!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! LOVE IT! Anxiously awaiting or future bump post and can't wait to hear if it's a B or G! xoxo A-

Jessica M. said...

You and your bump are precious!! I love reading about your progress!!

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

Adorable bump! and YAY for movement! How fun!! :)

kyna... said...

So Amazing!!! It gets so fun from here!! Can't wait for the gender reveal! Do you guys have names picked out yet?
♥ Kyna

Janna Renee said...

This just melts my heart! I can't even imagine how amazing that feeling is, and I love that Eric could feel it. He's going to be such a good daddy, and you are going to be an incredible mommy <3 PS. Other than your little bump, you look tiny!

Danavee said...

You look so cute! And what a sweet thing to share!!!

Nicole said...

Wow. 18 weeks?! I though you were at least in the 25's already! Looking cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful! I loved your post. I remember when I first felt my little girl moving, it was magical. Thank you for following. I am your newest follower as well. I look forward to reading more about you and your cute little family. <3 xoxo

Melanie said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Yay for the sweet little butterfly flutter in your belly! Some of the sweetest moments of my pregnancy w/ Jaxy were of Greg & I laying in bed every night, me on my side w/ his arms around me & one hand on the Jaxy belly. Jax would always give us a little nighttime dancing show, or maybe he was playing soccer... lol. Soak in all the love you have right now hon!

Can't wait to hear the gender! I suspect it will be a little girl... or a boy? lol....! xo

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple said...

That is SO AWESOME!!! I am 17 weeks today and I have yet to feel definite movement from the baby!!! I think I have felt it here and there very lightly, but I'm not 100% sure it is the baby! I am actually posting about this tomorrow because I have been SO WORRIED about not feeling anything yet and my husband hasn't felt anything yet!!!

SO happy for y'all!!! What an amazing feeling!!!!

Unknown said...

Are you all gonna find out the gender??

Contemplating Beauty said...

you.look.adorable! and isn't movement just so funny feeling at first? wow, incredible, I still remember the first time I felt movement;)

Jenn @ Bliss to Bean said...

I love it!! I thought I felt a "thump thump" last night after I turned sides in the middle of the night...but I cannot imagine what it will be like for hubby to feel it! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

eeeee so exciting! :D x

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

How exciting that you've been feeling the baby move!!

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