Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Mia's nursery reveal

Mia is just over 21 months old and I finally completed her room... go me! ha ha! We are renting so I kept her room very simple, but I kind of love it this way and am so glad it's done! (But you can't imagine how excited I am for the day that we buy a home and I can paint, vinyl and go all out with decorating her room!!) The best part? Mia loves her room and it makes my heart so happy when she points at the pictures and picks out "dada!" and "babies!", shows me her teddy bear and "doggie!" in her bed, climbs in the rocking chair and reads a book or rocks herself, pulls open her drawers and plays dress up, and points at the flowers and butterflies asking, "whas daaaaat?"
*Please note- I am not a photographer so these pictures are far from good and the lighting is horrible. Forgive me :)
The air conditioning kept flipping the flowers/butterflies around, but they look adorable when they are hanging correctly!
My parents surprised us with this rocking chair when we brought Mia home from the hospital and we love it! It helps brighten the room since the other furniture is the dark cherry red. My friend, Kortney, helped me sew these cushions (she sewed, I watched) and I love the fabric! It was a bummer that we didn't have enough (bought the last of it) to have the lines vertical, but I still love them!
I just realized I didn't take god photos of her crib. The bumper and skirt are creme and I change the color of her sheets from pink to yellow to purple to green to blue :)
The coloring in this photo is so bad BUT my mom made this mobile and it is my favorite thing in the nursery... besides the little girl staring up at it ;)
*One last note- as I said before, we are in a rental. They didn't patch and paint the walls before we moved in, so the random, weird spots in the wall aren't because of us! Once again, I can't wait to buy a home, ha ha!


Julie said...

I love how you have a simple rocker in the room. Many rockers nowadays are expansive and big, yours fits right in!

Kelly Mock said...

I love it! All the colors are gorgeous! I did a nursery reveal a while back...

BLovedBoston said...

I love the photos above her crib! I know how hard it is to make a room in a rented home personal - but you did a fantastic job!! And I can't believe your mom made that mobile - it's so beautiful!!

Pamela said...

Aww love the mobile! So sweet!

~Dawn~ said...

Such a sweet girlie room!! I love that mobile!

Kristen said...

i love this room, perfect! i want a rocker just like that one, and how sweet is the mobile!

Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes} said...

OMG love it!!! It's so cute! The mobile is absolutely gorgeous!

<3, Pamela

Dani MacKell said...

I absolutely love this nursery! Such a beautiful job. I love decor that sparks imagination. My favorite are all the fun pictures of your family!

Anonymous said...

it's PERFECT. We move every3-4 years, so we're dying to one day own a home. In fact were moving out of our rental 2 mos after the second babe is born so I'm torn over decorating.

Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre said...

I love baby girl nurseries! I have quite a few pinned on pinterest to a secret board.....naturally ;-)

tina bumblebee said...

I LOVE this room!!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...

looks great . good job. Where did you get your dresser. I been looking for one for Julian? ;o)

Ashley Brickner said...

Such a sweet room!!! I love it!

Erin LFF said...

SO totally cute!!! And I love personal touches- like your friend sewing the cushions and that gorgeous mobile your mom made!

Caroline @ Windy City Chic said...

You did a nice job decorating! That mobile is beautiful too, your mom is very talented. My older sister has two little girls and I can just imagine what their rooms will like when they buy a house. Love that last picture too, so precious. I hope that you are having a great week too! :-)

Unknown said...

Oh I love these so much!! We're renting too so I know exactly what you mean. I'm in the process of redoing her room since she will soon be sharing with her little sister :)

Kimberly said...

LOVE!! Axel is 20 months, does that mean I have one more month before I have to be done with his nursery??? ;) He'll be in that room until he's three so I still have a little time to fix it up.

Allison said...

You did a great job! Love the rocking chair and handmade cushions.

Shaunacey Bonneville said...

cute! love all the pics

Mandie said...

I love the pictures of all of you around the room. It shows that she is truly loved. Nice work, girlie. :)

Mandie ~

Mandie said...

I love the pictures of all of you around the room. It shows that she is truly loved. Nice work, girlie. :)

Mandie ~

Katelynn Sue said...

Uhmmm....her room is seriously too cute! Want to come decorate my kiddo's rooms (in the very distant future)? ;-)

Hall Around Texas said...

Very cute room!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you did an amazing job.

The Olive Tree Blog said...


Denise said...

So cute! I'm dying to decorate Presley's room but I'm holding off until we move. But you better believe once we build our house I'll be going all out with the girlyness(sp?)!!

Anonymous said...

in her bed, climbs in the rocking chair and reads a book or rocks herself, ...

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