Sunday, June 24, 2012

pregnancy journey {our scary beginning}

The day I found out I was pregnant I was super shocked to see two lines show up on my pregnancy test. Maybe everyone has that same reaction? But I had been seriously cramping for a couple weeks leading up to that special day. I called the doctor's office that morning and told them I had a positive pregnancy test but terrible cramping... I was sure those two weren't a good mix! They had me come in 2 days later because "it's better to be safe than sorry!"
I got so nervous while we waited to see the doctor because I was sure they were going to tell me something was not right with this pregnancy.... luckily Eric was with me and he was the rock I needed him to be for this appointment! First things first, the doctor confirmed that I was definitely pregnant. (Remember, I'm probably the only girl on this planet to only take one pregnancy test, instead of 10, ha ha.) Then he asked me multiple questions about my health and the cramping. He told me I could be miscarrying (which I assumed was the case), or I could have an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. He took us into another room for an ultrasound, to make sure the baby was in the correct place (my uterus). I was extremely nervous at this point because A) I am not totally comfortable with exposing myself (but I guess I gotta get used to that super fast) and B) I have dreaded the idea of having an ectopic pregnancy. I was praying this wasn't the case! Once again, Eric was so great and so was our doctor! (We both really like the doctor!) 

5 1/2 weeks- Our baby was just a teeny, tiny spot (speck)! We may have nicknamed it spock.....
The ultra sound proved that I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy... the baby was in the correct spot! Our doctor told me I could come in every 2 days for testing or just wait it out until my next appointment. I knew that if I was miscarrying there was nothing anyone could do about that, so instead of adding to the stress by doing all the testing I decided to just wait until our next appointment. A miscarriage was in the back of our minds at all times for the next 4 1/2 weeks but Eric and I knew that whatever happened- was meant to happen.
My 10 week appointment was successful! We heard our baby's heartbeat loud and clear... such a strong baby :) And it was amazing to see how much "spock" (baby has already outgrown that nickname :) promise!) grew in a little over a month. A head, body, arms, fingers, legs.... our baby was even swimming for us during the ultra sound :) Already making mom and dad so proud! We were smiling stupidly at the screen and the love just exploded in our hearts!
 I know it's really hard to tell from these pictures... but we were able to see so much detail on the screen!
My 14 week appointment was about a week ago and again, we heard baby's heartbeat loud and clear! Our doctor is really happy with how strong it sounds! Baby's heartbeat is the best sound in the world! I could listen to it all day :) I'm planning on recording it at our next appointment so we don't have to wait a month to enjoy it!
Eric and I are just SO grateful that baby is growing stronger each day! We have not taken one step of this process for granted because we had so much fear in the beginning. We pray everyday that baby will continue to grow healthy and we can't WAIT to be parents to this little one :)


Denise said...

I hope baby Spock lives long and prospers.

lori said...

what a scary beginning! you poor thing... so happy your sweet baby is a fighter and seems to be doing well now though :) you two will make great parents!

Amber said...

Love the nickname for baby! So glad things are going better... I would have been a mess in the beginning!

Nicole said...

Congrats sweet friend!!

Anonymous said...

I had terrible cramping too when I was pregnant with Teagan, it's perfectly normal. Your uterus is growing and that is slightly uncomfortable. Plus your body is used to that "period" that come every 28 days... weird isn't it!! Good luck and everything will be fine! Just sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy some ice cream and pickles!

Alana Christine said...

So exciting! What a little miracle!

Evelien said...

I would be so terrified!! I'm glad everything is ok now :)
Can't wait to "meet" the little baby!!!

Katrin said...

I am glad everything is great!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy everything worked out for you! My husband and I LOVED that you called them "Spock" hahaha I think it's an AWESOME nickname ;)

Those baby heartbeats get better and better each time you go, oh they just steal your heart and when you see them on the screen I lost it all 3 times ;) Especially when we knew what we were having and could call her by name hahahaha

I'm so excited to continue reading your journey! I hope the morning sickness hasn't hit you too badly!

Unknown said...

you are going to be such a great mama!! i don't know you personally but you seem so positive, happy and faithful. i am so happy for you!

Alyssa said...

I can't imagine how scary that must've been and still probably is! God is faithful though and I can't wait to see pictures of your precious little one! :)

Established: 2008 said...

I'm so glad that everything is ok! I look forward to all of your baby updates. So exciting!

Rorie said...

SOooo glad that everything is okay with the little one!!

Tiffany said...

I can imagine that was a very brutal 4 1/2 weeks with the waiting, but I love you attitude with it. So happy everything turned out alright and that you have a healthy little one in your belly!

Pamela said...

Aww love this!! You two are SO strong!! Praying for yall!

Mrs Guenther said...

Congrats on your pregnancy... good to know that the baby's heart beat is good and strong.

Emma Frances said...

That is a scary beginning! I'm so glad everything is going well now!

Nichole @ said...

So scary at first but it sounds like you're past the scary stuff! Can't wait to read more of your pregnancy journey! So happy for you!

Jessica and Trent said...

I only took one pregnancy test as well! But I held off taking it until I was pretty positive I was pregnant! So glad things are going well! How exciting! Can't wait to hear what you're having!

Dearest Lou said...

Awe so cute and I'm so excited for you guys. When's you due date? I'm due November 26th! Look forward to future posts (: Are you going to post any belly pictures or anything throughout?

Dearest Lou

Dearest Lou said...

PS Recording the heart beat is a great idea! I did it at my 17 week appointment (:

Jamie Danielle said...

Thank God for wonderful news & that's so exciting how fast babies grow. CONGRATS :)

Alyx said...

Glad all is well with baby!!

Lauren Cooper said...

So happy for you guys! A scary beginning but hopefully no more scares!! Love this post! So exciting to hear the heart beat and think about baby growing!!

Lauren said...

Ah Courtney, I honestly can't tell you how happy and excited I am for you guys! You'll both be great parents! I'm so glad your baby is growing well and healthy!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I would be that girl to take 10 pregnancy test just to make sure. LOL! Can't wait to see future post! xoxo

tifsong said...

I am so glad you and baby are okay. I hope it grows and grows and someday is in your arms. oh my goodness, what a cute baby it'll be.

m&msmommy said...

SOO happy to read that all is going well. What a scary beginning! I was actually told by an ultrasound tech, after cramping and bleeding, that we had lost Manuel (before we knew he was a he! ;)) and it was SOOO awful! They wheeled me in for an internal ultrasound just to confirm everything and there was his sweet heartbeat! SO scary! I pray that everything continues to go well for you my sweet friend! :)

oomph. said...

Exciting time, and it just gets better! Glad to hear things are going well and baby is strong!

Anastasia of Beverly Hills-Giveaway

Tif said...

Oh CONGRATULATIONS! So exciting! I'll have to blog about the day I found out I was pregnant...that was 24 years ago! WOO! Thanks for following me...I am following you back...can't wait to see what you've got here! xoxo

Ramblings of a Southern Bell

Brit said...

Sounds like a rocky start, but yah for strong heartbeats, and arms, legs, and a head ;) Congrats! Excited to follow along as baby spock grows. Pregnant people are fun ;)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

I can completely relate!! I had a some scares early on in my pregnancy with Bennett!!! It was so nerve-racking... but like you... I knew that whatever was meant to be, would be. Thankfully, the Lord blessed us and protected our little boy! Pregnancy is serious business. Praying for continued health for you and your babe!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I'm love seeing the difference between 5 and 10 weeks, the process is truly amazing!

Emily said...

Congrats on a healthy little spock!

Jenna said...

I'm so jealous that you've heard the heartbeat. At my first ultrasound (12 weeks) they informed me that the hospital had JUST (as in since my initial appointment 4 weeks prior) changed their policy. I guess they have research that proves the equipment used for hearing the heartbeat can be harmful to the baby that early in the pregnancy. I go back Friday (16w2d), so hopefully we'll be able to hear then!!

I've been noticing that I feel worried and anxious. Not showing really and not feeling any movements yet can really psych me out!!

Sending you well wishes for you and lil spock!! :)

Chelsea said...

Yikes! I'm really glad that everything went well!

stephanie said...

glad things are going well!

Jana Faith said...

Congratulations on the good news! :o) New babies are exciting and (I'm guessing) a big adventure!

Robin said...

Such amazing news! I am so excited to follow you on this adventure. So happy for you :)

Brittany said...

So glad things are going well with you and precious Spock! :) What a great idea to record the heartbeat...I hadn't even thought of that. Hope you are feeling well pretty lady!!

Amber said...

I am so glad everything is ok! I had an ectopic pregnancy between Jax and Aubree and it was very scary! Your spock is growing! I am so happy for you guys!!

RadiantKristen said...

I would be so freaked out too! Glad that everything is okay, and that there's normal development.

kyna... said...

I know how you felt hon...I had a scary beginning too. I spotted...very heavily...for the first 10 weeks of my pregnancy. It was the most horrible feeling, knowing it was completely out of my control. But alas, everything worked out just fine, and her name is Ellie now! lol! I am so glad to hear Baby B is doing just fine! I can not wait to follow your pregnancy journey. You are going to be amaze-ball parents!
♥ Kyna

Unknown said...

Oh man! So scary. Are you going to find out the gender of the baby?? If so, when when when??! :D

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Congrats! So you are about 15 weeks now? My sister is at the same point you are! I am so excited to finally be an aunt and for my sons to have a little cousin...


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Kristin said...

Hi! Found you via Shay and Amy :-) Congrats on your happy to read the happy ending to this post. Hope your Monday is a fabulous one, and it's so nice to "meet" you!

Dee Stephens said...

We had an ultrasound at 6 weeks and 6 days and ours looked a lot like a 'blob'.
We're so excited because in just one week we find out what we're having and get to have another ultrasound. Our first since that one at 6 weeks!

Katie said... made me nervous just reading that! So glad baby is doing well and hopefully time flies between now and the next appt! Praying for you and the little bean :)

Haley said...

yay for baby's first glamour shots!! ;) and's heartbeat is THE best sound. you're brilliant to record it! definitely doing that next time :)

and i'm sorry you had to go through the stress of cramping and worrying about your sweet little one...prayers for him or her to keep growing healthy and strong!

happy monday courtney!

Mel said...

I'm so glad everything turned out well! It must have been a terrible time

I'm a sap....Love this post....and swooning over those pictures and swooning even more just at the thought of that baby to go

Ashley said...

I had the same thing happen with me with my second pregnancy. Such a scary thing, but I'm so so glad everything is going well with your little baby!

Karla said...

Oh I can only begin to imagine the joy when you guys heard your baby’s heart beat!
What an exciting time this must me. You should deff record it on your next appointment.

twiggy@thedirtlife said...

omg...denise's comment? i DIED.

you know what? "spoc" is hunter's trail name. he'd be so proud.

Unknown said...

Aww! Congratulations!

Ashley said...

I almost had the exact same experience with my first. I had cramping and bleeding off and on for weeks but baby held on and he's a very active, healthy 3 year old now! Praying for you. :)

That Girl said...

I've only taken one pregnancy test in my entire life. That was last January, 9 months before my little guy was born. We recorded his heartbeat on my phone during my first appointment and I still listen to that "whoosh whoosh" every now and again.

Cara said...

So sweet! I can't wait to read more about your journey. Congrats again! Hope you are feeling alright.

Shannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said...

I'm glad everything is okay with the baby! We got an ultrasound at 5 1/2 and 9 weeks and your pictures look so much like mine did. Brings back memories! Amazing how tiny they start out. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well!

Janna Renee said...

Oh man! I think I would have rather them keep what "might" be wrong to themselves! That is scary....I'm so, so, SO happy that everything is going so well, and I can't wait till you have the baby...can we just fast forward??

Crissy@ABerrySweetLife said...

So excited and nerve-racking at the same time! So glad the baby is strong and doing A-okay!

Julie said...

The heartbeat is great, but just wait till you hear that first cry. You're going to be the great mommy!

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

I am so excited for you and this journey (despite the scary beginning!) xoxo
Oh, Just Living the Dream

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

How scary! I'm so glad everything is ok and that things are looking great.

Whitney Tomlin said...

I've been off blogger for a while so I had to go all the way back and start at when you found out you were pregnant! I hope you're doing well, you're such a cute little prego and I'm glad I am back so I can follow along with everyone! Congrats again!!

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