Sunday, April 15, 2012

who have you met?

So we all know how much I love to complain about our latest move.... I'm so lonely, Eric is working a ton, blah blah blah. I really do need to have a better attitude, ha ha! But one fun thing about this move is that I've met a few bloggers! It's funny that I get to meet so many in southern Utah, because there are a ton of bloggers in northern Utah! I thought I was moving away from all of that! Luckily I've had the opportunity to hangout with some awesome girls here. Unluckily, I haven't had my camera around for half of my meet ups. Oops!

When I first moved here Chelsea was the first blogger I met! We set up a lunch date asap but the night before our blate, Eric and I decided to run to Wal Mart and get some ice cream. I looked like a grease ball with my hair slicked back, no make up on, and wearing Eric's huge sweats. Yeah, I totally ran into Chelsea. Awesome! I looked much cuter the next day when we were supposed to meet :) Chels is seriously the BIGGEST sweetheart! I'm so glad blogging brought us together!

Gentri and I actually met when we were both living up north at the one blogger meet up I was able to attend before moving south. She moved south a week or two before I did and we get together all the time! I am so happy to say that she is much more than a blogger friend to me. She has been a lifesaver!

Gentri invited me to crash the party when Ashley came to town! Since I was already in town, minus the husband, I couldn't resist! And I'm so glad I went! Ashley is the CUTEST. I loved chatting with her for a bit and getting to know her sweet family. Bella almost made me puppy hungry, almost. But there's no way Eric will ever have a pet so I guess we'll have to settle for human pets ;)
pictures via Ashley

Last week I got to hangout with Shaylynn! girl. is. hilarious. Seriously! But I may have scared her off. I told her I wasn't nervous to meet her (it's always a little nerve-racking meeting a blogger in real life!) but I totally lied. I didn't realize I was lying until I realized how freakin' much I talked about myself. Sometimes I talk and talk and talk to avoid any awkward silences...... 
but that probably makes things more awkward? Ha ha, oh well! I loved her and plan on hanging out again. Whether she wants to or not :)

I seriously can't believe how amazing the blogging world is. Having the opportunity to make new friendships everyday, and then turn those into real life friendships is just the best! Soooo, who wants to meet next? :) No creepers allowed!


Amber said...

I LOVE that you were able to meet Ashley! Before she moved to CA, we threw around the idea of a coffee blate, but it never came to be :(. She is def a super sweet girl and I LOVE that she is representing the mitten in these pictures :)

Looks like a great time!!!

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

looks like a blast!

Allison said...

Aw so fun!! Blogging really is the best for so many reasons!

LWLH said...

Myself and a couple bloggers in Florida had a girls weekend but I've only been able to meet up one blogger in PA.

Lucky you though :)

Alyx said...

Love that you've been able to meet so many awesome ladies! I've only met one other blogger... but I guess they're not quite as common where I live? lol

Melanie said...

Oh how fun! Y'll are so cute. Hahaa... you always make me laugh... people pets! I adore you mama... we are going to have some great girl time one of these days! Can't wait... we are going to have a {craption} of a good time! Heheee...I'm funny too!


Andrea D said...

How cool! I've only been blogging a few months since my hubs and I moved, and I've already met so many awesome ladies via blogworld. I can't wait to check out a blogger meet-up and possibly meet some new real-life friends in our new state :)

Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

Lachele said...

Can we please plan one when I come down next

Tiffany said...

I am so so jealous of all of your meet ups!!!

lori said...

sooo fun! love ashleys blog as well... i wish i was able to do more blogger meet ups... i havent found very many people in my area!

Anonymous said...

Awww! I wish I was close to my blogger buds.. :(

Lauren said...

Yay for blogger meetups :-)

Kirsten Wiemer said...

this looks like so much fun. jealous. also, your hair looks bomb!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

We were SO good at hanging out, SO good. Gentri will just have to round us out another time, and by another time I mean soon..

For the record, I cannot believe you were nervous.. you've seen my blog, I'm ridiculous:)

Shauna said...

How fun to meet fellow bloggers. I havent met any, however I have met Charlie Sheen, does that count? ha ha


Laura Burtis said...

So fun!! Such cute girls too! And I'm totally the same way - I always talk and talk, I can't have any sort of silence, especially when I meet new people {so glad I'm not the only one!}

Ashley said...

Hopefully one day we'll meet up! I'm on the east coast, so it might be a while :-)

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

This is so cool! I feel so far away from most bloggers, but maybe it's just because I haven't found that many from my home state/nearby. I don't think people around my small city actually blog. I'm the weird one, but that's pretty typical ; ) Glad you enjoyed your time! Blogger friends are awesome!

Megan said...

I want to meet youuuuuuu!!!!

Liesl said...

I LOVE that you get to meet up with other bloggers out fun!!! Yay! I am sure Shaylynn loved ya...talking about you or not, plus, your are FAB! Can't wait for our meet up one day! :)

Side note: Thank you for your blog comment, Courtney! <3 I love the posts about me and am an open book really, but also know this blog started about affordable fashions and design type stuff and am never sure if people want to see that kind of stuff here, but from messages and comments, I think they do! Yay! :)

Sam said...

Cute pics! Love your hair. I want side swept bangs exactly like yours. Great post!

Rach said...

I totally do that sometimes where I talk and talk and talk to avoid awkward silences and then later realize that I was probably a little overwhelming, haha! So no worries, you aren't alone. ;)

Danavee said...

Yay for meeting blog friends!

:: ashley :: said...

i love meeting blog friends! wish i would have remembered you were in cedar- we could have stopped by for a diet coke or something :)

Gentri said...

no no no. YOU have been the lifesaver. :) Seriously.

I'm thinking a blate with the 4 southern utah bloggers (that I'm aware of). :D

Unknown said...

ah man, no creepters. i guess i'm out.

kidding! i would love to met people in real life, but i would be so nervous, i wouldn't even know what to say.

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

omg. PLEASE cut and paste me into the picture of you Gentri and Ash. WHY am I not ANYWHERE close to this AMAZING BLATE!? :( Guess I'll just keep loving you all from afar. ;)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, friend!! xoxo

Kell said...

The amount of jealous I'm feeling over you meeting Shay is pretty intense. I'm so mad that I met her after I moved away from St George!!

Holly said...

Fun! I SO wish I lived in the same country to all the bloggers who sites I read! :(

Sue said...

I'm so jealous of other bloggers who get to meet up. I have yet to meet another blogger from Japan that writes in English!

Sara Louise said...

All of my fellow expat friends here in France, I've met through blogging! When I first started blogging, I never would have thought that would have happened, but it did and I couldn't be happier!
So happy that you've met new friends near your new home too, it makes all the difference :)

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Bah. I wish we lived closer so I could join these meet ups!

That Girl said...

It's great that you've already got a group in your new home!

Amanda said...

So glad that you have found a great friend in your new town and have had some fun blogging meet ups :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's so awesome. I've been able to meet a few people and it's always so cool meeting the person behind the blog!

= said...

I haven't met any bloggers yet!! but i plan too!!! glad you are getting to meet some.:)

Sam said...

HOw fun! YOu guys are beautiful!


Girls in the Green Boots said...

fun girl time! love your hair. xo

your newest followers,


Shelley said...

Come down to SoCal and we can meet!! :)

Val said...

So much fun.....looks like a great time.

marie said...

Glad you're finding so many kindred spirits. If I met Shaylynn I would just be silent and listen to her, she is HILARIOUS.

Unknown said...

cheers to turning blogging friends into real friends!! xo

avthenas said...

Thank you :)

jennifer blair said...

So cool! I'd love to meet you someday girl! I've have only done a blogger meet up once!

tifsong said...

you've met me a couple times.
we don't have any pictures together though? hahaha. sad.

Kenz said...

I know what you mean! I was just thinking I wish I would have been better at blogging when I lived 2,000 miles from home and had ZERO friends. What a blessing to be connected to so many wonderful gals!

Laura said...

ahh, courtney, i love this post! just another reason i love blogging. thanks for stopping by! i'll definitely be back :)
great little day

Giovanna said...

Wow! So fun! Don't you just love the blogging community?!

Shabby Apple Gift Card Giveaway!

Shonnie said...

I love Shay. and I LOVE Southern Utah. Lived there for like 6 years. I am SO jealous you are there!!

Kelsey Bang said...

I want to come join the fun party! I think we live somewhat close to each other :)

Nicole said...

Sound like an awesome time! Haven't met anyone yet but I hope I do one day.

Diane Writes said...

Very well said Courtney! The blogosphere opens a new world of friendship to us.

aniamaria said...

lovely meeting! :)
I love too dancing shows! :)

Molly Jean said...

Nice to see you are starting to enjoy yourself in your new location. And that dog is adorable!

Janna Renee said...

I have two Blates this month and one in June!! So excited about all of them! Isn't it so funny, how blogging is almost like a "friend" dating site? Whatevs, I'm ok with that!

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

awhh. loving gentri! once we went to breakfast together when I was in utah! there are no cool bloggers that i have met yet in Idaho! you know any? besides me of course! HAhaHAhA. kiddin, yo!

Marcie Jean said...

I'm so glad you were able to do that! And moving is hard! I moved from Salt Lake to Oklahoma and it's been both the best thing and hardest thing at the same time! But it looks like you're adjusting well! :) I have yet to find some bloggers that live near my neck of the woods! Thanks for reading! So glad we're blog friends now! :)

A Sigh and Sanity

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