Wednesday, April 25, 2012

weekend review {Arizona}

Have you guys ever seen this soda machine? Way. too. fun. Eric wants one in our house... they only cost 60 grand! HA!
 Memorial Bridge at the Hoover Dam

100 degree weather in Phoenix, AZ (yes, I almost died. It hasn't been much warmer than 70 degrees in my town.)
Our best friends and their adorable little red head. (Miss him already!)
My very good lookin' husband. (Miss him, too. Work shmork!)
Shopping in Scottsdale and swimming in GY.
What more could a girl ask for from a weekend??
Probably more days in the weekend :)  
Or maybe a little red head clone of my own? 


Keri said...

The polka that a dress...cover-up...whatever it is, I love it!

Lindsay [Elle Elizabeth] said...

It looks like you had an amazing time! I would take 100 degrees any day over the snow we had 2 days ago!

tiff@thecoffeehouse said...

so fun! and i'm with eric ... that soda machine is awesome. what's another 60 grand?

Andrea D said...

That's a crazy looking soda machine! I think I might embarrass myself trying to figure out how to use it, haha.
And your friends have the cutest little red-head. I love his fauxhawk! :P

Alissa said...

I used that soda machine at Moe's. I LOVED IT.

My boyfriend also wanted one. I would settle for just normal fountain soda machine.

I love fountain Sprites the morning after I have a few cocktails :)

Pamela said...

100 degrees!? I couldn't imagine! Your hair didn't get frizzy at all. I'm jealous, but you are a hairstylist so it wouldn't ;) ha! What a cuuute lil red head!

Erin said...

I stinkin looooove Arizona! I love the heat ;) Your hair is so cute girl, I think I might take your pic with me when I get my next trim-- haha, creepy?! She never does my bangs how I want them, but I love how yours lay!!

Alyx said...

Ooooh man I love AZ! Looks like you guys had a blast!
And that soda machine is AWESOME!

Cami said...

Looks SO FUN!! 100*?! EWWW. That is DISGUSTING!

Denise said...

Fun!! Question, what's GY?

Shonnie said...

I grew up in Arizona!!! LOVE IT!! so jealous you were there.

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Jealous! my best friend is from AZ. She always brings me pictures from when she goes to visit. It's beautiful. and I had NO idea soda machines cost so much money! my goodness!

Suget said...

Yes was freaking hot in the Valley. HAHa that is so weird. Me and the boys were in Phoenix/Tempe?Mesa this weekend too... well just for Saturday. We went to watch the ASU Football Spring scrimmage. But it was hot ):
Looks like you had an amazing weekend despite the heat... and you had a looooong drive. I do not like the drive from Kingman to Phoenix, but there is a restaurant that was featured on the travel channel somewhere on that stretch of road... don't know what it is called, but I want to try their bbq sandwich haha (:

Anonymous said...

looks very fun!

Shauna said...

What a fun weekend! What cute little red head too ;)

Happy Wednesday.

Kylie said...

We were in the valley this weekend too, and I almost died. Almost. Glad you got to visit AZ though! Next time you come, we should meet up :) And I love your little cover-up dress. So cute!

Laura Burtis said...

Looks like a super fun weekend! And I'm so with you - we definitely need more days in the weekend!! P.s. 100 degrees?! Already?? CRAZY!

Holly said...

Looks like such a great weekend!!

m&msmommy said...

GREAT pictures!!!!

That little water slide area in the pool looks SOOOO fun! :)

Miss you! I hope life is going well!!! :)

Andrea said...

That soda machine is EPIC! I have never seen one before, that is the coolest thing ever....and so is Arizona! We visited there in November and it was SO SO fun!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I have dreams about that soda machine. I really do. However sometimes I come up with combos that are horrifying- so gross.

How are we supposed to go out if you keep going on all these stupid vacations? huh.

Unknown said...

OK. HOWWWW do you guys DO stuff EVERY WEEKEND?!?!?!

I swear every time I get on my Google Reader there's photos from a trip you guys went on!

For real. If I did a weekend review of mine it would be like: I sat in bed all day while hubby went to work and then I ordered really greasy pizza.

Krista Lynn said...

Gorgeous photos!! Looks like an amazing trip!!!

I have seen a soda machine like that!!! They are so much fun to experiment with - wouldn't that be nice to have one in the house!! ha!

Kell said...

We saw that soda machine when we went to 5 Guys out here, and I was fascinated.. I want it! I'm glad you had fun even if it was way too hot.

lori said...

gorgeous pictures! i especially love the first one... so cute! looks like a fun weekend :)

and those coke machines are amazing... theres so many options!!

Unknown said...

seriously, you come on the hottest weekend! so sorry about that!

glad you had a great time here! that little guy is a cutie!

Courtney Cakes said...

Someone went to Scottsdale Fashion Square and ate at Five Guys!!! :)

It was actually 100+ out here last weekend!!!

PS I love seeing so much AZ love!

jessica said...

Hahaha girl 100 is nothing. Come back when it's 120. But seriously you should've come to visit this weekend - we're only getting in the 80's for the next few days!

Crowley Family said...

Yeah it has been hot, it's supposed to be nice this weekend. Hey the next time you're in AZ you should call us up :)

jennifer blair said...

Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to visit the Hoover Dam! I love the soda machines at Firehouse...and where ever else you guys saw it. They are so neat! :)

Julie said...

That coke machine is AWESOME!! Never seen one I want one! P.S. That little red head baby is just too cute.

kyna... said...

A soda machine would be AWESOME!!!!
♥ Kyna

Holly said...

Hahah I agree with your husband, I want on of those soda machines in my house too! :D

THE COOKS said...

y'all are too cute!! looks like a great time was had! :))

Allison said...

Looks like you all had blast. I can't believe those machines are that expensive!! We have a Firehouse subs that has one of those and I love it!!

Sam said...

A coke machine in my house!? I would LOVE that!

Taylor Grace said...

100 degrees sounds 10x better than the 40 degree weather we've been having in Chicago. Very jealous! And thanks for leaving a comment so I could find your very lovely blog!


Kaitlyn said...

Looks like fun! I can't wait to see AZ for myself!

Melanie said...

Looks like the best weekend... except for the one we are gonna spend together! HEhehe.

Unknown said...

Great pictures!

Julie said...

I totally agree about needing more weekend days.

BTW I'm slowly still catching up on posting and noting and whatnot still from our trip. Is there somethign I needed to do since I won that scrapbooking thing?

Unknown said...

that soda machine looks fun!

Bev said...

ahhhh miss that heat from AZ!! My (almost) brother in laws live there... played football for U of A and I would count down til we made our weekend drive so I can soak up that sun!!

Love that coke machine... they are so fancy now a days!

Bree said...

Oh my heck!! Give me those cheeks!! :)

That Girl said...

We have that soda machine at a couple places round here. I love it!

That Girl said...

We have that soda machine at a couple places round here. I love it!

Anonymous said...

yay arizona!!! five guys has to be one of my favorite places around here.

Marli said...

I LOVE the new Coke machines! They have them in the Zaxby's here....:)


Sam said...

I just saw one of those coke machines the other day! Crazy that it costs 60k!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

100 degrees! Whoza! Glad you had a great time in AZ though!

Janna Renee said...

I wanna go to Arizona!! I thought it was a close-ish drive, but not so much! I'd like to go before we move somewhere else, but we shall see! You guys definitely make it look fun ;)

jessi bridges said...

That bridge scares me!! We used to live in Vegas and I watched it being built. At one point there were just two pieces of it sticking out from each side of the mountain, not yet connected in the middle. I hate driving over it, like I hold my breath the whole way. I much prefer to take the dam like we used to :) Looks like you had a great time in AZ, despite the weather!


I'm so sad. I wish I would have know you guys were here in Phoenix I would have loved to see you guys!

Shay said...

You need go back to AZ when I am there in August/Sept again so we can meet, my friend!

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