Friday, April 20, 2012

birthday recap

I work out of town on Wednesday's so we celebrated Eric's birthday on Tuesday! I had a bunch of fun ideas we could do, but Eric told me he basically wanted to sit around and relax. I guess when you work as hard as he does, there's nothing better than a lazy day! We did go shooting and it felt so good to enjoy the warm sun together!

We forgot target stands so we had to get creative :)
I hit the freakin' bulls eye... woo hoo!
Cafe Rio for dinner. Yum!

I was able to schedule later appointments on Wednesday so that I could spend the morning with my birthday boy! He opened gifts, then enjoyed german chocolate cake, ice cream and bacon for breakfast :)
Side note: I hate baking! The only joy I find from baking is eating the goods.... but I don't like german chocolate cake. Luckily, this wifey is a good one! I make the frosting from scratch (messed up the first batch so I had to make a second. Happens every. year. AH!) and Eric gets to eat the whole cake himself :)

This is a bright yellow, neon swim suit! I wish you could tell just how blindingly neon this is.... but none of the pictures do it justice :)
Proof that I'm a goo wifey ;)
I don't know why my face is a different color than my neck. I promise my make up isn't that horrible!

Happy Birthday again Eric :) I hope it was your best one, yet! LOVE you!


Pamela said...

Aww you ARE a good wifey!! Sounds like he had a great birthday!!

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Glad you guys had such an awesome day! Have a wonderful weekend lady.

Evelien said...

That is one BIG cake! Great job :)
Happy birthday to your hubs!

= said...

hey you can't tell me betty crocker gets it right every time either lol:) i looks great!!! glad you all had fun shooting.. i love it!

Erin said...

Aww- SUCH a good wifey! Glad you guys had fun celebrating though- sometimes low key is best!! :) J has been trying to find swim trunks and neons are EVERYWHERE. He isn't too sure about going that bright at the beach ;) lol

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

And now I think I need cafe rio at seven in the morning. I struggle.

but I would settle for that cake.

shooting, take me with you guys next time. I'm really terrible but i feel POWERFREAKINFULL..

Elizabeth Justice said...

You are a good wife! My husband has been begging to let him get a gun/his concealed permet, you are so awesome for doing it with him!

:: ashley :: said...

keep it simple, love it! yummy looking cake!

Anonymous said...

looks like a great day!

Laura Burtis said...

Wow! You make the frosting from scratch!? I'm SO impressed! That's my hubby's fave birthday cake too, but I buy it all :). HAHA! Happy Birthday to you man! Looks like it was a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Wow, you really are a great wife! Usually it's my fiancé who pampers me, I really should start pampering him as well :D

Christianna said...

That cake looks yummy! You did good! And look at that bulls eye, that's awesome!

Ben & Cassie said...

bacon cafe rio and guns? sounds like a good one! haha. you don't like german chocolate! BLASPHEMY! Cute post and happy bday to the hubs

Miss Amy said...

That cake looks amazing! Nice work on the shooting too, girl! ;)

Sam said...

Nice shot! Great pictures! It looks like Colorado, where do you live? Yummy birthday cake!


Melanie said...

Awwwww! What a sweet day for your sweet hubz! Court, you are seriously the best wifee, you two have a partnership to look up to! Girl, thank you for hating baking... I SUCK at baking... which means I despise it) SO happy we have another thing in common! Lol) Oh & YOU GO GIRL w/ yo bad self & that gun! I have to admit, I get the whole girls & gun thing being hot!

Have a blessed weekend hot stuff! XO

Kell said...

Oooh I am so the opposite with baking! I love baking, but I hate eating what I make. That's when it came in handy to have three older brothers.

Shonnie said...

What a lucky guy he is! I hate german chocolate cake too, I despise it!

Anonymous said...

haha that sounds like an amazing birthday breakfast! :)

from head 2 toe said...

Suuper cute!

LWLH said...

Happy Birthday to your hubs!!

Cami said...

Awww this looks like SO MUCH FUN! I am sure Eric had an AMAZING birthday!!! :) What a beautiful couple you both make :D

Shauna said...

Happy Birthday .. looks like you did a fab job on the cake for not liking to bake. Good wifey you are ;)


Alyx said...

You ARE a good wifey - that cake looks delish! Sounds like he had a great birthday! Happy birthday to him!!

Unknown said...

Looks like an awesome birthday. So impressed you hit the bullseye! I've only done that with a scope.

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

awww! you guys are so cute!!! you are so badass with that gun!

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Aw, looks like so fun! Congrats on the bullseye! I would never be able to do that!! Or make German Chocolate cake, sounds complicated. But also yummy for breakfast ; )

Holly said...

Look like a great birthday! I'm not sure who looks more excited, you having hit the bullseye, or him about to take a giant bite out of the cake! LOL!

Girls in the Green Boots said...

Love the pics, especially the one of Eric and his cake! Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Sarah & Kristina

Nicole said...

That little shooting range looks like a whole lot of fun!

Allison said...

Looks like a great day! That's my husband's idea of a good birthday too...guns, guns, guns. Haha.

Diane Writes said...

Happy Birthday to Eric! Wishing you both more birthdays and happiness

Savannah said...

What a good wife! Looks like the two of you had a great time celebrating his special day!

Keri said...

Mmmm I would eat that cake! :) Happy birthday Eric!

Samantha said...

Aw happy birthday to him! :)

Love your blog! I am SO sorry its taken me so long to comment back! i'm such a bad blogger and always forget to comment back :o :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog nevertheless and I can't wait to read more of your blog :)

Angeline said...

Gosh, that's a BIG cake !! Happy birthday to you hubby. And congrats for your shot !(the freakin' bulls eye) ;)

Liesl said...

Happy, Happy Birthday again to Eric! You ARE a good wifey and that cake looks delish...german chocolate is my dad's favorite! :) Glad you hd a fun day celebrating together! Oh and I'll forgive Eric for his Red Sox hat...I'm watching the game right now, but I'm a Yankee fan...shhh...don't tell! ;) LOL!

Eesh said...

Awww you are a good wifey!!! Happy Belated Birthday to Eric!

I'd love to go shooting one day. Perhaps someone should suggest to the government here to give us shooting ranges!!!


P.S I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!

That Girl said...

I NEED to get my husband that swimsuit.

Janna Renee said...

Happy Belated Eric!! We love to go shooting too! Oh and I LOVE German Chocolate cake...I'll take two please ;)

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

ooookayyy. number one.
love your hair. you probably look way to cute to be out shooting!
and number two, your cafe rio looks DIVINE~
..and number three.
why did you not ask for my address to mail me some of that CAKE!? YUM! :)

stephanie said...

looks so fun! and I love your improv targets! :)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Awwwwh :) you 2 are the cutest!!! seriously!!! My hubs is the same way. His idea of fun is being lazy and doing nothing. LOL and that cake? YUM!!!

Megan said...

Y'all are SO cute!! You really are a great wifey!!

Meri said...

looks like a hell of a birthday!

marie said...

You don't like German Chocolate Cake? It's my favorite, or I guess I should say the frosting is my favorite. So good of you to bake :)

Emma Frances said...

You are a good wife! :] Isn't it so fun to spoil your husband for a day?! I love birthdays!! And you are SUPER nice for making German Chocolate Cake even though you don't like it! Haha.

Andrea D said...

Oh my gosh. First, I read your comment that you want to cut my hair off and steal it and then I hop over to stalk your blog and you're shooting guns?! Now I'm REALLY scared.
(Just kidding!) :)
Thank you for the compliment on my hair! And Happy Birthday to Eric!!

Tiffany said...

Nice shot. I would always feel safe while being with you.

Rachel Kaylynn said...

looks like you two had a great celebration. super impressed with the bulls eye and the cake - your husband is a lucky man :)

Sam said...

Hey! I tagged you in a 'get to know me' tag. Check out my blog to see what its all about! Hope you can do it!

kimberly @ lush lounge said...

Aw it sounds like a relaxing fun birthday!

Kristina said...

Aww it looks like you guys had a great time! That cake looks amazing! And your make up looks perfect!!!

Emily said...

bulllseye? yay for you! what an awesome cake, I'm so impressed!

kyna... said...

OMG, bullseye!! You're awesome Courtney!!

♥ Kyna

Tiff For Tat said...

You guys are too cute!! Yea for the bullseye!!! And you'll always be able to find him on the beach in that swimsuit!!

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Aw you're the best wifey ever! Shoot around all day and bake a cake at night...sounds like the most awesomest bday gift!

I’m hosting 5 days of GIVEAWAYS with 5 chances to WIN in honor of my blog’s 2year anniversary! Thanks for visiting and leaving your awesome comments...Would love for you to stop back in to check it out!

Peace. Love. LOL!


oomph. said...

sounds like a nice time, and the cake looks good! and, look at your bad self with that gun! lol. happy belated to him!

Win $75 from Shabby Apple

Holly said...

Y'all are way too sweet, and what a great wifey you are for making that cake!! Looks so yummy :) Glad he had a good birthday!!

My best friends blog said...

That Cafe Rio looks amazing! Anyone who loves Cafe Rio and Dr. Pepper as much as us can be our best friend!! thanks so much for commenting on our blog!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That cake looks great! You did good! Glad you had a wonderful birthday!

Luna said...

Thanks for your comment :)

This is the first I've seen German chocolate cake, and now I'm hooked. Looked like a happy day out and I can definitely imagine the 'neon' just from the little peek there.

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