Monday, April 11, 2011


I just had to take a minute and talk about life.  Life is so fragile.  I've learned that lesson, and will continue to do so again, and again, and again.
I had such a great, busy week of work last week.  I got to spend time with my parents, my girlfriend's and my clients.  I truly am blessed with the most amazing people in my life!  I have so many good friend's and I could not be more grateful!  (I'm talking about my St George friends, northern Utah friends, bloggy friends, clients, everyone!  So grateful!!)  Even though I had a great week I was really missing Eric (as you all know ha) and I was so ready to get home to him!  Unfortunately the weather was supposed to be horrible with winter spring storm advisory's and lot's of snow.  I called Eric to talk to him about whether I should drive home on Saturday or not when he told me, "I'd rather wait another day to see you, than never see you again."  {insert cheesy sigh} 
I decided to brave the storms and drive home.  I was so lucky, there was only one tiny patch of bad road.  There were other's who were not so lucky.  Just a few minutes before I drove up on the bad patch of road there was a horrible accident.  I just kept thinking about what Eric told me and I realized it wasn't so cheesy.  I wanted to cry because someone wasn't going home to his/her family that night.  As I finished the drive home I saw a couple more accidents on the side of the road and it really made me think and reflect on my life. 
I am very blessed.  I feel so loved by all of the amazing people in my they know that I love them?  The Lord will take my life when it is time,  but it is my responsibility to live my life to the fullest until that time.  I am going to try my very hardest to love more openly and to serve everyone I can.  I do not want any regrets.  I am going to live my life to the fullest.

Who's with me?!


elisabeth said...

this is so sweet & so true.
sometimes we get so wrapped up in life that we forget what's really important.
thanks for the reminder & thank you for sharing!


Rissy said...

wow second post I've read today about a horrible car accident... and the realizations that come with seeing one.

I am TOTALLY with you though on living life to the fullest. and not to quote rap songs BUT "to live doesn't mean you're alive" ; )


m&msmommy said...

Touching post! I couldn't agree more. Although God will take us when He's ready, and I know this, I need to make sure I"m actively living as if any moment could be my last. It's SO easy to get consumed in the day to day, when we need to realize that the "blahness" of the day-to-day could be our last, so make it count! :)

Thank you for this reminder! :) Have a great day!

Amy said...

Very sweet post -- insert cheesy sigh indeed -- very cute :).

Amy said...

P.S. I loved the insight :).

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Great post! I always say that life is fragile, and that we should treat ourselves like a crystal because our life is delicate and should not be treated badly. :)

BlackPearl said...

I AM WITH ME! I've experienced loss in my life. So I value all the I love you(s) and Thank you(s) I give and get.

Megan said...

Beautiful post, girl! You are so is so fragile and we just don't even realize it most of the time! I'm glad that you are safe!

Erin James said...

Great post :) Thanks for your sweet comment!

Janine van Staden said...

Count me in! :)
love the post!

Elizabeth @ Love Is the Adventure said...

This post really touched me. Kyle works nights and I find myself panicking all the time about him driving in the middle of the night in terrible weather...At some point, I really hope that I can just rest in God and stop fretting myself sick. Thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

thanks for your comment on my blog- made my day. : )

this post was so true! we never think about things happening to us until they're right in front of us.


LesleyRH said...

I'm with you! Glad you made it there safely!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

This is such a good post! You're right, the Lord will bring us home when he needs us, but in the mean time - we need to honor the lives and blessings we've been giving. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the little things and take advantage of the wonderful people in our lives. We need to always appreciate them and let them know that we love them! :)

Unknown said...

You seriously inspire me! You are amazing and I am so grateful to know you. Life is fragile and we really do need to live our lives to the fullest. We never know what will happen in our lives. Glad you made it home safely! Luv ya!

The Little Flapper said...

It's definitely the little things that matter the most. Like laughter and hugs shared with our loved ones. those moments are the most precious♥

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