Thursday, November 15, 2012

35 weeks

picture taken at 35 weeks 3 days (no chalkboard this week cause I'm a slacker!)

- Baby girl gets the hiccups now! I felt them for the first time this past week, 3 different times! 

- We cleaned the baby's room, washed every baby item she'll use up to 3 months, set up the car seat and stroller, and did everything else we can think of to prepare for her arrival! (Sadly, her nursery is very plain. We aren't decorating because we'll be moving shortly after she's born. No point in decorating just to pack up and move to a different house!)

- My pelvis has been killing me. No one tells you about this part of pregnancy... ha ha! I've been told it's because of the spreading and baby is dropping. Whatever it is.... it's awful!

- I have perfected the waddle :) But sometimes I just can't walk normal and I blame it on the above statement!

- I've noticed an increase in my braxton hicks. So glad my body is getting prepared because I'm about ready to have my body back to myself, ha!

- Did I mention that Eric painted my toenails this past week? He's the best :)

- We are just so ready to meet out baby girl!! I can't believe it really could happen anytime now.... I hope the next month goes by just as quickly as the whole pregnancy has :)


Pamela said...

Can't believe she is going to be here so SOON! I love how honest you are about the pregnancy, good & bad! A lot of moms will just say the good stuff, to try & not scare people! no, I want the truth, ha! If I am going to go through it, I want to know so maybe I can prepare myself somewhat!

Cindy said...

google "inversion" - I have a friend that has serious pelvic pain, and my sister had a lot during her pregnancy, and they both did inversions regularly and it really helped them. I think one website is Good luck!

Randi said...

I can't believe it's almost time!! Good luck girl!

Carlie said...

You look so pretty! Sounds like you are all prepared for her arrival now!

Ashley said...

yeah! Getting close. The anticipation at this point is so exciting and a little bit nerve wracking. :)

Amy G said...

You are radiating! Beautiful as always :) You're getting so close, hang in there and baby girl will be here before you know it!

Eryka said...

eeekk... i cannot wait to see how cute she will be!!

Christy said...

I want to look like you when I'm pregnant! :) Beautiful!

J and A said...

I bet you are the cutest waddler!! :)

Anna & Kirby said...

Nice picture :) I had the same shirt....

Laynah said...

How are you at 35 weeks, that doesn't even sound possible! Wow I just can't wait to see her...I really cant

Anonymous said...

almost time!! I love to see pregnant women waddle .. it really is cute.. now you need to remind me of that statement when its my turn! lol :) you really do look darling!

Unknown said...

wooohooo! it's gonna fly by! next thing you know you'll be in a delivery room thinking how in the world did i get here?! hahaha.

you look fabulous my dear!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

aww yay! :) I feel like this pregnancy flew by for you! I know how you feel about the chalkboards. I've only done it for 3 weeks and I'm finding it hard to find the time already! So busy around here!

LacyLouise said...

final countdown:):) so excited for you!

Brittany said...

Awww YAY for feeling the hiccups! Pretty cute, huh?! You are getting closer and closer to meeting your baby girl....SO exciting! You look beautiful as usual!

Anonymous said...

Eeeeek! 5 more weeks! Eeeeek!

Suget said...

whoa! I can't believe it's already almost time either. Your pregnancy did just fly by.
I loved watching my tummy move when my sons had the hiccups.
When I was pregnant with the boys, I would write a letter to them to tell them what I did that day and how excited I was to meet them. I take out the letters and read it to them every now and then. They get excited and think did you just wants us to come out of your belly so you could hold us? haha

Suget said...
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The Olive Tree Blog said...

looking good mama! I bet you are so ready to meet and hold her ;)!!!

Erin said...

Somehow you just get MORE and MORE beautiful every single week! Maybe you should be pregnant all the time?! ;) SO happy for you girl, and don't worry about the waddle... you've got a reason for it!!

Anonymous said...

Your bump is too cute!!! And your hair is like perfectly straight. It looks soo good.

The hubs painted your toenails?! Too sweet.

Rebecca said...

I love that Eric painted your nails, that is the sweetest thing. This next month is going to fly by and you will be meeting your little princess in no time.

Julie said...

Its coming fast!! Eeek!

dlpower said...

Sounds like you are pretty much ready to go. I am excited to start working from home so i can get some of these things prepared. Hoping thanksgiving break will help. You are looking great! And honestly...that pelvic pain is the worst. Because of it i haven't been able to work out since 6 months pregnant. It would put me unable to walk for 24 hours at least. ridiculous.

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Gosh you look fabulous!!

Unknown said...

he painted your nail? how sweet :)

Tracy said...

i miss when my hubby used to paint my toes while pregnant :( love your blog, thanks for commenting on mine! can't wait to follow you thru the rest of your journey with babygirl!

That Girl said...

I loved baby hiccups!

Alyx said...

So excited for you - I'm sure it'll fly by!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Aw, i remember feeling the baby get look great girl!

Liesl said...

Your top is darling, and so are you! So, so cute!!! :)

Jen said...

I think this is my favorite picture yet! And can I just say you're my pregnancy idol for working out through your pregnancy? Like seriously, I respect that so much and think you're awesome! (this is in part reference to the facebook status you just posted, and also to how amazing you look!). I want to do that too and be healthy like you if I'm ever pregnant!

I need to get my act together and get her a gift THIS WEEKEND.. can't believe she's gonna be here so soon! I'll be asking for your address soon!

Ashley said...

She's going to be here SO soon!! Ahhh!!!

Both of my boys got the sweet!

Alexis Kaye said...

YAYYYY you look fabulous!!! :) I just noticed hiccups too! It's funny I hadn't noticed them at all and now I swear she has them multiple times a day!! And you guys sound way prepared- good job! Also, my hips hurt like heck too. I'm so glad I have friends going through the same stuff at the same time to hear it's all normal :) haha!!! So excited for that girl to get here!!!

Katie said...

I can't believe it's almost time!! so excited for you!! :) you look so cute!!

lori said...

i am sooo excited for you two! you sound very prepared and prepped... don't worry about the nursery- you won't be using it much until she's a couple months old anyways!

and i am sure your waddle is freaking adorable ;)

eliz said...

Heehee I love the pregnant waddle. Well soon your baby girl will be here! How exciting getting everything ready!! I hope we find a house soon (before baby) if not I may be like you and have a half decorated nursery before a move. Either way setting up is fun.

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