Wednesday, March 14, 2012

spring is on my mind

Is it just me, or does March have everyone thinking spring?? I am craving the warm, sunny, playful days that always seem to accompany this season. But the weather hasn't been cooperating like I was hoping it would... the wind just won't. stop. blowing. I have a feeling it's because this town sucks. Ha ha, ok I admit it! That was a horrible pun... but seriously. I've decided to brighten up my days with some shopping until the weather warms up. Eric is loving that...  ;)

I look forward to this candy SO much each March. In fact, I'm eating the jelly beans as I type! They are that good.
It's sandal season! Fresh polish is a must for me!
Imagine this as a swim suit cover up on a tan body in Hawaii... not over that bright shirt and white girl, ha ha. Do we love it? I know I do!

Is the weather cooperating in your neck of the woods? What are you loving this spring? I really want to know!


Cindy P said...

It is so warm here this week! Yesterday it got into the high 70's and it's supposed to be the same today and tomorrow and then not get lower than the 60's for the foreseeable forecast!

I love that cover up! I may have to find something cute for my trip to the beach in April!

Danielle Curtis said...

We've had great weather in Tennessee but it has been raining on and off...with the occasional big deal :)

I need to stock up on some Essie.

Love the cover up :)

Unknown said...

Our weather (in Minnesota, believe it or not) is phenomenal! We are looking at ALMOST 80 DEGREES ON SATURDAY! How does that happen?!

Jen said...

Saturday- woke up to lots of snow.
Yesterday- 70 degrees.
This morning- Cold.

???? crazy.
Anyways, I love those chocolate eggs. Keep me far away or multiple bags will be consumed in one sitting. And those nail polish colors are so summery, I love them!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

It's so warm in MD this week too. It was 80 degrees yesterday and it's supposed to be in the mid 70's clear into next week. LOVE it! :) I love all this stuff you've posted. The color of that dress is gorgeous!

Shannon Page said...

HAHA I did the same thing with my new swim cover-up yesterday! I was trying to imagine what it'd look like in Hawaii...and when I'm not a ghost:)Spring is on the way!!

Carlie said...

I went to the store the other day to buy Cadbury Eggs and they didn't have them! I was so sad. Those are the most magical Easter treat!

stephanie said...

cute coverup!!!

Antoinette Musik said...

LOVE that fabulous green dress and I really wanna see it on you! I think its too nice to just wear as a swim suit cover up, I would dress it up with heals or cute ballet flats. Love the nail polish too! Am so obsessed with purple nails.
I can't wait for Spring!

Aimee L said...

OMG I LOVE those Cadbury chocolate eggs! Seriously I can't wait 'till Easter when Lent is over and I can eat chocolate again...

Also loving fun nail polish colors!

Weather here in Richmond, VA is gorgeous which means patio lunches during the workday! :)

Erin said...

Very cute- where is the coverup from?! I need to pick up one before our vacation to the beach (not til may- ha!)

I want jelllybeanssss, I'm so tired of eating healthy and then you gotta' post stuff like this... my sweet tooth is going NUTS!! lol

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

SweetTart jelly beans?! Why have I never seen these before? I need them. Like now.

Lauren said...

Those jelly beans look so yummy and love those polishes :-)

eas said...

I really need those jelly beans. And love your dress!

Lindsay [Elle Elizabeth] said...

The weather in my area has been amazing! We usually have very low temps and lots of snow this time of the year, but for the past week it's been in the 50s and 60s. And it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon! :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Its our first spring on the west coast adn I am SO missing real spring. The weather just stays the same around here :(

Anonymous said...

cute polishes!

Anonymous said...

can't you just feel the warm in the air??

i love it!!!!

and love the dress ;) even over the blue shirt.

:: ashley :: said...

love the polish color! and that dress is lovely!

Cami said...

GIRL it's supposed to be 84 degrees here today. AH. TOO SOON!!! :-X
I like your Essie colors...but I don't like Essie polish. LOL. Have you ever used Zoya?? Thinking of grabbing some colors - they have a buy 3, get 3 free thing going on...hmm!!

I like your swim suit cover, it's super cute :)

Oh and jelly beans...YUM <3

Alex said...

I could eat an entire bag of those little cadbury eggs in one sitting if it wasn't completely horrible for me. So good!!

Suget said...

That curte green cover up is cute. and I really really LOOOOOOVE sweet tarts jelly beans. I always fill up the boys easter eggs with that. (:
I cannot wait for Spring too... it is too windy here and a tad bit cold. I hope it warms up just like 2 degrees or something (:

Denise said...

How dare you flaunt those yummy candies in my face while I'm trying to get my beach body!!

Andrea D said...

My husband and I moved to Los Angeles in January so we've been in awe at all the beautiful weather we've had. But our fam back in Missouri has been winning this week...high 70 degree weather there!
Don't get me started on Easter candy yet! I could eat my weight in it! :P

Happy hump day!

Pamela said...

Love Starburst jelly beans & Sweetarts Easter candies! Love the nail polish!!

Emma Frances said...

I LOVE the colors you picked out for your nails! I am in some need of some new nailpolish! And I'm so jealous that you're going to Hawaii! Haha. That will be such a cute swimsuit coverup! Also, my husband and I have been living off of those Cadbury eggs for weeks now! MMMM!

Faith said...

the weather is beyond perfect right now! absolutely love it!

loving the nail colors you have there! so cute!

psychelyn said...

I left Russia 4 days ago and it is still full of snow but ice started melting already. Comparing to the previous months is has become much warmer already and I'd say spring has come.

Now I'm in Philippines and I can't complain much of the heat. It's +30 when I arrived.

Those are beautiful nail polishes and a lovely dress for spring and summer coming :)

Amy Harris said...

easter candy is by far my favorite! also your swim suit cover up is probably my favorite as that color. are you going to hawaii?? that pretty much sounds like heaven.

Courtney said...

The jolly rancher jelly beans are so good (and addicting)!!

Miss Amy said...

Whaaat?! SweetTart Jellybeans?! I must find some!!

Alyx said...

ugh. the weather here blows.
And I think that will make an adorable swimsuit coverup!
And... I'm so jealous! I wait every year for easter to come around so I can eat the sweet tart chicks/bunnies and jellybeans... and I don't get any this year!!! DEVASTATED.

kyna... said...

SOOOOOO excited for your Hawaii trip! You are going to have so much fun, and get some WELL needed rest and relaxation with that awesome hubby of yours!! I LOVE that nail polish too! It's spring time!! WOOO HOO!

Love you girl! Have a wonderful springtime day!
♥ Kyna

Alexis Kaye said...

It has already been warm in arizona! Mid 80s! well this week actually it's been a lot cooler! like low 70s but that's out of the ordinary! I'm going to utah this weekend and i'm freaking out! I looked at the weather and sunday the high is 36 and it's supposed to snow. kill me.

rachel said...

i am loving those polish colors you picked!!! what are they?? so gorgeous!

Laura Burtis said...

The wind is driving me nuts! It's been "warm" in SLC, but the wind makes it so much colder :(. I'm so ready for some REAL Spring weather! And I totally agree, I always look forward to March candy - the Easter stuff is the best! :)

Melanie said...

Bahahaa... I appriciated your wind blowing pun! Made me giggle) Girlll... we just had snow in March! Our weather has been super crazy. You are so cute, & are gonna look freakn AMazing in that green summer dress. LOVES it.

Dude... those minni eggs are my FAVORITE Easter candy ever! Lol... I buy a million begs, to last through the year... it doesn't last.)

(Hope EVERYTHING is going great great mama!!)

Liesl said...

You are adorable, and so are these Essie colors for spring and summer! I am so excited for you and your upcoming Hawaii trip!!! :)

ms.composure said...

stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! def loving that dress you are showing in the mirror!!

Laura said...

The weather has been HEAVEN!! Love the polish colors and your green cover up/dress is so cute! Yay for vacations and tans!!

Natalie said...

I love that cover-up, very cute. It is 80 and warm here. Typical Texas weather!

Tere Shake said...

I love me some cadburry eggs. A little too much maybe.

Please take me to Hawaii with you. I know that not both my husband and I can squish in a suit case together, so I will make the sacrifice and leave him home:)

Also super cute dress. I just got that purple in Essie the other day! I love it. You have to do a few coats of it though..

Unknown said...

Yes yes yes - candy is a lovely springtime tradition around here, too! and those jelly beans look divine!!!


from head 2 toe said...

I LOVE mini cadburry eggs, but I could NOT get myself to spend $3.20 on them! We did get some Starburst Jellybeans......yum yum!

Holly said...

Those jellybeans look amazing. I want some now. :O

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I love those nail polish colors!! I am so ready for spring too! The warmer weather has me totally ready for summer.

Bree said...

Padre Island is hopping :)
The weather is cooperating as well, 80s and sunny!

Yay for spring break!

christine donee said...

you and me both girl!

Jessica Joy said...

Lovin' the polish and dress! Our weather in Oregon is NOT cooperating with Spring either. And I leave for California next week and as soon as I get there, it's supposed to be crummy too! Ugh! I'm a little jealous of Hawaii :-)

Anonymous said...

Here in Maryland we have had a surprising winter and have started off on a very warm spring with weather in the 80s that is one of the joys of watching children for a living days are spent outside enjoying the world. I love jelly beans haha. Loving or shopping needs I think our significant others just love us so much for our love to increase our wardrobe every new season. Praying for warm weather heading your way soon.

Julie said...

Missouri skipped over spring and went straight to summer...for now!

Alissa said...

Easter candy is my biggest downfall and I feel like there is more this year than ever!

Anonymous said...

Soo yesterday it was SO HOT 75 degrees. But I live in FL so that's kind of a given. And omg. I need to go get some jelly beans NOW. I loooove the jolly rancher flavored jelly beans.


Katy said...

Mini Cadbury Eggs are my favorite Easter candy! I buy them in the bulk and then hoard them in our cupboards so I can enjoy them for a long time. Spring is hit or miss here. Earlier in the week, it was warm and sunny. Now? Cloudy and cold. Hoping the sun comes out soon and stays out!

That Girl said...

The weather here is all over the place - typical for Southern California. One day it can be hot as summer, the next is winter cold.

Danielle said...

Welcome to life in Cedar City :) The wind was blowing way bad up here on Tues night, we were trying to have a fire up in the fields.

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

cute dress! when are you going to hawaii!??! i am going in april! im loving this nice weather! i love all the bright colors this season!!!

xx Kelly

Rebecca said...

Cute dress! Also, I share the essie obsession!

Stout Family said...

Oh spring fever is hitting me hard too! I love it! I love that Cora gets to wear dresses and show off her chunkiness instead of covering her awesome bod up with leggings & skinny jeans!

Keri said...

Cadbury mini eggs are my FAVORITE!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Oh my gosh, mini eggs are my FAVE!!! I so wish for warmer weather and sunny days. Nothin but snow/rain here still! Lame!

KelleyJohnson07 said...

Haha! I think that swimsuit cover will be GREAT with a swimsuit on ;)

Chandra said...

I am truly late as you have beat me to buying Easter candy! And that dress is cute...even without a tan! Luckily, I don't have to worry about that:D Enjoy your weekend...we're hoping to have sunny skies here!

Rolled Up Pretty said...

Okay those cadburry eggs have almost been the death of me on numerous occasions, I kid not. They are amazing! Those sweet tart jelly beans look SO good too!

Katie said...

mmmmmm spring! And did I miss something? Are you and E taking a Hawaiian vacay?!? Luckyyyyy :)

Jenna said...

Mmmm!! I haven't had SweetTart jelly beans, but Starburst jelly beans are the best!!

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