Wednesday, March 21, 2012

i smile

I'm joining my sweet friend in her weekly I Smile posts! I just can't say it enough... I adore Jessica
I am feeling pretty down again with a change up in Eric's work schedule. I've been pretty spoiled with his work schedule and got used to his 6:30am-4pm days. I loved having him around all the time! But this new job has tested me like none other. And I'm about to see him even less. Hello grave shifts... I want to kick you where it counts! 
Oops! There I go with the negativity... this is why I need a happy post today!
I Smile...

...because we found this ridiculously large amount of popcorn at Cal Ranch of all places! I had to buy it. Crappy, buttery popcorn is just the best!
Do you know what else is the best? When the cashier asks how many movie nights we're planning on having....? Awkward. Who walks out of Cal Ranch with just a huge box of popcorn? I do!

...while watching Jack and Jill with Eric. In my opinion the movie sucked, but Eric played with my hair and that makes everything better! Plus I loved listening to Eric laugh at the lame humor. His laugh is the best sound in the world!

...because I'm finally decorating our home. I'm not sure why, but I haven't been motivated at all to decorate. Will someone just come over and tell me where to hang/put things so that my house can feel like home? :)

...because Eric loves his job. We are so bummed that we will rarely see each other now, but it's a relief that he likes going to work! awkward pictures of me and Eric while trying to show off the food, ha ha. This is a pretty bad picture, and not flattering to either of us! :) But the whole point of this picture is that I didn't have to cook on a week night, woo hoo! That always makes me smile :)


Niken said...

you two are cute!
keep smiling :)

Cami said...

Your smile is infectious :) You are gorgeous!
YAY popcorn <3

= said...

i hated the movie too.. it did suck lol

Alissa said...

I've been lacking motivation to decorate my new house as well.

And now I want Chinese.

Mrs Guenther said...

That's cute that he plays with your hair :) wish my husband would do that. Lol.

Thanks for letting us know that "Jack & Jill" sucked, I had that on my netflix account.

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

That box of popcorn is intense. I've never seen a box so big in my life! LOL. I know my son would love it ;-) Cute post.

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Oh god. That popcorn looks so delicious. Buttery popcorn is not part of my healthy eating plan... but movie theater popcorn is my favorite thing ever. I used to work next door to a dollar movie theater. It was dangerous.

monster cakes said...

I feel your pain girl! With Justin's school schedule and fireman schedule, sometimes it feels like I don't see him for days. Just remember to enjoy the time you have together and not spend it bickering or sulking. For some reason, I feel like it's super easy to bicker on the days you do have. Why is that?! I'll be praying for ya girl. Hang in there!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

So we have got that popcorn before too! But I just read that packaged popcorn like that is so bad for you because of chemicals in the packaging that transfers itself to the popcorn while you eat it... read about it here... it freaked me out!

Anonymous said...

HAHA i love the giant box of popcorn!! I think you outdid Costco! And you guys are too cute and super strong to have such different schedules yet make it work :)

Carlie said...

I love super buttery popcorn! YUM! You should have told the cashier you plan on eating it all during one movie night! haha

Alyx said...

You guys are absolutely adorable! I just love it!

Miranda said...

graveyard? yuck. sorry.

so cute he plays with your hair--best feeling!!

hang in there...graveyard won't last forever ya?

Keri said...

My husband works 3rd shift now and believe it or not, we like it better than the other two shifts! I hope you get the same surprise blessing. :)

You two are too adorable!

Jessica Ruud said...

Aw you two cuties :) Keep that smile on!!!

Jessica Ruud said...

Aw you two cuties :) Keep that smile on!!!

J and A said...

I am obsessed with popcorn! :) Those family letters are so fun. Great photos of you two beauties!

Jenna said...

Hey! I just came across your blog and from the little bit I read already LOVE it!! I'm excited to read on to learn more about you guys.

I'm also going to steal your "I smile" idea!!

Bree said...

Stay smiling cute girl!! :)

Val said...

Nothing better than a good bowl of makes any movie better.

Melanie said...

HAhaa (i love u) crappy buttery popcorn sounds awesome! Thank you for thinking Jack & Jill SUCKed. It so did. I love Adam Sandler, & wanted to like it but.... nope! You have the best smile EVER, btw!! XO

The family thingeee is lovely!

Nicole said...

Hehe you should have said the popcorn was just for you in one sitting :)

Kelsey Rosie said...

My hubby is a full time student and he works opening shifts at Starbucks. I feel your pain, girl! It's so hard to not be able to see him very much, but I keep reminding myself that it's only for a short part of our lives together.

You two are so cute :).


Emma Frances said...

That thing of popcorn is AWESOME!!! I LOVE Blast-O-Butter! Haha. And I really love your Family decoration word! I really need to find/make more stuff like that for my home! We just moved too and I doubt I will have decorations up anytime soon. Haha.

Kira said...

I have heard that movie is pretty bad, but I bet the popcorn was delicious :)

Kell said...

You two are adorable.. and that is my favorite popcorn! So I am completely jealous that you have such a huge box of it!

:: ashley :: said...

think of the movies nights you could host with that amount of popcorn!

Miss Amy said...

Last photo is the BEST!

Leslee said...

Cute Post!! And no worries......Decorating isn't my best talent. We have been updating our little fixer upper home for 3 years decorating hasn't really happened. So don't feel bad. At least it's only been a month or two since you moved......3 years of not decorating is a very long time to not feel like a "home" ha ha :) Keep Smilin Dove. You're doin GREAT!

Unknown said...

OMgEE!!! I am craving popcorn now! lol

Tere Shake said...

your hair is getting so long! i love it! i wish i could say that i have to cook every week night. i dont think i cook once a week! my poor husband. you are an amazing wifey. lets do dinner one night eric has grave yard shift.

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...


I have three favorite foods in life (thanks for asking)


you just won so many blogging points from me, you don't even know.

Tiffany said...

Popcorn is a weakness of mine too!
Booo on shift changes!!! I hate that for you!!!

I though Jack and Jill was TERRIBLE. We didn't even watch the whole thing.

Unknown said...

I love it when my hubby plays with my hair too!! Awww :)

Especially when they do it without us asking, right? Haha.

kyna... said...

OMG, how lame am I that I haven't even heard of the movie Jack and Jill?? Sigh, I swear, after working all week, and dealing with a toddler, we never seem to want to sit down and concentrate on a movie. We'd both rather just veg!
Keep that smile on your beautiful face girly!
♥ Kyna

A "cheery" disposition said...

My boyfriend is a musician so I totally understand abut hating not having your man home. I adore that your hubby plays with your hair when you watch movies together... that's my favorite part about cuddling up and watching a movie.. the hair playing ;0

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts said...

Where did you get those letters?! Those are fantab.

Lindsay [Elle Elizabeth] said...

Mmmm popcorn! I think I may have to go and make some right now!

Liesl said...

You know how much I love smiling and I LOVE this post!!! :) Love the idea of happy posts and I'm a huge fan of positivity...yay, yay, yay! :)

Contemplating Beauty said...

Oh sweetie that's gotta be so hard on you, I'm sorry about it! You made me smile with your post though and that gigantic popcorn, UNREAL! What a hoot!
I know you can learn a lot and be stretched by the challenge of your husbands hours, but it doesn't make it easy or fun. xo

Kara said...

My husband has been on graveyard for over a year, and it is TOUGH! I feel for ya!

Also, we buy a box of popcorn that big at least every other month. We love popcorn in my house! :)

Gentri said...

Aw! Such a great and happy post! I'm so sorry your work schedules do not go well together. :( No fun. Tonight was fun though! haha!

from head 2 toe said...

Way to be positive! What a rock star! Derek has been living in Tucson (about 2 hours away) this entire month M-F and I am only seeing him weekends. It has been rough, but also, nice. I have enjoyed my quiet evenings reading in bed and other simple tasks, but I do know what you mean when you miss your hubby! It is NEVER fun to change, but that last pic of you is all worth it- the little times/things you spend with each other! Keep smiling and thanks for the inspiration! Oh, and I wanna help you decorate!!!

Erin said...

Ooooh my PLEASE mail me some of that popcorn haha. I seriously love cheap, buttery popcorn... so perfect for movie nights :)

It's taken me FOREVER to get our home decorated and it's definitely still a work in progress. NO rush! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that 'family' decor! So cute!!! xoxo A-

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings said...

You should have told the cashier that was just for the one movie night. HAHA! Hope the grave shifts won't be for too long!!

Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

That Girl said...

Graveyard shifts are the worst!

Brhea said...

Yes buttery popcorn is the BEST! Cute family sign and happy that your husband loves his job. That certainly makes life easier!

I am excited to be your newest blog follower!

Lindsay Nicole said...

LOVE the smile post! Just became your newest follower and LOVE your blog!!


Jessica said...

Courtney, thank you for stopping by my blog earlier this week and leaving some positive feedback and prayers - it was much appreciated! And, love the "I Smile" idea for a post. What a great way to share good things! You and your hubby are too cute.

Ashley said...

Wow! I am loving your giant box of popcorn... yum yum.

Sometimes I think it's hard finding motivation to decorate a place that just doesn't feel like home.... I was that way when we moved to Florida. It feels much better after unpacking things and hanging frames... but man it was tough getting excited about it. You'll feel much better once you get some photos of you and your hubs on the wall.

Thinking about you two! Adjustments are tough but you'll find your groove soon. (:

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are popcorn-ohlics lately. Sundays dinner...popcorn! :)

Love the "family" sign too cute!!

p.s. I tagged you in a post I did today when you get a chance you should go check it out! :)

Kimberly said...

adorable photos!

Katie said...

i think that is a cute picture! : ) i like this smile post!

A Brew of Blessings said...

What a happy post! Who couldn't love some good buttery popcorn every once in a while & paired w/ your man playing with your hair? A great date night in :)
Sorry his work hours aren't so great right now...try to soak up those weekends together!

Kasey Lynne said...

Sorry to hear about his work schedule..that does stink! But maybe there's a blessing on the other side that you haven't seen yet :)

That IS alot of popcorn..but who cares?? It's SOO yummy!

Kylie said...

I hated Jack and Jill, too! I thought it was so sad that it was so dirty, and it was supposed to be a family movie. Thankfully we saw it for free so at least we didn't lose any money on it. And our apartment is finally (mostly) decorated too! Except now I get to re-do the guest room into a nursery soon, haha. And Panda + happy husbands are excellent causes for smiling :)

Shea Lennon said...

Yummy, I love popcorn!! And I couldn't agree more about decorating--somehow I did not inherit that gene. I'd love for someone to just do that for me!!

Holly said...

Boo to different work shifts. But all these things are great reasons to smile! :)

Unknown said...

I feel ya girly.
When I first started dating my husband he worked graveyard. 11:00pm-7:00am. That schedule continued on for a little, and then he got a new shift/job in the same hospital and that went from 6:00pm-2:30am. Now he is FINALLY on a decent shift. Instead of 5 days a week and complete graveyard...he works 4 ten hour shifts and they are from 1:00pm-11:30pm. It's by far the best he's had. I hate going to sleep without him. :(

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