Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Thanksgiving was super low key this year, but totally perfect! I participated in my first ever Thanksgiving day run (called The Gobbler) and I'm definitely patting myself on the back about it :) I ran the 5k in 26:38 and got 8th place in women ages 20-29. I haven't been able to run nearly as much as I used to between cold weather and snow so I was really surprised and really happy with my time!
Thanksgiving dinner was different this year! Since it was just us, my parents and my younger brother, my parents treated us to a Thanksgiving buffet at the opening of Zion National Park. We were able to eat more food than you can imagine with the gorgeous mountains in the background. It was so nice! This is a pretty popular idea in southern Utah because we knew half the people at the buffet :) Eric fed Mia her first pie(s) and it's safe to say that she's a fan! (She also ate more food than we've ever seen her eat!) He was a proud daddy!
We spent the rest of our day trying to stay awake as we all relaxed together. Even though it was a quiet holiday, we had an amazing day with my family! And I'm pretty sure Mia can't wait for Thanksgiving next year :)

Living in Color


Dee Stephens said...

What a perfect way to spend Thanksgiving! Beautiful mountains and you didn't have to cook. Yay on your running.
Mia is a dolly and looks just like her DAddy :)

Linzi Scarsella said...

Awe! Love the pictures. Good job on your run!

Julie said...

Now that buffet, with the view, was probably amazing. My inlaws always go to Golden Corral, dutch, and this year we overslept and didn't go - and they didn't care. I'll post about all that soon! Glad you had a good day :)

Jessie said...

Great time! Congratulations! And I actually think I've eaten at that buffet before once. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Great job on your run!!

What a good Thanksgiving.

carli said...

What a beautiful photo of the three of you!! And congratulations on your race. Well done!

Ashley Brickner said...

What a sweet day!!! And congrats on the run!

Pamela said...

8th place!? Dang, girl! That's awesome :)

hello erin said...

the PERFECT turkey day!! i LOVE it. and i love you for RUNNING the 5k. lex and i fully walked (and even then only did 2 miles. and even then it took us 40 minutes?). you totally rock!

Unknown said...

Best way to celebrate Thanksgiving-have someone else cook and clean for you!! I'm in love with the pic of Mia with her hand up. I immediately thought to myself "superstahhh" congrats on the run!!

Living in Color Mom

Kristin said...

Sounds like a great holiday and GO YOU for running the 5k!

Courtney [Sweet Turtle Soup] said...

You go lady! Way to run pre-turkey.

Pic #5 is soooo cute. Whatever she is doing she is doing it fabulously =) What a great idea having a Thanksgiving buffet...less dish clean up for certain. Looks gorg in the windows too.

Anonymous said...

Nice job on the 5k!!! That is awesome. I could eat those mashed potatoes up right now. Looks delish!
I love the picture of Mia with her hand up haha

Anonymous said...

Love low key (less stress) holidays!!! We do the annual turkey trot here, but it's the weekend before thanksgiving. (: xoxo

Tammy Jo said...

Way to dominate that 5K girl :) Hope the Turkey day was wonderful

Diana @ wonderfully made. said...

What an awesome backdrop for Thanksgiving! And way to go with the 5k, girl! You're an inspiration! :)

Lauren said...

Sounds like a fabulous Thanksgiving and great job on your run...that time is fabulous!

Andrea said...

That is an amazing time! Good for you! Mia is so cute in those photos!!

Carlie said...

Sounds like a nice Thanksgiving!

oomph. said...

awesome job on the 5k! now that thanksgiving is over, i'm training for our 8.15 mile great aloha run on presidents day...eek!

glad you had a nice mellow holiday.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by The Old Country Blog! It looks like you had an excellent Thanksgiving too!

RadiantKristen said...

Courtney, you did a fantastic job on your run! Congratulations!

Pie is delicious. Glad your little girl understands this already.

Megan said...

Glad you had a great Thanksgiving! Great pictures! Looove that Mia loved pie!! :)

Pegster said...

Happy Thanksgiving, I am all for low key but fun celebrations. Love that family picture with the mountain in the background.

Congrats on running a 5K on Thanksgiving day.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Sounds like it was a perfect Thanksgiving!

Janna Renee said...

I'm so jealous for your 5K! That's awesome!

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