Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Even though Eric was talking when this was taken, I still love it! Notice Mia's little tongue??
Loving: my hair parted down the middle! I changed up my part to avoid shaving my hair off (I'm only kidding a little) and I never thought I'd get used to it, or come close to liking it. But the more my bangs grow out, the more I like it! Yay!! I probably need to post a selfie to instagram to show the progress. But maybe not :)

Reading: I'm failing right now! I just don't have the time to read anything. But I'm sure I'll be reading plenty of books once winter hits and we are cooped up inside for months on end! So I'm definitely taking recommendations! :)

Trying to: not bug the crap outta everyone... but I just need enough votes for Gerber to notice Mia! Because who can deny that she should be their winner? Cutest dang baby I've ever seen (says every mother to her child, ha)! If you'd like to vote just go here (if you want to share her link, I wouldn't hate it)! Thank you SO much!

Wishing: that babies didn't get sick or have to be in pain! First, Mia is miserable for eight days while her top two front teeth come in. Second, she gets an ear infection from said teething. Third, she comes down with a cold the same night that she gets her last dose of antibiotic for said ear infection. She can't catch a break, poor thing! And you better believe I'm feeling very sorry for myself as well! I think we will spend the day in our jammies drinking hot chocolate (okay, she gets water, but she loves it!), watching movies (okay, Mia never holds still long enough to watch a movie), and cuddling (okay, I'll have all of her toys in my lap so that she wants to sit by me and I'll put my arm around her while she plays). Or maybe we won't relax at all. I just hope she gets feeling better asap!

Excited for: our first ever Jazz game! I can't believe I've never been to a Utah Jazz game (or any NBA game for that matter) the whole time I've lived in Utah... which would be my whole life. I think it's gonna be F U N!

The Little Things in Life


Anonymous said...

What a sweet picture! ;) I love the tongue! HA!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute picture! I'm currently reading Divergent, it's pretty good if you like things like the Hunger Games. I also just read the new Nicholas Sparks book,the longest ride. It was good!

Dee Stephens said...

Teeth are tough. I hear molars are even tougher! ;0

Nichole @ casadecrews.com said...

Ha ha, I am always talking in photos and look super awkward! But Eric just looks like he's calling to Mia, which is super sweet. I change my part allll the time to avoid wanting to cut it all off.

Kara Renee said...

I just started parting my hair in the middle too!! I cut my bangs straight across and there's really no other option part wise. I'll go vote for Mia! Hope she feels better SO soon!!

Kara Renee said...

I just started parting my hair in the middle too!! I cut my bangs straight across and there's really no other option part wise. I'll go vote for Mia! Hope she feels better SO soon!!

Whitney Tomlin said...

precious mia! she is getting so big. time flies with these babes!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I just finished up Divergent! and I'm one the second book in the series. I'm really loving it:) and the movie comes out in March!

Erin LFF said...

Definitely an adorable picture! And poor Mia, I hope she feels better soon!! Teething is so hard on babies!! :(

Anonymous said...

I've tried parting my hair differently. It will not take. I must have a colic or something. One side will lay super flat to my head and the other poofs way up. YIKES!!

Niken said...

i love this picture too.
and i'm failing at reading as well

Fran @ Sassy Southern Bride said...

I love this pic! I'm also looking forward to having time to read a book for fun. Hopefully soon.

Brittany said...

She's just precious! Have fun at the Jazz game! Take pictures!

Jessie said...

Have a BLAST at the Jazz game! We went to one last year and had a great time.

Hilary @ Peanut Butter Spoonfuls said...

What an adorable picture! And it looks so warm! Was that really taken in Utah!?

Megan said...

Cute cute picture! And yes. So sad that babies have to get sick!!

Linzi Scarsella said...

Ya'll are such a cute family. I love your long hair. You must post a selfie asap ;)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I totally voted for Mia.,

I think I would vote more if you promised me like 2,000 dollars. Yeah, I probably would.

Kirsty and Seth said...

Aw, I love her little tongue sticking out in concentration, she's so adorable. I hope she's feeling better now, those teeth are such a nightmare. Caleb is doing a bit better now, touch wood! Your hair looks great by the way!


I'll Love You Forever said...

I LOVE this picture! So darling! You have a beautiful family. What Jazz game are you going to? Have you gone already? I am doing to one in December with some friends. Would be fun to meet you :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That photo is pretty cute!

Janna Renee said...

Aww! I don't want to think about Mia in pain!! I parted my hair down the middle once and my friend told me to never do it again. Haha I guess it doesn't work for me.

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