Tuesday, September 24, 2013

if the broom fits...

 Mia's face is killin' me here... ha ha ha!
These two LOVE each other. I wouldn't hate it if they got married someday ;)
I know the lighting is bad but I thought these hats were so cute!
Please note that Mia and Aspyn are holding hands, so cute! Besties all around :) 
Headbands c/o Sunnie Jae
Mia and I spent the day with our best friends (Mia and Aspyn are just 3 months apart, and Paysen is potential future husband material, HA! Jaicee and I have been best friends for years!) at Gardner Village in northern Utah. It was the perfect way to welcome the Fall season! I must admit that I'm kind of sad to see the arrival of Fall because that means we are nearing the end of the first year of my baby's life. It's just gone by too quickly! But we had the funnest time at Gardner Village (which was all witched out if you hadn't noticed. Adorable!) and I'm looking forward to celebrating the holidays with Mia! Cheers to a beautiful season, fun decorations, best friends and future husband material :) Happy Fall!


Anonymous said...

Pumpkins galore! Those little girls and those flower headbands are too sweet! (:

Pamela said...

Oh my gosh, she will be one before we know it!! AH! Looks like a fun time!!

Faith said...

Looks like such a fun time! Makes me want to head out and get a few pumpkins today.

Sarah @ The Not Quite Military Wife said...

Mia and her boyfriend are the cutest thing ever!!

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE Court! I can't wait for Halloween!

Jasmine @ The Jasmine Maria said...

I want to go pumpkin patching so bad. I can't wait to go next month with the boys. I have yet to figure out their costumes lol

Suget said...

Love these photos! Mia is so so cute! I am excited for all things Fall.

Rebecca Jo said...

Ahh - but look at all the fun memories ahead you get to make :)

Erin LFF said...

Such cute pics!! Enjoy every single day with that adorable baby!! :)

Anonymous said...

that first picture Mia's face screams 'my mom is a blogger' smiling anytime a camera comes out hahah

Hannah said...

Babies holding hands is the best thing ever! Too cute!

Always Maylee said...

Oh my goodness, cute babies galore! Looks like such a fun time.

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to check out Garner Village! It looks so fun, all tricked out for Halloween!

Julie said...

How fun :)

K&R said...

so cute and so much fun.
i love that last picture of the the girls holding hands.


Lauren said...

what a day of fun! I'm heading to a local park for some fall fun on Thursday with my bestie & I can't wait!

Ashley said...

this looks like such a fun day! bring on fall!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Okay, let's not even talk about a year already!! I totally can't wait to do the whole pumpkin patch thing and fall festival with the little miss.

Anonymous said...

Those are some good looking kiddos!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

stop ignoring me. we really have to discuss that headband.

courtney. this is serious.

lori said...

I love how they are holding hands in that last picture- so sweet!!! Such precious girls!

Christy said...

Ah! I LOVE things like this! Makes me SO excited for fall! :) My favorite time of year!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Love all those pumpkins!

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