Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 Hiking the Red Cliffs in southern Utah with our friends! Wait until spring to go, the waterfalls are all dried up now :(
Loving: all the time I'm spending outside with Mia! Eric and I take her to the park and let her crawl around (she likes the grass except for when it touches her head. It's hilarious when she falls to watch her reaction to the grass touching her head/face) and we push her in the swing. She especially loves the swing! And I'm trying to pack in as many hikes as possible since the weather has cooled down, but before it gets too cool, you know?
I'm also LOVING the rain we've been getting! There's nothing better than rainstorms in the summer (but you can't really call it summer at the moment, the high today is 66)!

Reading: The Mortal Instrument Series. I'm on the fourth book now, City of Fallen Angels. I was totally looking forward to watching the movie but I've heard it sucks bad. Who's seen it? I want your opinions! Do I waste a date night on seeing it in the movie theater, or wait until I can get it from the redbox?

Learning: to be patient. Need I say more? (Actually, there is a lot to say! But that will be for another blog post.)

Trying to: figure out why on the days that I have a huge to-do list and need to get stuff done, I accomplish nothing. But on rainy, cool days when it's the perfect excuse to snuggle in a blanket and do nothing but watch netflix and eat ice cream, I tackle that list and get everything done. Ugh!

Wishing: that this town offered more holiday events. I loved living in northern Utah during the holidays, there is always something fun to do each weekend to celebrate! The closer we get to the season, the more I can't help but miss northern Utah, the fun things to do and our friends!

Excited for: Thursday night! DATE NIGHT! This will be our third official date night and I'm already in need of some ideas! The last 2 date nights were ice cream... ha ha! We also need to buck up and call a babysitter so that we can officially be on a date sans Mia :) Baby steps, people. Baby steps.


Anonymous said...

Learning to be biggest struggle!

Great look amazingly calm with two kids. :)

Kelly said...

That's one thing that I miss living in coastal South Carolina, we have absolutely no mountains and it is completely flat. Hopefully when we move to Hawaii, we'll have plenty of places to hike!

Nic at Haus of Harnois said...

Yay for baby wearing!!

Andresa Lee said...

Hi Courtney! You followed my old blog, so I came here to say I changed it a few days ago. Now it's La Vie d'Lee :)

It's the first time I visit your blog and love it. Your daughter is so cute!
I'm also learning to be more patient, haha. It's quite a challenge, but I guess I'm on the right track.
Hope you have a wonderful date! ;)

Sally said...

Love that picture! I wish Iowa was as beautiful!

Jeff and Cali said...

Northern Utah definitely has tons to do! I can sympathize with that for sure! We just moved to a smaller town in Texas and despite that it's not bangin' with things to do... I actually kind of love it!!!

Love your blog posts! Mia is just a sweetheart... makes me want to be a mom so bad!

Liesl said...

You are looking FANTASTIC, Courtney!!! Have fun on your date lovely! <3

Anonymous said...

I need to get to reading that series. I didn't even know about it until the movie came out and everyone started saying how awesome the books are. I've heard mostly negatives about the movie though.

Have fun on date night!

Katie said...

That is too funny about Mia and the grass! I wonder if that'll stick around as she gets older. And isn't going hiking with them in the packs just AWESOME?! So fun and such a good workout.

Megan said...

SO pretty! Wish we had temps like that, it was in the 90's today and super humid!

IG: megawat
Hello Newlywed Life Blog

Jamie said...

Well you're WAY ahead of Shehan and me as far as date nights go, even with baby! My suggestion is to go volunteer somewhere. It's a really good experience to do together!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...

i love how you take mia outdoors with you. so cute . I need to do more things like that with julian

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I love that book series!!!

lori said...

you just got me seriously so excited for the days when carter is a little bigger and i can take him to the park and crawl around in the grass and swing on the swing set. while i loveee the newborn snuggly stage, it's fun to remember there are fun things to look forward to when they get bigger, too!

RadiantKristen said...

All of your hiking this summer has looked amazing! You are super lucky that you and Mia have had so much time to be out exploring nature together.

Also-- I know you're in a major flash flood thing too, so I hope you are staying safe and dry! Weirdest September weather ever!

Anonymous said...

I love that you go hiking with Mia attached to you. You make it look so easy. Hiking alone is good exercise. Strap a baby to ya...that's impressive! hahah

The Lady Okie said...

Girl, I am always practicing patience. I am SO impatient!

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