Friday, May 3, 2013

five years

5 years ago was the start of our journey. A journey that has had extreme highs and difficult lows. A journey that brought us our perfect baby girl. A journey that has and will continue to throw some major curves in the road. A journey that I wouldn't want to experience with anyone else in the world.
5 years ago we made the best decision of our lives.
5 years ago we said yes to an eternity together.
Happy Anniversary, Eric!
I love you 5xEternity :)


Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!

Jenn Adams said...

Happy anniversary

Pamela said...

Happy anniversary!! :)

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary! Love those pictures!

Cindy P said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary!

LEIGH said...

Aw! Happy Anniversary!

P!nky said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!!!!

LOVE YOUR FLOWERS and you look gorgeous :)!

BTW, I love your take on the marriage journey too :)!

Anonymous said...

so sweet!

Alex[andra] said...

Such beautiful photos. Happy anniversary!

Kristen said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!! Beautiful photos, your flowers and dress are gorgeous. Mia is such a lucky girl!

Carlie said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a great day together!

Shannon said...

Happy Anniversary! Our anniversary is coming up on the 22nd.

Christy said...

happy anniversary! :)

Shelley said...

Aww love the pictures. Was someone using you up with the one he is flexing? Happy anniversary!

Amberly said...

Happy anniversary!!! That's great!!!


Ashley said...

Oh yay! Happy Anniversary to you and Eric.

J and A said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You are one beautiful couple!

Always Maylee said...

Happy 5 years! Cheers to many more! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Anonymous said...

This is adorable Court! Happy Anniversary!!

ps. how's the bambino doing????

Katrin said...

Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!

Veronica Watts said...

Happy anniversary!

Liesl said...

Happy, Happy 5th Anniversary to you both!!! Look at all you have been through and the lovely bundle of joy you now share together! Also, I love that first picture of you both!!! :)

Caroline said...

Awh sooo sweet :) Happy Anniversary! (And btw, you had AMAZING wedding hair!)

Unknown said...



Bri Buzali said...

y'all are the cutest ever! Happy anniversary!

Lauren said...

Happy 5th anniversary great pics! :-)

Nichole @ said...

Happy Anniversary!

Jessica M. said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!

Marli said...

awwwwwh! y'all are the cutest. happy anniversary, you two. :)


Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! :) Your wedding pics are too cute!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

happy anniversary.

if I lived next door I'd take Mia.. for a few hours. wait, no I wouldn't because you wouldn't have anywhere to go in Cedar. But I would totally take her in St. G.

Can't you just move here? please.

Deidre said...

Happy anniversary! Your photos are beautiful and you look sooo happy.

Maria said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Eric!! Such beautiful photos! You are such a fun couple! Xoxox

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I especially like the last picture.

Tiffany said...

Awww happy anniversary! These photos are beautiful!

Unknown said...

happy anniversary... the pictures are really nice...

Jessie said...

Happy anniversary! You just took the words right out of my mouth. We are celebrating anniversary #6 for us today. :) Hope you two had a wonderful weekend!

Allison said...

Happy 5 years! You two are so adorable! :)

Dinah Gacon said...

Such beautiful photos, you both looked amazing! Happy Anniversary, hope you had a lovely weekend!!!!

xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

emi said...

wow- congrats on 5 years! that is an amazing milestone, how fun. thanks for the example! we are almost to year 1! :)
darling blog! XO

ajs {of MN} said...

happy anny!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!

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i admit it. i LOVE hearing from you!