Thursday, August 9, 2012

21 weeks

picture taken at 21 weeks 2 days

I still feel like I'm at the awkward "is she pregnant, or fat??" stage with the baby bump!
But our baby girl is growing and thriving in there! 
She reminds me of it every single day with all of her movement :)
Feeling her little thumps throughout the day is the best feeling! 
It reminds me that my body is changing for a reason, and it's the best reason EVER!


Joeylee said...

You look great.

Cara said...

Such a cute bump! You look fantastic.

Alyx said...

psh. You just look adorable!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

You've definitely got that cute little bump! No question about it, you look adorable!

Samantha said...

You are so pretty Courtney! I want to be this cute when i'm pregnant. :)

Amanda said...

Love your precious baby bump!! You look adorbs on this picture, I love your hair! :)

Courtney said...

You look like a cute pregnant girl, i promise! You are all belly!

Tiffany said...

You look great!!!!!

Alexis Kaye said...

you are so cute! Will you please tell your belly to catch up to mine so I feel less fat? I think I'm OUT of the fat stage and now into the "IS SHE EVER GOING TO HAVE THAT BABY IT LOOKS LIKE SHE'S ABOUT TO POP" stage.

Unknown said...

You're adorable!! And I love it!!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

What a sweet photo! You look fantastic, Courtney! Really! I love the stage you're in right now. When I get pregnant, I'm not going to tell anyone until it's glaringly obvious. I already warned my husband. I love getting a rise out of people, and I can't wait until I'm at the is-she-isn't-she stage. ;-)

I'm so mean!

Megan said...

You are so stinking cute!! I love your sweet belly! I totally feel like I'm in that stage right now, too!! I just feel chunky! Haha. Oh well! It's worth it!!

Katie {Miss Dixie} said...

You look so great and the bump is precious!

Shelley said...

It is that awkward stage but it is the BEST stage of pregnancy for lots of other reasons! You look great!

Pamela said...

So stinkin cute!

Jessica M. said...

You're so cute! I love your baby bump. :)

Nicole said...

You will soon pass that stage. Congrats again!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

You def look pregnant not fat to me!

Unknown said...

totally beautiful and pregnant! love the chalkboard! great idea. i was thinking about doing something like that too, but i don't take pictures of myself while pregnant. i wouldn't want this kid to think it was more special or something. hahaha.

again you look fabulous!

Holly said...

Definitely pregnant :) You look adorable and I know your little girl will be so beautiful like you!

Eryka said...

The cutest!

Sara SHOEmaker said...

Ok there must be some kind of Blogger Memo I missed out on because it seems like every blog I look at, someone else is pregnant! How exciting is this! I wanna jump on the preggers train hahaha. And a baby girl at that how Fun! tea parties, tutu's, dress up time. what a blast, I am so happy for you! Sorry I haven't been by your blog in a while!

modest clothing giveaway over at The House of Shoes! :)

Robin said...

I can't believe you're 21 weeks and so tiny! Youre going to be like Nichole Kidman who looked like she just ate a big burrito until the day she popped out a baby!

Brittany said...

You look SO cute!! Ahhhhh, I dunno if I can wait 19 more weeks to "meet" your sweet little girl!

Unknown said...

You look great! And that 21-week bump is just the cutest! :)

Evelien said...

There's no doubt about the pregnant-ness! You're so cute :)

Cindy P said...

Look at you! You're adorable! And that is definitely a baby bump and not "just fat"! If anyone thinks the latter they are stupid!

Though I must say I went to the lady doctor yesterday for my annual visit and I overheard a lady talking on her phone saying that she would be 36 weeks on Sunday and I honestly thought she was just a very overweight person there for her annual visit! =/ You will NEVER get mistaken like that, dearie!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Enjoy the small bump!!!!!! =) xoxo

Amy said...

Gorgeous! Being pregnant agrees with you pretty girl!

xoxo, Amy

Julie said...

You're a cute pregnant girl! Looking good :)

Christy said...

My baby bump can get bigger than that on some days...and I'm not even pregnant! ;) haha! But seriously, you do NOT look fat AT ALL. You look amazing! :) I think it's true that pregnancy makes us light up from the inside out.

Bethany G said...

You look so good preggo, girl!!!

Chelsea said...

You really are a GORGEOUS preggo lady! You are just beaming!

Niken said...

you definitely look pregnant. not fat. and pretty!

Niken said...

you definitely look pregnant. not fat. and pretty!

Amanda said...

I LOVE your little bump! You definitely look preggo, not fat :) And I also love your positivity! HAPPY WEEKEND!

Wendy Annabeth said...

Congrats! You look adorbs :)

ajs {of MN} said...

super cute! i love your hair :)

Antoinette Musik said...

21 weeks! Yay thats such a milestone. You look absolutely gorgeous Courtney and anything but awkward. My best friend in New Zealand is 21 weeks and her bump looks about the same size as yours. Mine looks huge already cause I'm so short and there is no where else for the baby to go but out!

Melanie said...

Awwwwws x a million! You are too stinkn CUTE mama! Lol... I remember this stage, when someone dared to ask if I was pregnant I would just look at them & say "NO?!"... then watch their face sink & say, "I just like my beer!" Ahahaaa...! Beer belly get it?!

Allison said...

You look adorable! :)

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

I love that photo!! You look so great, and I can totally tell you have a bump and you're not fat!! It's still a small bump though. Isn't it crazy that she only weighs 1 pound and has already made such a huge physical difference in you? Babies are crazy pieces of art!

Liesl said...

Adorable!!! Also, I'm on the cute, affordable, maternity fashions...stay tuned! :)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I weigh way more then she does. TAKE THAT BABY.

oomph. said...

hey, mama! look how adorable you look! i hated that "not quite" pregnant stage, but you'll soon be past this!! hope you are doing well. love the hair!

Katie Did What said...

so cute!!! you look great, courtney :)
i have to ask, WHERE did you find that chalk board??! it's gorge!

Anonymous said...

You are such a cute pregnant mamma!!! It is always so fun to feel them jumping around in there! Enjoy every moment of it.

Holly said...

I think you definitely look pregnant, not fat, lol! :)

Lauren said...

So adorable, love the chalk board too!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

You're looking fabulous!!

lori said...

you look amazing, little mama!

if you don't mind, i'd like to have your address to send you a little something for baby?

Katie @ Lady Like said...

Cutest pregnant girl ever. x x

Kell said...

You look so beautiful!

That Girl said...

We play the pregnant or fat game all the time. I bet you look neither to people who don't know you and super pregnant to those who do!

Ariel said...

You are the most adorable pregnant woman EVER!!! Congratulations!!!

Kerry said...

You look beautiful!! Halfway there and you'll be amazed at how much she grows from here on in :) It's the best feeling when you can feel your baby move isn't it!!?

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