Tuesday, August 28, 2012

24 weeks

 Picture taken at 24 weeks 1 day

I mentioned before that I've been having sciatic pains and my lower back just aches and aches after a full day of doing hair. I try my best to wear supportive shoes when I know I'll be on my feet for a long period of time, and Eric has been helping me do stretches each night to relieve my back and hips... but I've been seriously debating whether I should try a chiropractor or massage therapist. Because the pain will only get worse as baby girl grows! Luckily I scored a daily deal (kind of like a groupon) $10 for a 30 minute prenatal massage! I'm hoping that's enough time to figure out if the massage will work, or if it will be more worthwhile to put my $$ into a chiropractor. What did you momma's do to relieve lower back and sciatic pain? Massage, chiropractor, or are you stronger than me and just suffered through the pain with no relief?! :)
On another note... 16 weeks left! How is that possible? Time is flying by! And I get butterflies each time I think about meeting our baby girl :)

p.s. I haven't done one of these in forever... life has been too crazy! But I guest posted over on Eryka's blog so check it out :)


Alicia Marie said...

I suffered and sat on a heating pad as much as I could bare. It really did ease up in the beginning of my third trimester, but now I have awful leg cramps. I guess no matter what stage you're in, there's something that's going to hurt. That's probably why babies are so cute, so they're worth the pain! :P

J and A said...

Ah your pump is so cute! I love it. Enjoy your massage!!

Katie said...

Adorable! Hope you get some back pain relief sooooon :)

Vanessa said...

you are so beautiful, mama to be!! glowing! I did physical therapy and water aerobics/therapy with both of my pregnancies, my ob's orders. hope you find relief soon! (mine never truly went away, I just stayed focused on all the positive things about being pregnant :)

Hilary said...

You look great!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Honestly, this might sound a little weird but my Gyno suggested working out a little bit to stop the back pain, obviously to sit ups or anything crazy. Just basic cardio helped with mine. Nothing makes it go away but this did help! The photo is adorable, I totally wanna do this when I'm preggo:)

Dee Stephens said...

I'm having pain too. At least I know I'm not the only one. Mine is rib/back pain :( Heating pad is my friend :)

Julie said...

Friends of mine always did monthly massages. Hopefully that works for you! :)

Miranda said...

prenatal massage are AMAZING! I wish I had started sooner in my last pregnancy. Loved it!

I think the only cure for sciatic pain is more ice cream and relaxing. LOL!!

you're a darling prego girl!

Anonymous said...

My insurance covered it, so I went to massage once a week and the chiropractor 3 times a week. It was a total life saver. I did it for five months and wonder what I would have done otherwise. I wish you the best of luck.

Crowley Family said...

You look so cute! Love your shirt! You should totally go get a pregnancy massage. You deserve one :)

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

YOU FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY LOOK PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joeylee said...

enjoy your massage!
I had a bad siatic nerve when I was prego with my second but I had it towards the end of my pregnancy and I just had to deal with it. you can ask your dr. loving your little baby bump!

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

Sooo cute!! Happy 24 weeks!

Brandy said...

I went to a chiropractor when I was pregnant. It helped a lot. By my third pregnancy, my pubic bone was popping and my chiropractor helped with that as well.

I even took my 3rd child to the chiropractor when she was 1 week old. He told me that babies misalign their backs going through the birth canal and it can cause allergy and ear problems when they get older. My two oldest had bad ear infections, so I thought I would give it a try. My girl has never had an ear infection and has never had any allergy problems in her 8 years of life. I don't know if it was coincidence or not, but I'm glad I did it either way!

Eryka said...

I would try both. My mom had that problem for years and she eventually had to have surgery but you wont bc its just from being preggers. but she said massages and chiropractor helped alot! :)

Thanks for guest posting today!

Cindy said...

Definitely go to a chiropractor!! Also, I've heard inversions are very helpful. You can read about them here: http://spinningbabies.com/techniques/241-inversion

Good luck mama!

Ashley said...

Back pain does not sound fun... especially while pregnant. I hope your massage helps! If it helps at all... you look adorable. (:

Shannon said...

I tried doing prenatal yoga DVD's to help with my backpain and used a pillow when sitting in my chair at work all day. My coworker who is currently pregnant has gone to a chiropractor and said it's really helped her.

Brittany said...

You look amazing!!!! What a precious little bump! I have had some lower back pain lately too...we learned at our birthing class this weekend that it's likely caused by the baby being up against a nerve in the back. The nurse told us to get down on all fours (sounds kinda silly, I know) for 5-10 minutes a day and let the baby gravitate towards the front of your belly rather than the back. I've done it the last couple of days and it actually seems to be helping! I'm also hoping to get a prenatal massage in before long too :). Hope your back pain eases up, pretty momma!

Randi said...

cute bump!!! love it! go get a pre-natal massage as much as you can! My SIL did and it did wonders for her! also, make a rice pack and lay on it... or a hot bath.

Kelsi Strong said...

GIrlfriend... you are so skinny!! That is my goal through this whole pregnancy. I don't want to gain any extra weight that the baby doesn't need. I am having back pain too, but I'm only at 17 weeks. I hope it gets better instead of getting worse, but I guess the size of the baby is only going to get bigger. dang it.

Genna said...

I just found you through Eryka's blog and read tons of your posts! Definitely a new daily read :)

Courtney Gordon said...

I'd opt for the chiropractor and maybe some physical therapy. I have a crappy back and have dealt with sciatica the last year and my chiropractor and PT are the only things that allow me to stand up straight and walk normally.

Chelsea said...

I hope that you feel better! You're almost there!

Shelley said...

I went to a chiropractor who was recommended to me because he specializes in prenatal care. It costs money but OH MY GOSH he helped me A LOT.

Kendra L. said...

I don't think I had that particular pain so I have no advice on that. But one thing I never did is get a prenatal massage and I am swearing to myself I will get one with my next pregnancy. I've heard it is heaven. Hope you enjoy it and it relieves some pain! Also, you look VERY cute, and I love your shirt!

Lindsay said...

I was miserable with back pain through my pregnancy and spent too many days in bed just sobbing from the pain. Next time, I'm TOTALLY seeing a chiropractor!

Samantha said...

I don't remember any agonizing back pain. The insomnia is what drove me insane, paired with Hives of course. But I have blocked out a lot of my pregnancy just b/c I really hated it...lol but that's just me :)

It won't be too long though, and I do remember the butterflies every time I realized time was getting closer!!

krista jo said...

"cat" and "cow" yoga positions have saved my lower back pains this pregnancy (and they have been much worse than the first). If it is the same pain, it should work. It is usually your ligaments softening and then getting pulled on from the baby weight. Good luck and congrats again!

Elisa said...

I did the exercise where you get on hands and knees and kind of tuck in your butt and roll your lower back. I think they are called pelvic rocks. Anyway, sounds weird, but it really worked to lessen back pain. I did them every night, and saw huge improvement. Good luck!

Allison said...

You look so cute. :) I hope your massage helps your back. I do not look forward to back pain...I'm a wimp. Haha.

Kenz said...

what a cute little mama! congrats and a million blessings!

Liz Brown said...

As a physical therapist assistant, I can tell you that a visit to a physical therapist would probably help a lot! All the PTs I've worked for have been able to teach pregnant moms how to keep themselves adjusted down in that low back/pelvis area, and it cuts down on the pain a LOT.

Anonymous said...

oh man.. i had such bad sciatica. i still get it sometimes even! i would suggest physical therapy over a chiropractor. they can do all the same things + teach you how to help yourself. a chiropractor wants you to come in ALL the time for the rest of your life. haha my PT showed me a stretch that really helped alot.. its really similar to pigeon pose in yoga.. you can google image search it :)

Whitney said...

Oh no not sciatica! I had it for a few days and then it just went away. A lot of friends and my birthing teacher said that acupuncture is supposed to help. I didn't end up doing it because it went away but I was going to if it didn't. I'm sorry you are in pain!

Alexis Kaye said...

Still looking amazing!!!!! I'm sorry about your sciatica. I've had a bit of it too. I haven't been to a chiropractor but I know they have worked wonders on me before. Massage is great, but I don't think it lasts for very long. At least with me I only feel better for the next few days. But at the same time I feel like it's worth it every once in awhile. I bought an hour massage on groupon and I have a friend who does massage for pretty cheap, like 40 and hour so I'll probably go to her a few more times before this little girl comes! good luck!!!

lori said...

im sorry you're having pain :( wish i had some tips to help you! maybe a heating pad? hope it gets better!

Carlie said...

That sounds painful! Hopefully you can find something that helps!

Anonymous said...

I had some pain when I was about 30 weeks pregnant, my doctor said my uterus was pulling to one side & giving me pain, but honestly I have no clue what it was!
Hope you get to feeling better, love you blog!

Kylie said...

I had a lot of lower back pain, and finally saw a chiropractor at 37 weeks or so. I wish I would've gone sooner....it didn't eliminate the pain totally, but it helped a lot. Good luck!

Pamela said...

You are so gorgeous!! Hope the massage helps you!! Sorry you're in pain :(

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

I wish I had advice, unfortunately I went the "grin and bear it" route but I'm curious to see how it works for you, that way when baby #2 happens Ill be prepared for that pain ;) for the record you have to be one of the cutest pregnant mommas out there.


That Girl said...

While the baby is small, I used to just move him when I got sciatic pain. - give her a gentle prodding away from whichever side so she moves off your sciatic nerve.

angie said...

your bump is so cute! you look amazing :)

Janna Renee said...

I just saw one for a prenatal massage and thought that sounded so awesome for all my pregger friends! Can't wait to check out your guest post! I actually wanted to ask you to do my "Perception Is Everything" series, to talk about your faith, but I KNOW that you have a million things going on including creating life ;)

Megan said...

You are so adorable!! Just glowing in this picture!! I haven't had any back pain too bad or anything, but I'd say definitely try the massage!!

Karina Marie Powell said...

yay you look darling!

The Jack Chronicles said...

You look great! Such a cute little baby bump :) I am totally submerged in boyland over here, so it will be fun to follow along with your little girl!

Amanda English said...

I'm all for massage therapy! I'd try a prenatal first! xoxo

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