We took Mia to her first ever movie, Frozen!! It was SO fun and Mia did great until the last 10 minutes (when we just stuffed her face with food until the end, ha!) despite the full theater! She knew I would share this on IG so she made sure to wave "hello" :)
This craptastic quality picture if proof of a date night with my hubs! Temple + dinner left us so rejuvenated that we shared old high school stories on the drive home and laughed harder than I remember in a long time :) We are due for another date night!
Young love! I told him to give Mia a kiss.... but she leaned over and took control, ha ha! Mia, Mia, Mia!!
Why yes, this IS a totally stage photo that I made Eric take to put in a shameless birthday plug, ha ha! 26 and pulling for all the social media love I could ;)
Eric and Mia picked out these pj's a few months ago together. I put him in charge of dressing her a couple weeks ago, and even though these are still a little big on her, he couldn't resist waiting any long! Mia LOVED wearing her pretty, princess pj's :)
Sometimes it just isn't fair how long time passes before friends are able to meet up, but the reunion is always so sweet with this one!
She's holding on to mommy's wallet and credit card for dear life. Baby girl ain't no dummy!
I still can't believe it's the beginning of a new month, and time for a mini recap of my IG's from the last month! Time is flying! We have some pretty fun/exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, so be sure to follow along at courtbrink!
I still can't believe it's the beginning of a new month, and time for a mini recap of my IG's from the last month! Time is flying! We have some pretty fun/exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, so be sure to follow along at courtbrink!
You guys are the cutest. LOVE the headband in Mia's last picture!
Mia is too adorable giving kisses already :) so cute!
You're gorgeous!!!!!!!
The hubs and I just had a mini date night last weekend, too, and I can't wait for the next one.
so jealous that you guys saw frozen!! and date nights. . . they're way too few and far between these days- that's for sure!! and mia- as always THE CUTEST!
Date nights are the best! We went to see frozen even though Caleb wasn't with us and we had the whole cinema to ourselves. You bet I took advantage and sang along to " let it go" at the top of my lungs!
Frozen is such a cute movie! I even saw it twice. lol.
And your daughter is beautiful! Such a sweet smile! <3
- meyouandhayleylarue.blogspot.com
Shut up with that adorable kissy pic!
Courtney, it's been way too long. I looked through a lot of your latest posts. So cute. I love the 12 month photo shoot and I love your hair. Your bangs are gone! I love the new style. Looks like life is happy and fun, as it should be, take care,
I still need to watch Frozen!!
I loved every single picture. You guys are a great family!
Ugh...I wish desperately that I could babysit her.
I can't believe Mia will sit through frozen!!! Waverly wouldn't even sit though the credits. :). The pics are beautiful!!!
Mia's first date/kiss picture is TOTALLY my favorite!!
You look GREAT in your pink pants and I just can't get over Mia and her little kiss-- it's too much!!
Your family could not be any cuter, I'm sure of it! :) Did you guys LOVE Frozen as much as I did?? Hehe, such a great movie and I can't stop listening to the soundtrack!
Oh, you and Eric are going to have your hands full with a teenage Mia! Credit cards and kisses galore!
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