Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mia's first....

Mom's got the camera out? This can't be good....
 Definitely not good. What is this crap?
 Whyyyyyyy me? Don't make me do it!
 I know they're gonna make me do it, but it's worth a shot. My sad pout face usually works every. time.
 Hmmm... maybe it's not so bad after all?
 I guess I kinda like this! I get to make a mess, mommy and daddy keep cheering for me, and maybe they'll reward me with ice cream after. Maybe??

Mia finally acted like she was hungry enough to add some rice cereal into her diet last night! It was fun to watch her reactions, especially when she pulled the sad pout face. It's my favorite ;) ha ha! As much as I hate how quickly she is growing, watching these new milestones are some of the best parts of being a parent!


Leah @ Everyday Love said...

oh my goodness, that pout!!

Carlie said...

I love the captions on the pictures! I'm glad she ended up kinda liking it!

Jennifer said...

These are too cute. I love the pics. I remember Emma's first time trying cereal. She wasn't too fond of it. She liked the oatmeal type better.

Laynah said...

that pout face is priceless.

Suget said...

MIA is sooo cute. Her pout!! haha adorable!!

Cara said...

She is so cute!! Look at those big blue eyes. Adorable.

Devon said...

Oh my goodness Courtney she is a doll! I love the captions!

Hannah said...

Oh my goodness! what a big milestone! How exciting that she is eating cereal now! And I love me a little pout face :)

alesha said...

eeeeeee! so sweet! I love that sad face, and ALL these faces!

LEIGH said...

Hahaha! That lip! Oh my goodness!

lori said...

Hahah that pout face is priceless!!

Sam said...

Haha! Very cute!


Lindsay said...

She is adorable! I love her pretty eyes.

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Haha! your captions fit her faces and reactions perfectly! SO adorable! I need to remember to document stuff like this

Emily said...

Smiley baby gets sad say what?! She ALWAYS has a smile on her face. Haha. Aw she is growing up so fast.

Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

She is going to get away with anything when she's older with that pout! So so darling.

Jessie said...

That pouty face is priceless!!!

Alexis Kaye said...

I cant freaking handle her cuteness!

Kimberly said...

Soooo cute!! With Olivia I was constantly saying "This is my favorite stage. No THIS is my favorite stage." They just keep getting better!

I think we're about to try solid foods with Axel. Maybe when he's about five months (in two weeks).

Erin said...

These photos are SO adorable! How lucky that you were able to capture so many wonderfully expressive ones! She is simply precious. I love watching babies grow and seeing how they react to new things! What a fun time for you! Thanks for sharing this "first" with us!

Care said...

You got this lil Mia!!! What a fun memorie post this will be to look back on! Cereal and all and still silly cute!

Emma Frances said...

Oh my gosh! That pouty face is ADORABLE! She really could get away with ANYTHING with that face! :] So cute!

Greta said...

Awww she is a doll! Feeding solids the first time is such a fun moment -- and it just gets more fun the more foods you introduce. Yay Mia! :D

Anonymous said...

The progression of her reaction is too cute! I love that adorable and heartbreaking pout!

Anonymous said...


Jamie Hart said...

Awwww melt my heart! I love the sad face! I like to see when parent's use the "traditional" way of feeding cereal-- with a spoon, rather than just pouring it in a bottle. Can I borrow her for a day? If I use my pouty sad face maybe?


Venassa said...

Aww love that sad pout face! My daughter used to have a similar one.

Ashley @ ladyacray.blogspot.com said...

I can't get enough of that baby!!!! I love the lip pout!

Dinah Gacon said...

WOW, what beautiful pictures of you guys capturing her reaction...it's amazing!!!! She is the cutest little poptart! Love that pouty face, ahhh!!

xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

Amberly said...

hahaha, so adorable!!


eliz said...

Hahahah I love the action pictures and captions. what a great milestone!

Nicole@mamashiptips said...

she is did it ....... So cute

Anonymous said...

hahah love the captions with the pictures.
She is such a cute baby!

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

She seriously has the cutest facial expressions ever!

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