Tuesday, January 1, 2013

new year, new me

Our new year's eve was less than exciting.... we spent the evening at home, mostly sleeping :) But Eric and I wouldn't have had it any other way! Thanks to Mia, we were all dead asleep long before midnight rolled around. And thanks again to Mia, we were up in time to ring in the new year as a family of 3! 2012 was the most exciting year for us as we anticipated the arrival of our baby girl. Now we can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for us and we are so excited to watch our daughter grow!

 One special moment of snuggling Mia in the hospital.

My new year's resolution is to be the best momma I can possibly be to my angel baby! And of course, to be the best wifey ever because Eric deserves the best :) And maybe to get back in shape, ha ha! But I am going to strive to be the very best I can be for my little family that I love so much! I'm sure I'll add more resolutions to the list as time goes on, but for now? My focus is loving my sweet family :)

P.S. Birth story is coming up next! Promise :)


Pamela said...

I just look forward to your post!! Love you!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I love all your mommy posts:) I'm so happy for you!! Can't wait to watch Mia grow.. I'm sure you'll be a fantastic Mommy! xo

Rorie said...

Can't wait for the birth story! She is precious!!

Erin said...

Yay for birth story, can't wait! Happy New Year to the family of three :)

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh! This is the first time that I have gotten some good blog reading in in almost two weeks! She is gorgeous!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!!!!

Julie said...

Cute pic momma!

Niken said...

she's so cute!!!
and i love her name. pretty name for pretty girl :)

Allison said...

That picture is so sweet Courtney!!! Can't wait to hear the birth story! :)

lori said...

what a beautiful picture, courtney!! i hope that your sweet family is getting lots of sleep... and cant wait to read mia's birth story!

That Girl said...

Mia didn't want to miss her first New Years!

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

aww sounds like you had a great new years eve :) looking forward to the reading the birth story friend!

Jasmyne! said...

How precious and that picture melts my heart! We went to sleep wayy before the new year so kudos to you! You look great and take your time, you will have soo much time to exercise later, enjoy your beautiful baby girl!

Unknown said...

what an adorable moment captured! those are great things to have as goals for the year! love it!

Genna said...

How sweet is that picture?! Seriously. And you are going to be an amazing mom. I didn't find your blog until after you announced your pregnancy, but just following the last few months I could tell how much you loved Mia, which is enough :) Happy new year and God bless your family!

Shay said...

I remember thinking in the hospital (an still think it often) how if all I accomplish is to be a good mother to my sweet baby then that is enough. I know you will exceed that goal!

Diane Writes said...

Hi Courtney! 2013 will surely be a memorable and happy year for you. Wishing you all the best with your favorite little one :)


I love that picture of you a Mia. I can't wait to read the birth story!

Anonymous said...

eeeeeek so exciting! Love the snuggles! xoxo

Tamara said...

I don't think I've told you congratulations yet! She is gorgeous and I absolutely love her name! I can't wait to watch her grow!

Dee Stephens said...

That baby has a ton of hair! Yes, we both have an exciting year ahead!

Emily said...

Mia is PRECIOUS! I cannot imagine the amount of love you all are experiencing together!

Liesl said...

I just loved following you on this journey into motherhood and how wonderful to have Mia's birth story to look back on years from now! She is truly beautiful, and I could not be happier for you both!!! <3

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I think this is a great plan!

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