Sunday, December 30, 2012

scenes from my Christmas

I look like death.... totally blaming it on the newborn!

Christmas was definitely different this year, thanks to my angel baby! Instead of going out for Christmas eve breakfast, Eric and I took Mia to her first doctor's appointment. Instead of spending the holiday at my parents house, my family stayed at mine. We didn't open presents until after noon. Mia had more Christmas gifts than Eric and I did (but they were just as fun to open, ha!) And there was the sweetest feeling around the house because we were celebrating Christmas with a brand new baby, my daughter! Eric and I have never been more blessed.... we are so grateful for our perfect Mia. And we are also extremely grateful to my family for all of their help, and for being patient enough to let Mia run the show :) 
I'm definitely looking forward to celebrating this special season next year. Teaching Mia about the birth of our Savior, playing Santa, having my life together again (this mom thing is quite the adjustment, ha) to start new traditions and continue with old ones, etc... I'm so excited to experience all of it with my growing Mia!


Eryka said...

She is the most precious thing ever. Such a cute family!

Rorie said...

Amazzzzing pictures from her first Christmas!!

Meesh said...

Yay! Beautiful holiday!! :) -Meesh :)

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

Aww so happy you had your little angel baby around for the holidays this year :) How fun when she is one and totally into opening next year! I love the first photo of you two--so sweet :)

eas said...

congratulations. she is just beautiful. such a great christmas gift. the best ever.

Denise said...

She looks just like Eric! Cutie. Holidays are so much better with kiddos :)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

So precious! its really crazy how things change once you have babies but its usually always for the better:)

Alyx said...

Ahhh!! You guys are just the cutest little family! So happy for you!

Dee Stephens said...

Christmas was different here too but all for the better!

Julie said...


Amy G said...

Yay for Christmas with your sweet angel. She's gorgeous :)

Jenn @ What You Make It said...

Oh my goodness, what a Christmas present : ) She is adorable! And I love the name Mia. Congratulations!!

Anna & Kirby said...

What an exciting time! Enjoy it and just know everyone goes through an adjustment period (at least I hope so because I dd...ha)

Courtney Gordon said...

looks like your Christmas was awesome! I love all the sweet pictures of your little Mia.

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Congratulations! Mia is so beautiful! And her and I have the same birthday!!

Unknown said...

What a fun first Christmas!! I can't wait to watch her grow!

Maria said...

Merry Christmas to you, Eric and Mia!! She is so sweet and tiny!! Glad your day was so year you'll be celebrating a birthday and Christmas! :) amazing!
Happy almost New Year!

That Girl said...

I dunno, I bet that first appointment was even more exciting than the typical Christmas Eve breakfast.

Mrs. Bennett Has Class said...

Congratulations to you and here's to wishing you a Happy New Year with a new, little life to make your world that much better!


Nikki said...

Congratulations, what a cutie she is! I'm sure Christmas was extra special with Mia this year :)

Liz Brown said...

What a FUN different Christmas though! I have to say, I think Mia looks just like her dad.

Carlie said...

What a special Christmas! She is so cute!

Kristen said...

Sounds like the perfect Christmas...and many more to follow! Congrats she is beautiful!!

Allison said...

What a sweet first Christmas as a family of 3!

Unknown said...

aww yay! :) a little Christmas baby. I can imagine how different of a Christmas it was ;). Cheers.

Unknown said...

What an amazing Christmas gift. Your little Mia is so precious. Love that first picture with her big beautiful brown eyes!! :)

Meg Arnold said...

Congratulations Courtney and Eric! Such an amazing Christmas present! What a sweet little girl you have and you both are glowing with happiness < 3 definitely one of my favorite blogs to read {you are just that real} Happy New Year! cheers, Meg

eliz said...

She was just in time for Christmas! Beautiful1

Hannah/ Mommarazzi said...

so cute & you look beautiful! merry christmas to you & yours

Anonymous said...

Congrates dear.....Nice to see you.....very cute baby you have....sooo sweettt....
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Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

What an exciting time though! Glad you had a very magical Christmas!

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