Thursday, December 13, 2012

39 weeks

picture taken at 39 weeks (on time for once, too bad this post is like 4 days late)

- As Eric and I were headed out for a walk earlier this week, we passed the stroller on our way out the door. Eric said, "I can't WAIT to take this stroller out on a walk with us!" It was just the cutest little statement... I love how excited he is to be a dad!!

- The swelling has been relentless this past week. I am constantly drinking water and doing everything I can to keep the swelling down, but it doesn't seem to help. I guess my body is just done being pregnant?

- I retired my wedding ring on Sunday :( I'll be wearing a fake one until baby is born. It's better than running the risk of not being able to get my ring off because of the swelling, right?

- Here's something FUN... I sprained my jaw Tuesday evening. SERIOUSLY! Anytime I lay down it puts quite a bit of strain on my body considering my tummy muscles are useless because my full grown baby has taken over. Tuesday night I took a bath and the strain of laying back in the tub transferred pressure to my jaw and sprained it because the ligaments are so loose. Ha ha... it's just so ridiculous! Those loose ligaments better mean that baby girl is poppin' out ASAP ;)

- My due date is SUNDAY! (I know, I'm always late with my weekly updates...) Say a little prayer that baby girl makes her arrival in the next couple days :) I really don't want to be overdue, ha ha!


Eryka said...

I am so excited for youuu! :)

raisealittlecain said...

Can't wait to see your little girl!!
You guys are going to be great parents :)

Katie Did What said...

Awwww what a sweet little comment about the stroller! :) You look amazing, and I am soooo excited for you to have baby girl soon! I will definitely say a little prayer for you, girl!


Jessica M. said...

How exciting! How sweet would it be if Baby Girl actually came on her due date?! :)

Unknown said...

yay! being late isn't all that bad, sure it stinks counting days past your due date, but still not bad. i'm an expert at it! :) hahaha.

do you have an induction date incase she doesn't come, or are you going to wait till you go into labor? either way SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FLIPPIN EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Liz Brown said...

Thats crazy about your jaw! Being in physical therapy, I've heard a couple of wild stories about you loose-ligamented prego ladies. :)

You are allllmost done! Hang in there.

Megan said...

You look amazing!! I can't believe that she is almost here! AHHHHH!!

Megan said...

Oh my gosh! It is so close! Hang in there! That baby will be here soon! So excited for you and your family!

Diane Writes said...

Hi Courtney! Your first precious one's bday is a day after mine. Anyway, I will always remember you and your baby in the blogosphere. You and your baby's special day is indeed a milestone. Make happy memories and I'm praying for your easy and safe delivery.

Amanda said...

Good idea about your wedding rings .. Keep them at home out of harms reach. My sisters were stolen out if her hospital room when she had my niece 10 years ago. SO excited for y'all and can't wait to "meet" baby girl!!!

Mindy said...

Ready or not ... here.she.comes. GOOD LUCK! :)

Cara said...

Wow!! Just about there!!! I hope everything goes perfectly for you! You still look gorgeous.

Alexis Kaye said...

It's so sad to retire the ring!!! I haven't been wearing mine since about 20 weeks!!! so sad! AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR DUE DATE IS SOOOO SOOON!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Can't wait to see the sweet lil thing! I'm a little jealous ;)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

I got really swollen with Bennett!! I had to stop wearing my ring at like 34 weeks. I feel your pain! Ha ha. Can't believe you are due any day now! Your pregnancy has just flown by!! So excited for you!

Rissi said...

Cannot wait to hear about your new addition, Courtney! Will be thinking of you. :)

Tiffany @ Austin Family Diary said...

OMG! The sweetest comment ever about the stroller! Everytime we pass someone with a stroller, Cody always checks it out to see what kind it is lol. I'll keep you guys in my prayers for a baby girl this weekend :)

Kell said...

Goodness.. I didn't even know you could sprain a jaw, let alone do it that way! I hope you feel better soon.

You guys are so cute,I can't wait for your new addition to arrive!

Maria said...

I'm so sorry about your sprained jaw!! It's crazy what pregnancy can cause our bodies to do. I will be praying your baby girl makes her arrival very very soon!! Adorable photo!! Xoxox

Genna said...

Praying for you this weekend! Hopefully sooner rather than later ;) I found your blog just before you announced baby girl and I have absolutely loved following your journey. Watching the two of you grow into parenthood is going to be just as exciting! Like I said, praying that things will go smoothly, and hopefully quickly for you!!

Allison said...

Such a cute picture!!! Maybe your last one??? And I didn't even know you could sprain your jaw. Ouch.

K said...

I didn't even know it was possible to sprain your jaw! You poor thing! Hope it doesn't hurt too much! Can't wait to see pics of Baby Girl!

Anonymous said...

Whoa strained jaw? That's strange. I can't believe baby girl is going to be here any day!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

Carlie said...
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Carlie said...

I am so excited for you two! Good luck with everything! =)

Kendra L. said...

A sprained jaw from laying in the bath tub? That is the strangest thing I've heard! (not that I don't believe you) The THINGS pregnancy does to our bodies!! I hope that baby girl comes SOON and I mean by your due date at least! I'm sure you've heard the COMFORTING statement though, "usually with the first baby moms tend to go overdue"
GOOD LUCK Courtney!!

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I'm such a good friend, because I didn't text you back! I suck. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

girl, she's coming tomorrow. I just have a feeling. that's my prediction, and if I'm wrong.. well.. then she'll come the day after that or the day after that.

Amira said...

Ahh, this post gave me butterflies! You are due so soon! Girl, if it makes you feel any better I've had a fakey ring for two weeks now due to swelling and I'm not due for 4 more weeks!

Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh, you're sooo close! How exciting. Hoping your baby girl makes her appearence soon. Good luck to you!

Suget said...

I CANNOT WAIT!! I think I need to give you my phone # so you can call or text me with updates!! I AM THAT EXCITED!!!
LOOOOOOVE that photo too!

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

Aww.. I know you have to be excited to take that stroller out to;) Praying baby girl soon arrives!

That Girl said...

I retired my wedding ring early and wore my dad's. I liked having him be a part of the pregnancy since he wasn't around.

ajs {of MN} said...

youre sooo soooo close!! best of luck to you for a healthy and speedy delivery!

Jessica said...

Thinking of you!! I know these last few weeks, hopefully days of waiting are the hardest! Hang in there and you will be holding your sweet baby girl in no time at all!!

Janna Renee said...

AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! I hope she has popped out or is about to!! I can't believe it!!!!

Unknown said...

That picture killed me, it's so sweet!

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